9/11 touched Wellfleet in a personal way: two residents were murdered. For nine years there was a bronze memorial plaque at the post office, but it has disappeared, so I cannot give you both names. I only know the back story for one of the victims. Berry Berenson boarded American Airlines Flight 11 in Boston, to fly to Los Angeles and see family. I always thought, how crazy: that could have happened to me.
On this day of remembrance, we also need to think about the folks who tried to rescue those who died that day. You may have heard that the 9/11 responders do not receive health coverage that covers cancer. Congress should be ashamed of this decision.
I scratched my head last week as I read a Boston Globe headline:
Everyone knows breathing in toxic dust at ground zero cannot have been good for health.
There was also an article in today's New York Times on the dust, and what the paper calls, "the greatest environmental disaster in New York's history."
This week CNN’s senior health reporter Sanjay Gupta even did a special called "Terror in the Dust." I have not yet seen it but hope to.
Where were you on 9/11? Do you see 9/11 as the day that changed the world forever?
connie · 706 weeks ago
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Living Large · 706 weeks ago
We knew then we were at war. The emotions we felt over my brother's death were still so raw, but we knew that many more families, not just on 9/11, but in the future, would be affected by this new war for generations to come. The responsibility the government is shirking for the health of the first responders and others who now suffer from illness due to the dust reminds me of them doing the same with our war veterans. The government had patent answers for those suffering from PTSD, blaming it on "personality disorders before service" so they didn't have to pay benefits. It's criminal.
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chezsven 82p · 706 weeks ago
sarah henry · 705 weeks ago
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