Thursday, September 01, 2011

In Which Deirdre Comes to Call

Sven called to me, “There’s a woman outside.”

He was doing dishes at the sink, since the power was off and the dishwasher could not be used. I peered out the window. A stranger stood on the lawn, studying the house as if to memorize every shingle. I opened the door and met Deirdre.

“I stayed in this house in 1963,” she said, a faraway look in her eyes. The memory was obviously a good one. “It’s very evocative for me. The house was rundown then. But we had a marvelous time. It’s lovely to see it so well taken care of. And your gardens!!”

My gardens did not look so hot due to Irene’s wrath. The drooping phlox leaves called out for water. The photo above was taken a couple weeks ago when the cleome patch was perfect.

“I was pregnant,” Deirdre continued, still dreamy. “We rented from Frank O’Connor. Have you heard of him? He wrote The Last Hurrah.”

I told her my parents had bought the house from a playwright named Victor Wolfson in 1969, that Faye Dunaway had visited while Wolfson was the owner, that I had heard she was “high-maintenance.”

We chatted some more about Wellfleet. Deirdre, who has been coming here for years, rents on the other side of Long Pond Road.

“The town has changed such a lot since 1963,” she said. “We didn’t see any McMansions back then. Such abominations!”

I could only agree.

“Every time we’re here, we find new delights,” she added.

True again. You can come to Wellfleet for 48 years and never get tired of the place.

We sat there is silence.

“Thanks for letting me walk into my past,” Deirdre said, standing up.

It’s something everyone needs to do once in a while. We shook hands and she was gone.

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How lovely - I'm glad Deirdre was able to relive her time at Chez Sven (pre-Chez Sven), albeit briefly. Don't you wish you could go back to some of the memorable vacation spots of your youth?
1 reply · active 707 weeks ago
'Tis true. My family used to vacation on the Patuxent River, in rural MD. Would love to go back and reminisce.
What an amazing encounter -- you are so right that we all need to visit our past sometimes. I love the name Deirdre too. And I bet your gardens actually looked nice, despite Irene!
What a great story, and Deirdre looks amazing for having stayed there in 1963. And I hadn't heard the story about Faye Dunaway. Have you done any history-of posts I've missed, Sandy? Fun stuff.
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1 reply · active 707 weeks ago
Not sure if I did a post where I mentioned Faye Dunaway. My mom used to claim the Duke of Windsor visited once for a garden party, but that was way before my time.
What a poignant story. So many times when I'm visiting my childhood home, I drive by my old home, so tempted to ring the bell and ask if I can come in. But I fear I will get all choked up at seeing all the changes. One day, I might just get up the nerve to do it.
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1 reply · active 707 weeks ago
Sheryl, I know just how you feel! My Italian ex-husband (with whom I'm on good terms) keeps inviting me back to a vacation house we went to for years with our young children I get choked up just THINKING about all the memories (good and bad) attached to that place, so I always refuse to return. Sometimes "you can't go home again" as Thomas Wolfe would say....
Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 707 weeks ago

Nice story. I hope I'm so well received when I go back to visit my mother's house the next time we're in the city. You're right, it's something some of us must do, revisit the past, from time to time. And of course, I agree with her on the McMansions. :)
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The Writer's Journey's avatar

The Writer's Journey · 707 weeks ago

What a story that is. It's always fascinating to hear about the lives of our homes before they were ours.
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1 reply · active 707 weeks ago
I loved the TV movie "If These Walls Could Talk." Did you see it? I am fascinated by what our homes experienced in the past, too.
NoPotCooking's avatar

NoPotCooking · 707 weeks ago

That is very nice to read. And nice that you took the time to talk with her. It's funny how we get attached to places we stayed, as if they were people somehow.
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Vera Badertscher's avatar

Vera Badertscher · 707 weeks ago

Nice story--like a piece of the history of your house.
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judy stock's avatar

judy stock · 707 weeks ago

Loved the trip down memory lane. Lovely!
What a lovely encounter that turned into a beautiful post. I'm glad that the two of you had a chance to chat. Just look at what you would have missed if she had wandered by on a day when you didn't have time to notice.
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love this, Sandy.
My recent post The Times, They Have Changed A Whole Bunch
What an absolutely wonderful post- and wonderful visit!!! I was amazed to see how many talented people have lived in that house (yourself included)- Look at the line of writers :)

This was indeed a wonderful post!
alisa bowman's avatar

alisa bowman · 707 weeks ago

I will attest to your wonderful gardens. Love that she just popped up like this. So magical.
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Lovely story. Even if you can never step into the same river twice, you can still enjoy the view from the river bank.
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What a great picture and sentiments. I think we all could benefit from 'walking into our past' every once in awhile.

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