Friday, July 16, 2010

Do You Eat Genetically-Modified Foods?

The answer to the question in the title today is probably yes, if you live in the United States. Finally, citizens are beginning to wake up to the danger of genetically-modified crops. Not only is there the question of whether GMOs are good for people to eat or not (and I think not), but GMO crops spread through self-seeding and corrupt what is being grown organically nearby. GMOs have been imposed on the USA and not a peep did the industry hear from anyone. Europe was sensible to create laws against GMOs. Sign a petition against GMOs here. Fortunately there's a growing movement to promote local food and use organic food from community gardens, like this one here in Wellfleet, where Philipe Hunt of Winslow's Tavern collected calendula blossoms last weekend. Here's the Buy Fresh Buy Local Web site to help you find wholesome food on Cape Cod. Remember, you are what you eat. Check out the video below which explains how to identify whether or not the food you buy is genetically-modified and please do your best to pressure legislators on this important issue.

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laura kelley's avatar

laura kelley · 766 weeks ago

In 1989 GMO's were passed in US. No other country allowed GMO foods to be grown. In 1992 the label system changed due to the fact that citizens were not eating things that said GMO on them. So now the labels don't need to list what we are eating - we don't realize it is still GMO foods. How crooked is this? It's been 18 years - everything that does not say Organic is genetically modified food.

Eat locally grown all-natural foods from the farmers you trust...GO TO FARMERS MARKET TOMORROW IN ORLEANS 8am to 11am. next to the chocolate sparrow. get their early for fresh eggs & the sweetest carrots ever!

ALSO - tomorrow at the Eastham transfer station (dump) it is Toxic-waste day. please bring all the products you clean your homes with (for they are considered toxic) even seventh generation products. this only happens once a year. take advantage of it while it's here and make your space clear my dear!
I got into an argument with someone about this recently. His position is that almost ALL produce is "genetically modified" if you consider that it has been controlled to do certain things over the years. I tried to explain the difference, but didn't get far. I definitely need to read more about this - thanks for addressing it.
According to NZ Food Safety, "In New Zealand, processed foods can contain GM ingredients but must be labelled accordingly. No GM crops are grown commercially and no GM fruit, vegetables or meat are sold." So we aren't completely GM-free in the grocery store, but you can certainly choose to avoid them all if you read labels. Sounds sensible to me.
My recent post Suckers-

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