Jamie (son-in-law): “I ran around Long Pond. It was really gorgeous, peaceful, quiet, with no one there.”
Paul (guest):

“You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Do you realize that?”
Me to Alan (guest): “Did you have a good day? Did you see whales?”
Alan, with a big grin: “Loads!”
Dick Morrill (from Facebook): “HEY!! Yeah, I'm talking to you, the guy in charge of summer. You call this summer? I've seen summer, and I know summer, and this ain't no ‘summer.’ This is, what?

A warm spell? And, what's with all that rain.
Jeez. Now Texas, they're having a summer. Over 100 degrees every day. See, that's what we could have if we had Rick Perry praying for us. Well, no way he's ever going to pray for a state like Massachusetts... Oh well, I'm going to get my jacket and go to the beach.”
Betsy (return guest): “And, he irons, too?”
Sven: “We can’t live in a more beautiful place. We have to appreciate it. Carpe Diem!”
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