This is a blog about living on Cape Cod and running a Wellfleet bed & breakfast, open year long. I'm a Russian-American who spent 25 years in France. My husband Sven is from Sweden. Sweden’s colors are blue & yellow. Mix them, and you get green, a concept we embrace. No toxic chemicals, please, and organic food whenever possible . . .
How many green bed & breakfast owners make an effort to serve organic? My guess would be not many. Above, an image of store-bought organic strawberries, mixed with organic raspberries, from our garden, served yesterday morning to guests for breakfast. Yum! Finding organic food is not always easy. Some companies, like King Arthur Flour, recently retired their amazing organic scone mixes, although demand should be on the rise. Serving organic requires a bit of effort and more outlay of that precious green stuff we work so hard to earn, although not necessarily as much of an outlay as the innkeeper might think …
This summer Stop & Shop in Orleans increased their selection of organic fruits and vegetables and now have a whole aisle of organic products as well. And, Lauren, at Hatch’s, in downtown Wellfleet, just received a shipment of organic fruit yesterday morning. How do I know? I was also receiving an order from Albert’s Organics, and their truck could not make it down our dirt road. The only option was to pick up the Purity organic drinks myself.
As soon as I had lugged the eight cases from the car into our shed, I grabbed a bottle of Blueberry-Pomegranate for a sip. The name says it all: PURITY! What struck me first was the absence of artificial flavor. I know that might seem like a given, but you do not remark on it until it’s not there. No more chemical aftertaste. As I took a few gulps of Purity Blueberry-Pomegranate, images of a brook, cascading over small rocks, danced through my mind. Pretty soon I was seeing blueberries bobbing along in the cool spring water.
The other flavors I purchased are Orange-Mango, Apple, and Cranberry. Did you know cranberries are among the worst offenders when it comes to pesticide residue? So, organic cranberry juice seems like an excellent idea. Knowledge of this type of thing is spreading, thanks to the EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce and the proliferation of food sites like my favorite, out of Berkeley, Lettuce Eat Kale. Organic food is happening big-time in Berkeley.
While we are talking organics, please take a moment to watch this clever video from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and contact your legislators about the Safe Chemicals Act, currently under debate in Congress:
I will have to test Purity juice drinks on guests and see what they think …We have a regular guest who taught me to always check labels. Her daughter is allergic to peanuts, and high fructose corn syrup, a product that is not good for any of us but often finds its way into our diet.
Do you try to drink organic, as well as eat organic? Is it easy to find organic food where you live? Do you know which fruit and vegetables should only be eaten organic? Do you check labels for ingredients?
Very timely post for me, Alexandra. I'm sure you're right, not many B&B owners would go to the trouble of serving organic. We just got a brand new organic and all natural store here in our small town. I spent an hour in there on Friday and spent way too much money. :) Before they came to town, I couldn't find all natural, free range grass fed beef. They carry fresh beef as well as Applegate Farms (I think is the name) that has organic cured meats such as bacon and brats. I'm in heaven. The difference is like eating store bought eggs vs. eating our fresh eggs from our neighbors. They also carry my soaps and lotions (Indigo Wild, made in KC) and all locally grown fresh fruits and veggies. Wonderful.
I struggle to find organic food. Our grocery store has an organic section but I don't buy organic potato chips, canned soup or mac and cheese since we don't eat packaged foods. It is hit or miss in the produce section where I buy most things. Same in the meat dept. I can buy organic broccoli, bananas, and chicken breasts every week but grapes, lettuce, pork, and more are simply not to be found. I like to buy local but it's nearly impossible to find local and organic. Not to mention I want to buy milk in glass but there no organic milk in glass to be found. It's very frustrating.
I truly wish buying organic was easier and cheaper. It's a challenge to not only find it but to find enough of a selection. Many times it's hit or miss. But I am going to make an effort to find these juices; they do sound really good.
I'm pretty fortunate to live a short walk from a (mostly) organic market, and a couple of times a week there are community and farmer's markets that are pretty good, nearby, and they run all year round. The major impediment, to the extent that there is one, is the large margin these products cost relative to their more plentiful, conventional counterparts.
If you get out to Berkeley I'd like to suggest you visit the "Berkeley Bowl" if you haven't already. The produce selection will impress even the most jaded foodie/organic enthusiast. Also check out the Oakland farmers market near the port and Alameda. The fresh organic pears and almonds and figs are truly amazing....
