1.) Litter bug/polluter,
2.) Earth squanderer,
3.) Capitalist.
Reporter Jeff McMahon asked this very question of his readers two years ago, and no one could come up with an exact antonym, at least no antonyms that weren’t pejorative.
The definition is “a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment.”
One reason to advocate is pollution. We are polluting ourselves out of existence. When you think about it, we should all be environmentalists.
Did you know this week is Pollution Prevention Week? (Do visit the EPA site and get some ideas on preventing pollution.)
I have not always been an environmentalist. I trusted the government to take care of the earth. But now I realize, with regret, that my trust was misplaced. Different times require different behavior. Environmentalism had almost gone out of style. But that, too, is changing. Bloggers can spread the word on how desperate the situation has become. We need to fight pollution on all fronts.
There’s plastic pollution, something I have weighed in on already.
Toxic synthetic chemicals surround us, polluting modern life. (Watch this brilliant short video from the Environmental Working Group and join the movement.)
In the Midwest, the air and water are polluted with glyphosate. Pesticide residue pollutes the food we eat. Monsanto has polluted our seeds with the insertion of GMOs.
The government will soon decide whether or not to allow the extraction of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale, despite the ground swell of opposition to fracking and the fact that such a procedure will create pollution of the drinking water of millions of people.
Here on Cape Cod, NStar intends to pollute our sole-source aquifer by spraying four herbicides under the power lines.
Do you consider yourself an environmentalist?
Faye · 704 weeks ago
an "enviroterminalist"**
one whose acts or actions or inactions add to or lead to or avoid or fail to stop the harm to a healthly sustained environment.
**(granted it's a word created in and from my own mind, not to be found a la google or a dictonary). But for me it merges fact and emotion. A fitting label for those who prove to care not-at-all about harming the air, water, earth, animal, insect, nor, ultimately, human life.....
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chezsven 82p · 704 weeks ago
Stan · 704 weeks ago
I like Faye's portmanteau!!
chezsven 82p · 704 weeks ago
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alisa bowman · 704 weeks ago
I do consider myself an environmentalist, but never as good of one as I'd like to be. I think the opposite might be a consumption-ist -- because most of what is bad for the earth can be boiled down to over consumption.
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chezsven 82p · 704 weeks ago
ed pilolla · 704 weeks ago
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Jennifer Margulis · 704 weeks ago
My son has a lovely friend whose parents idle their cars ALL THE TIME AND FOR NO REASON. I want to mention it to them but I don't want to offend them. Still, to spew that much unnecessary waste into the air we all breath all the time is just unconscionable. But for them it's a bad habit, or they aren't aware, perhaps, of the pollution they are generating. (I won't go into a rant about how they live less than a mile from school yet drive their children every single day.)
America, please! Let's stop this nonsense before we poison ourselves out of existence.
Rant over. Forgive me. Yes I'm an environmentalist and I feel strongly that we all need to work together to solve these devastating problems.
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