This is a blog about living on Cape Cod and running a Wellfleet bed & breakfast, open year long. I'm a Russian-American who spent 25 years in France. My husband Sven is from Sweden. Sweden’s colors are blue & yellow. Mix them, and you get green, a concept we embrace. No toxic chemicals, please, and organic food whenever possible . . .
Coleridge wrote these words in his poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" to describe a situation on a ship at sea. They also fit the predicament we will be in if environmental pollution is not rapidly halted. People across the planet are becoming more aware of this natural resource most Americans take for granted: WATER! Provincetown has limited water supplies. Its well fields, in Truro, cannot keep up with demand during summer, forcing Provincetown to use two wells in the National Seashore. Since P-town water comes from a town targeted by the utility company for herbicidal spraying, as is Wellfleet, the purity of this water is in jeopardy. Citizens in New York and Pennsylvania have started to unite against fracking companies, which pay good money to lease land, then inject toxic chemicals into the ground to obtain natural gas, polluting groundwater in the process. When you add large amounts of toxic chemicals to an aquifer, be it in New York, Pennsylvania or Massachusetts, you poison your future water supply. How shortsighted can humans be? And, I didn’t even mention the incredible environmental damage in the Gulf of Mexico, causing acid rain to fall in Iowa and beyond. The glaciers are melting. Sea levels are rising. June was the hottest month on record. Read Chris Hedges on how corporations are destroying our world, bit by bit.
How short sighted can we be? We only need look around or watch the daily news. We build nuclear power plants without a thought as to how to store the waste safely for millions of years. We produce more trash than our land can handle and we dig oil wells that cannot be stopped when something goes wrong. It's depressing, really. It's too bad we do not live with the thought the Cherokee had on our land, which went something like, "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but we are only borrowing it from our children."
I think it is mind boggling that no one seems to realize the damage we are doing to the planet and to our own bodies by poisoning our water. For example, how can putting prescription meds in kitty litter and tossing them in a landfill be the best solution? Even an elementary schooler can tell you that rain seeps through the landfill and carries the drugs into the water supply.
The old saying that an action over "here" affects life over "there" is so true. Here we are talking about water--and we know that these toxic additions will stay with the water (and us) forever now. My recent post Social Media and Writers- Tips for a Harmonious Relationship
This is such a problem. I live on an island where water is precious and I'm floored by the people who waste water. If ever there was a place to conserve, this is it. And don't get me started on the ocean front golf courses that use chemical fertilizers that will run off into the ocean. My recent post Monico’s Taqueria on Kauai
How shortsighted CAN humans be? This saddens and sickens me to no end. I am so glad you are helping lead this fight to STOP toxic chemicals in our waterways. My recent post Shakespeare- and Good Eats in Ashland- Oregon
Oh dear, don't even get me started. I've been known to go into fits when I think about the state of our water supply, and I can't even imagine where this world will be in 50 years. Honestly, it's part of the reason that I'm so frightened about having children - what sort of world will they inherit? It gives me chills. My recent post Skimming the Surface- Making Decisions
I've just been reading today about the poor water quality especially E. coli in some of NZs favorite swimming spots. Evidently mostly due to dairy effluent. Sad, scary and disgusting all at a go. My recent post Felted Soap Giveaway
I'm finding myself recently for the first time truly confronted with the thought of my own children suffering, whether directly or through their own children or grandchildren, and it makes me so sad. That Native American saying about the seven generations? It feels less abstract to me now; things will affect all of us much sooner if we don't reverse course. My recent post Water Safety
When I think about the relatively pristine waters I grew up swimming in and what state our oceans, rivers, lakes, and other water ways are in for this generation and the's heart-breaking. My recent post Learning to Love the ‘Hood on Foot- One Edible Adventure at a Time
Over the years, Alexandra has been a stay-at-home mom and housewife, a full-time volunteer at an international school near Paris, a lyricist, a radio personality, and a freelance writer. She is working on several writing projects and has recently become an activist on the regulation of synthetic chemicals in our environment.
Alexandra Grabbe is also the author of French Graffiti, a paperback collection of essays about living in France. Copies are available through this Web site for $17.50, including shipping and handling.
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