Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Silent Spring Institute & Green Chemistry

My friend Sheryl Kraft asked me to write a guest post about cancer and environmental risks for her blog Midlife Matters at the Healthy Women Web site, so please check it out.

Yesterday I watched Crude while waiting for guests, so I did not get out to take any more photos of beautiful Wellfleet. Crude is a documentary about the native people of Ecuador and their lawsuit against Texaco/Chevron, two American companies that polluted their water, giving people cancer. In the documentary, Sting’s wife Trudi Styler says, referring to the Ecuadorians of the Rain Forest, “They have a right to clean water.” I believe we all should have a right to clean water, ie. not water that has been polluted by toxic chemicals.

For several years the researchers at Silent Spring Institute have been studying water samples from Cape Cod to try and figure out what in our H2O is giving us breast cancer. There’s a new video, on the Silent Spring site. In it, Executive Director Julia Brody speaks of being hopeful about “green chemistry.” Green chemistry involves a different thought process during the composition of consumer products and implies the creation of safer products. She recommends “sensible choices to bring exposures down.”

I worry about the men and women who are exposed to toxic fumes every day as they clean up Gulf Coast beaches. No choice there. Their livelihood gone, the fishermen accepted jobs with BP.

There’s been all this talk about health care over the past year but not much about the prevention of diseases like cancer, and a national effort to remove "hormone mimics" from our environment. I hope the media will pay more attention to this aspect of the health equation in the coming years.

Had you heard the term "green chemistry" before? Have you changed your lifestyle what with all the new information pouring in about environmental pollution and toxic chemicals in, say, sunscreen? Do you read labels? What is it going to take to get the Obama Administration to pay more than lip service to this issue and take on corporate power?

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It does seem that with all of the talk of healthcare, our government would look toward the sources to prevent disease, but as we've seen many times, they're not very proactive.
judy stock's avatar

judy stock · 765 weeks ago

thanks for this post. Lots of good information here. And, yes, I recently did change my sunscreen because of the harmful chemicals. The really bad thing, you think you are doing something good for your skin by putting on sunscreen but you really are not if that sunscreen has harmful chemicals in it. READ THE LABEL to make sure what your using on your face and body is really save. And, that means beauty products, too.
I do read labels, but sometimes I'm confused by what I read. I also think it would be helpful to have more publicity about what to do with old medications. I have some heavy duty medicine from years ago that my husband had leftover from an infection that I just am not sure what to do with--give it to the doctor? I don't want to just throw it away or worse, flush it down the toilet.
1 reply · active 765 weeks ago
As I understand it, Kristen, each town has a different policy and recommendation for the safe disposal of pharmaceuticals, which should not be flushed. So, I suggest calling up the town of city hall to find out.
Off to read your guest post right now.

Yes, yes, been really changing our lifestyle as much as possible. Worried about all this environmental stuff. Reading EVERY label. Always striving to do better. It's hard. Europe is much better about regulating chemicals...
Our neighbor is from Ecuador - I'm telling her about Crude. Now I'm off to check out your post at Healthy Woman.
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I had not heard of green chemistry and it is an interesting concept. I didn't know your region had high incidences of breast cancer linked to the water supply. Do you drink the public water or do you buy water?
1 reply · active 765 weeks ago
Here in Wellfleet, most people have private wells. There is a new water system but it will not serve the whole town, only downtown where there are the most houses and businesses. So, the water comes from the single source aquifer. We have a filter system, but I may invest in a more sophisticated one. Barnstable County has a rate of breast cancer that is 20% higher than the rest of MA, which is why SSI is studying the water here. The statistic is similar to Marin County, in CA. Those are the two hot spots, as I understand it. Low levels of contaminants are now believed to be bad for you, too.
Thank you for an informative post -- but, then, I know I will learn something every time I read your blog. I do read labels, but there are still things I don't understand as well as I need to. This piece is motivating me to get on it! Now I'm going to check out your post on Healthy Women.
Thank you for posting about this. I feel so sad for the people who are exposed to all the chemicals cleaning up someone else's mess in the Gulf :-(
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I've ditched my scary sunscreen too and now use the much safer invisible zinc kind. Expensive and a bit harder to apply, but should be better for me. Going without just isn't possible in the New Zealand summer as we get a great big hole in the ozone layer above the whole country that time of year.
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I was somewhat aware, but lazy about it. Your posts have really helped open my mind to many of the pernicious influences and chemicals around; I'm much more discerning now, thanks to you.
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By email from Ren: All new chemicals should be benign by design
I hadn't heard the term "green chemistry" but what worries me about it is this: just because it's got fewer toxins doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% safe. Maybe it's a good first step, but I think less consumption and a move back to the basics of life is in order for all of us.
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So true about the right to clean water (and air). I don't know why -- as a society -- we seem to be so complacent about being poisoned.
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That's such a tough position for the fisherman to be in: forced out of their jobs and working amidst hazardous conditions to clean up the oil spill. Thanks for keeping us informed about green chemistry.
The endocrine disruptors really scare me. So glad to see you covering this so thoroughly.
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Thanks for the introduction to Green Chemistry. I read labels but end up becoming confused by them. Clean water and air are vital to our survival.
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Just curious: Is the Silent Spring Institute named in honor of Rachel Carson?
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1 reply · active 764 weeks ago
Yes, Sarah. SSI is named in honor of Rachel Carson.

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