The place to be, for one day each summer, here on Cape Cod, is not Wellfleet,

it's Truro. And, that day has come. Today the neighboring town celebrates agriculture in a big way with its third annual Ag Fair. People are being asked to carpool, or take the bus, as parking is very limited, and the plan for 2011 is to make the center of town pedestrian only. It is for this reason that I will probably not journey down Route 6 this year, although I have loved going in the past. Let me clarify: one can no longer zip in and zip out. I have too much already on my plate today. Still, I'd love a slice of pie. Pie-eating contests, great veggies, everything organic, farm animals... If you are looking for a fun way to spend a couple hours en famille, take in the Truro Ag Fair!
Heather Larson · 707 weeks ago
My recent post Take a Jaunt to Jetty Island: Last Chance This Season
connie · 707 weeks ago