A T-shirt is a great way to show one’s appreciation for Wellfleet. Vacationers love to take home a souvenir of a favorite vacation spot, don’t they? With this thought in mind, I set off downtown around noon yesterday, while everyone was at the beach, to photograph the options. To my surprise I discovered very few shirts at Wellfleet Marketplace, but perhaps they had already sold out? Abiyoyo offers a nice selection along a back wall, above. All sizes, all colors. Down Bank Street at RaRa, their T-shirt reminds us of the connection between Matenwa in Haiti and Wellfleet on Cape Cod. The design, by Ellen LeBow, is fabulous. The Juice, next door, offers clever Juice T-shirts with WELLFLEET printed on the back.

Many of the restaurants in town seem to sell their own custom tees: Winslow’s Tavern, Mac’s Seafood, Beachcomber, Moby Dick’s. I discovered the best place to buy kids' T-shirts is Ragg Time. What a great selection! I promptly bought one for my new grandson. There are shirts and sweatshirts for mom and dad, too.

I was hoping to find a shop selling Lil’ Codders, the great tee my granddaughter models here, but no luck. I bought it at Oysterfest last fall. Another favorite tee can be purchased at the Wellfleet Public Library. Or, support our Historical Society, which offers T-shirts and other Wellfleet paraphernalia at their Main Street location. When I was at PB Boulangerie Bistro yesterday, I looked for T-shirts but for now they only sell aprons. Imagine the extra benefit to the Frenchmen if they offered a custom tee! People from all over the world would want to take one home as a memory of the yummy croissants and pastries enjoyed over vacation. Think I’ll suggest to Boris and Phillipe that they make sure to write WELLFLEET across the back!
Do you have a favorite T-shirt from a past vacation? If you live in Wellfleet, do you ever wear tees with the name of our town on front or back?
amywellfleet 46p · 765 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 765 weeks ago
amywellfleet 46p · 765 weeks ago
edpilolla · 765 weeks ago