Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calling All Recycling Volunteers!

Towards dinnertime every day this month, a steady stream of vacationers has reluctantly left Cahoon Hollow Beach for a rental home or motel room. It's great this Wellfleet beach is so popular with the muscle-flexing, beer-drinking crowd, who often come with young children. These beachgoers get a bite to eat for lunch at The Beachcomber, which doubles as a nightclub, or will have thought ahead to bring a picnic. But just take a look at the trash they leave behind ...

Distressed, I called Lydia Vivante, chair of the Wellfleet Recycling Commission, and suggested a recycling bin might be in order. After all, recycling is an option at the pier now. I told her about my B&B guest from last week, who had wandered around the village in search of a recycling bin. I was the one who finally took his empty plastic water bottle to the transfer station.

Lydia explained, with patience, that the issue was certain visitors, who do not know what to do with their household trash and deposit it in random trashcans before departure. She told me that the Recycling Commission was working on bins for Main Street, in front of the liquor store and perhaps Wellfleet Marketplace, but the problem was to find that special person who would be responsible for collection and transportation to the dump. (If you want to volunteer, or know of someone who has free time in summer, do contact Lydia.)

I attended the first fifteen minutes of the Recycling Commission meeting on Tuesday and was extremely impressed. The subject at hand was STYROFOAM and what to do with it. (Someone had left two styrofoam coolers near the bins at Cahoon Hollow and other people diligently deposited their beer cans in the cooler as they reached the parking lot.)

Tomorrow, Sunday, Lydia is organizing a sale of New Englander Rain Barrels at the special rate of $75, more than 25% off the regular price, from 11 to 1 on the Town Hall Lawn. Come support the Recycling Commission and do the water table a favor by buying a rain barrel or two.

Who do you think should be responsible for collection of recycled plastic in summer? Should the DPW add this task to their long list of responsibilities? How can we discourage tourists from leaving household trash in trashcans at the beach? Do you know why Styrofoam is bad for the environment?

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Emailed from David: Hmmm. I wonder if it would be possible to attach some sort of grid to the top of the trash cans that only the DPW could remove? Big enough to allow individual items, but impossible to dump a whole garbage bag in unless one stood there and emptied out the bag and placed each item in separately. As the essential mode of the "crime" is speedy dump and getaway, this grid top might effectively deter dumpers not likely to empty out their bags to deposit items individually while a crowd watches. Perhaps easier, there are ready made recycling bins whose openings only allow cans and bottles.
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
I like the idea of carry in, carry out at the beach. Perhaps, if people took more responsibility for their trash, they would be more conscious of their waste. I am also a proponent of drinking fountains. Whatever happened to them? Why must Americans buy bottled water?

Thank you for your excellent letter to the Health Board, which was read at their PAYT meeting last night. I like the idea of calling it the "Smart Plan."
While I'm glad to see people actually using the trash cans instead of leaving their garbage on the beach, you are right to raise this issue. I hope a solution is found!
Styrofoam is ILLEGAL in Portland, Oregon. I think it should be illegal in Massachusetts also. We have to stop generating the trash in the first place. Don't you think? I guess that's not realistic. So, to answer your question, I think ANY littering should be heavily fined and also stigmatized so that people will stop doing it.
I'm not sure how it's working out, but the state beaches in Delaware did a "carry in, carry out" rule years ago. Basically they have no trash receptacles on the beach AT ALL and they rely on locals/regulars to police and yell at anyone who even thinks about leaving trash sitting in the sand. I thought it was super crazy in the beginning, but the beaches amazingly stayed clean of trash.
My recent post 40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years- Part 3
you write that you learned " the issue was certain visitors, who do not know what to do with their household trash" what are the ways to educate them, I wonder?
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I know it won't please the beer crowd, but I'd love to see a return of water fountains to public places! Bonus if they're made so that people can refill their water bottles (BPA free, of course). If folks know that there's access to water at the beach, maybe they'll bring less trash in the first place.
My recent post Sampling Island Delicacies
This is tough. You want to provide some place to deposit trash or recyclables so that people don't leave it behind, but indeed someone needs to empty those spots. I don't know what the answer is ... other than personal responsibility, and we know how that usually goes.

I know that styrofoam is bad, but I don't know the details on why ... maybe a future post?
My recent post Pounce!
This is so tough. When we go to the beach (here on Long Island) we bring everything home with us. I use containers for the sandwiches instead of wrapping them in saran wrap or baggies. Those are too easy to get loose and fly away. it really REALLY makes me angry when I see litter at the beach (or when we're out Kayaking). My 7 year old told me that he didn't want to play with a boy in the neighborhood anymore. I asked why and he said, "Mom--he LITTERS."
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It's so upsetting to see the beauty of a beach littered with (other people's) garbage. There definitely needs to be some personal responsibility here.
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MyKidsEatSquid's avatar

MyKidsEatSquid · 764 weeks ago

I went with my kids to a beach on Monday--a private one--and it was scattered with beer cans, cigarette stubs and glass bottles. I took the time to clean it up myself but it was just so sad. I noticed cans strewn just under a sign that said--no littering.
In NZ we have many areas in parks saying that they are rubbish bin-free zones and that everyone should pack their trash out. It works surprisingly well here. On streets though, it would be good to have recycling bins instead of just bins headed for the tip.
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It amazes me why anyone would throw trash on a beach, or in the woods, or on a sidewalk. Who should be responsible for collecting trash on the beach? The people who put it there.
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I'd suggest, for a start, a sign that creates guilt in people who don't conjure it up by themselves. For example: "This is a beautiful place. Have you left it as perfect as you found it?" It would work on me. But then, I'm so guilt-prone, I wouldn't cause problems in the first place.
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