Here is my latest letter to the editor of the Cape Cod Times: "Every week there’s new evidence showing pesticide use is injurious to people. Today brings an article in the journal Pediatrics reporting a probable link between exposure to pesticides and ADHD. Glyphosate, sold retail as Roundup, is an endocrine disrupter that affects reproductive health and may also cause chronic disease in children, prostate cancer, Parkinsons … The list goes on and on. Glyphosate needs to be banned. What? ... The National Seashore plans to apply glyphosate to the phragmites in Wellfleet’s Herring Pond? What?! Glyphosate is one of the herbicides NStar intends to spray under the power lines? It's widely used in the USA, so that proves it must be safe? Ha, ha. Think again. Recently researchers found glyphosate in water and air in the Midwest. This is bad news for humanity. Don't use this poison. Cape Cod is a sandbar. We drink water from a sole-source aquifer. What goes into the ponds, or into the ground, will go into us. The latest research shows that even trace amounts wreck havoc with the hormone system in the developing fetus. Pesticides are more dangerous than previously believed. How many new studies do we need before these toxic chemicals are banned?"
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