Monday, July 12, 2010

PB Boulangerie Bistro to Open for Dinner

I snapped the photo above one year and one week ago. When I stopped by, Philippe Rispoli and Boris Villatte had begun tearing down the walls at the old clam shack on LeCount Hollow Road themselves, unable to wait one day longer to start their project. The right-hand wall of the small shop is now covered with baskets. Each basket contains a different type of bread. A line of customers snakes out the door toward the parking lot. Today I bought bread with my daughter, who grew up outside Paris, and she commented, "Makes me nostalgic. Smells like France in here ..."

How far the two childhood friends have come since this photo! Their dream has been realized with the phenomenal success of their bakery, opened in February: (Un succes fou!) Several weeks ago the chef flexed his culinary muscles cooking breakfast and lunch for the bistro. Now the big moment has arrived: (Le grand moment!) Time for more serious activity: (Passons aux choses serieuses.) Philippe will offer up cuisine francaise starting Wednesday, which happens to be Bastille Day. Since the PB Boulangerie Bistro owners are sensible folks, they decided to stop serving breakfast and concentrate on dinner. Light fare will be available in the dining room and on the deck from 3 to 5. Then "le diner" will be served from 5 to 11. Escargots? Coq au Vin? Cuisses de grenouille? I have not yet been fortunate enough to get a peek at the menu, but I bet moules marinieres will be featured, as well as clever adaptations of French specialties, only featuring "Wellfleet" prominently in the name. Get your stars ready: (Preparez vos etoiles!) This is sure to be a class act. Remember that old French proverb, "Qui mange bien, vit bien." What?? That's not a French proverb? Well, it should be. A table!

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Viva la France! Every time I read one of these posts, the Cape moves higher on my wish list for travel. Thanks for the temptations.
My recent post Bastille Day Giveaway- Travel Books for France
By email:
Bonsoir Alexandra,
C'est un tres belle article que vous avez ecris sur nous.
Merci beaucoup pour votre support depuis le debut de notre projet.
Sincere salutation
Et Merci Encore

Boris et Philippe
Jennifer Margulis's avatar

Jennifer Margulis · 766 weeks ago

C'est super chouette! J'ai tellement envie de venir manager à ce nouveau restaurant mais j'habite très loin. Je les souhaite une bonne suite à leur succes jusqu'à present!
My recent post Shakespeare- and Good Eats in Ashland- Oregon
My mouth is watering--I was hoping for some snapshots of pastries--maybe even a recipe or two in future posts?
See, you do have some delicious goings on close to home. Do you serve these boys baked goods at your B&B?
My recent post Berkeley Bites- Christopher &amp Veronica Laramie- eVe Restaurant
Almost Slowfood's avatar

Almost Slowfood · 766 weeks ago

I am really hungry and could go for some yummy coq au vin. Congrats!

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