Sunday, July 11, 2010

To Catch Cape Cod Ticks: Try Dry Ice

A couple days ago passengers on a whale watching boat off Provincetown got to see a great white shark swimming in the ocean off Cape Cod. This event triggered a conversation around the dinner table yesterday. My daughter and her husband were visiting. We were talking about predators of people. The conclusion was there are not many out here on the Outer Cape. My daughter suggested mosquitoes. It's true. The mosquitoes are ferocious this year and bigger than usual. Then I chimed in, "Ticks!" I definitely feel as if deer ticks are predators, and I am their prey. Having caught Lyme Disease four years ago from a tick bite, I warn all guests about ticks and advise on bug spray, organic if possible and DEET-free, since such alternatives do exist. My daughter and her husband built me a tick trap with dry ice. They brought the bait from Boston, as well as sticky tape. I provided an old styrofoam cooler from the dump, and a board. The theory is that any ticks out there will pick up the odor and make a beeline for the trap, getting stuck on the tape, which is applied all around the spot where the cooler is to be placed. We left the trap out overnight and caught .... one fly and two water bugs. Not a tick in sight. I guess the ticks are overwhelmed by the heat, just like the rest of us.

Ticks travel on deer, mice, and birds. There was a mini-conference on Lyme Disease this weekend on Nantucket. Do you worry about deer ticks? How do you avoid getting bitten? Have you ever had Lyme? Do you think the deer population should be controlled?

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Are the ticks attracted to the dry ice? What is the bait in the trap? I'm curious.
Do you think squirrels and chipmunks carry deer ticks, too? We see so many more of them than we see deer.
1 reply · active 767 weeks ago
Yes. The dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and gives off vapor as it melts and that is what attracts the ticks. Yes, I think squirrels and chipmunks can carry ticks, too. Why not? I have noticed the deer come out of the woods in winter, when the tourists are gone and roam around at night.
Ticks are a big problem for us here in the woods of the Ozark Mountains, particularly because we have 4 dogs. Unfortunately, I do have to put the pesticide spot treatment on my large dogs or they would be covered. The organic solutions just do not work on those dogs as they roam the woods each day. I do, however, use an herbal spray on the small dogs when we take our walks that are confined to the dirt road. It seems to work well for them and me.
We have tons of mosquitoes this year too. Ticks are not a big problem in my area. Too bad the trap didn't work! What do you suggest for organic bug spray?
2 replies · active 767 weeks ago
My son discovered Organic Bite Blocker Xtreme on the Internet for his daughter when they were here. I now use it every morning, after my shower, ever since I had two tick bites this spring. Then I renew when I go out. Some people do not think it smells good, but I don't mind. It also repels mosquitoes.

Great article the controversy over the length of antibiotic treatment here:
Thanks! I will order some. We were standing in the checkout line in the garden shop at Lowe's over the weekend and every single product around us contained horrible chemicals - bee spray, Miracle Gro, mulch with Miracle Gro in it, and other herbicides, pesticides etc. It really hit my husband how this kind of stuff is all around us - I rant on about body load, etc but I don't think he ever really realized how much of it there is in our lives.
Jennifer Margulis's avatar

Jennifer Margulis · 766 weeks ago

Very worried about lyme disease also (and sorry your trap didn't work). We do thorough tick checks on the kids after hiking, and we also try to wear long pants and socks (hard to do in the summer) to minimize ticks and poison oak.

I don't miss the mosquitoes back East. We don't have many mosquitoes in Ashland (a super nice change) but we have LOTS OF DEER and DEER TICKS. I can't believe you got 2 more tick bites this spring. I will have to check out Organic Bite Blocker.
My recent post Shakespeare- and Good Eats in Ashland- Oregon
Gotta say, I've enjoyed not having to worry much about ticks in NZ. According to the Frontline website, we only have cattle ticks and those probably came from Japan or Australia. I guess it goes with not having any native mammals except a species of bat. I remember the nasty beasties from when I was a child though and painting them with fingernail polish. I think any excuse to have dry ice is a good excuse, it was neat to learn about your experiment.
My recent post Suckers-
I live in fear of ticks! I swear, I hate them more than most other creepy-crawlies. Ugh.
Ticks give me the heebie jeebies too. I still remember my dad removing a tick from a neighbor's neck--the head had fallen off and it was very tricky getting it out. Are you going to keep trying to find a tick trapper?
Almost Slowfood's avatar

Almost Slowfood · 766 weeks ago

I was just tested for lyme disease! It's such a sneaky disease and scary since oftentimes it's hard to diagnose. Luckily i don't have it, but I get scared for my daughter who loves nothing better than to traipse through some neck high grass!
Oh, I wish it had worked! We don't have ticks here in Hawaii, but when I lived in CA they were a major concern.
My recent post Monico’s Taqueria on Kauai

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