Here's Winslow's Tavern, all decked out for the Fourth of July. Today, in Wellfleet, there will be no parade. It will take place on Monday instead. There will be no fireworks either, neither Sunday nor Monday, due to budgetary considerations. Oh, don't moan over that. Provincetown, being more affluent, will celebrate, and their display can be seen from Duck Harbor. I don't like to be a party pooper but fireworks are not good for the environment. They may look cool but having residue from toxic chemicals floating in the air over Wellfleet Harbor is definitely not such a cool idea.
Blue fireworks give off dioxin. What's more, the noise disrupts the nesting habits of some terns and piping plovers, according to my friend Tracy Plaut. Instead, check out Winslow's, where musical fireworks are on tap, along with the beer and festive atmosphere.
stan · 768 weeks ago
It is with some sadness that I read that Wellfleet has had to cancel its fireworks due to the Greatest Depression. But, it seems oddly appropriate this year that such a quintessential piece of Americana has been lost.
Indeed, many today are speaking instead of "Dependence Day." Some say our core values of Independence, Individualism, and Freedom have been replaced by interdependence, collectivism, and hard economic imperatives. Our pride and courage supplanted by apologies and rampant fear of all manner of invisible enemies. We have largely ceded our self responsibilities and become Dependent - upon foreign oil, the whims of globalism and world markets, Federal bailouts, Federal oversight, takeovers and endless unemployment extensions - to blunt and save us from the harsh consequences of our own choices. Our bright future is now clouded and uncertain, the people deeply divided, our basic, Fundamental Constitutional Rights given to us by our Maker up for grabs in the razor-thin votes of unelected officials in black ceremonial robes.
Yet we shall continue to stubbornly and proudly cling to our rights and our values and on this day celebrate the rich traditions that tie us together. We honor and respect those that came before and defended our freedoms even when they weren't popular or convenient. We thank those in harm's way even today, overseas, doing America's work on our behalf. And we hold on to hope that despite our diversities - race, heritage, gender, and viewpoint - we as Americans can stand by what made us great and find our way through this period to a place where we can once again be fiercely proud of our accomplishments, our freedoms, our differences and America and all it stands for.
Love and Peace to Wellfleet and Happy Birthday America
Jennifer Margulis · 768 weeks ago