I love to shop at Sunflower Market since they built one near our house. I'll definitely check for Purity juices when I go there. But in season, the best juice comes right from the blender or juicer, don't you think? My recent post Bastille Day Contest Reminder
The more I learn about the "manufacturing" of our whole foods the more I realize how very important it is to eat organic produce, particularly with fruits and vegs with thin or porous skins. My recent post The 5-Question Literary Agent Interview- Anita Bartholomew
That Blueberry-Pomegranate juice sounds AMAZING. We were looking at pomegranate juice in the store last week, but it was all mostly sugar water with the juice as a flavouring. We didn't buy any. My recent post Hide The Leftovers Apple Cake
Oh that video was disturbing. Dang. I hate that this is the world we live in. Just hate it.
Anyway, back to the topic of your post, I remember the first time I went to Fla to visit my husband's parents who live there. They have orange trees in their yard. My husband pulled some oranges off the trees and made OJ. It was the best stuff I ever tasted-- and it was just pure PJ. NOTHING ADDED TO IT. Just think of how much more OJ they could sell--and how much money they could save-- if they just only put OJ in the dang bottle? My recent post The Antidote to Pride
Certified organic produce is kind of hit and miss here, though I do try to buy mostly local produce. I find that it gets harder and harder to come home from the "grocery" store with much actual food at all. My recent post Make Your Own Portuguese Sweet Bread
Man. Now I'm hungry. I do try and buy organic when available. It's not always easy. But this year we planted a lot of fruits and veggies and have made jars and jars and jars of our own strawberry jam. So far, it's going well and it's kind of fun. :) My recent post My Fantasy- Solitary Confinement
We do strive to drink only organic beverages. But my kids are only allowed to have juice on Friday nights. The rest of the time they drink raw cow milk from a local dairy farmer or organic goat milk or water, the best beverage of all. My recent post My Friend Alisa’s Rules For Book Promotion
Thanks for such an informative post--as always! I love knowing that I will learn something each time I read your blog. I had no idea that cranberries can be the worst offenders for pesticides. Dried cranberries are my favorites so I will be sticking with the organic dried berries from now on. Thank you!
Eden Foods offers Organic Dried Cranberries that are sweetened with OG Applie Juice Concentrate and not sugar (Organic Cranberries, Organic Apple Juice Concentrate, OG Sunflower Oil), low sodium (20 mg) Grocery Store cost is $4.39 last time I purchased a bag (4 oz. ~ 1 cup approx., 3 serv of 1/3 cup) Online Price from Eden Foods $3.83. Join the Organic Consumers Association and receive a 15% discount off your order with Eden Foods (does not include cases) for a net list price of $3.26/bag.
I hear stories from my older sister (whom is striving to purchase all organic for her boys of how expensive things are and strawberries are the worst offenders.
we are lucky we get most of our stuff from grandma's garden including, olive oil and eggs. other things like beef and cheese and yogurt I have no idea since we don't really have the option to purchase 'ORganic" it's not labeled that way here at the grocery stores! hmmmm
Over the years, Alexandra has been a stay-at-home mom and housewife, a full-time volunteer at an international school near Paris, a lyricist, a radio personality, and a freelance writer. She is working on several writing projects and has recently become an activist on the regulation of synthetic chemicals in our environment.
Alexandra Grabbe is also the author of French Graffiti, a paperback collection of essays about living in France. Copies are available through this Web site for $17.50, including shipping and handling.
Living Large · 768 weeks ago
marthaandme 42p · 768 weeks ago
Sheryl · 768 weeks ago
Stanley · 768 weeks ago
If you get out to Berkeley I'd like to suggest you visit the "Berkeley Bowl" if you haven't already. The produce selection will impress even the most jaded foodie/organic enthusiast. Also check out the Oakland farmers market near the port and Alameda. The fresh organic pears and almonds and figs are truly amazing....
Champion of My Heart · 768 weeks ago
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Vera Badertscher · 768 weeks ago
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Meredith · 768 weeks ago
My recent post The 5-Question Literary Agent Interview- Anita Bartholomew
Frugal Kiwi · 768 weeks ago
My recent post Hide The Leftovers Apple Cake
Alisa · 767 weeks ago
Anyway, back to the topic of your post, I remember the first time I went to Fla to visit my husband's parents who live there. They have orange trees in their yard. My husband pulled some oranges off the trees and made OJ. It was the best stuff I ever tasted-- and it was just pure PJ. NOTHING ADDED TO IT. Just think of how much more OJ they could sell--and how much money they could save-- if they just only put OJ in the dang bottle?
My recent post The Antidote to Pride
hotcmanual 1p · 767 weeks ago
My recent post Make Your Own Portuguese Sweet Bread
Lisa · 767 weeks ago
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claudinemj 6p · 767 weeks ago
My recent post My Fantasy- Solitary Confinement
Jennifer Margulis · 767 weeks ago
My recent post My Friend Alisa’s Rules For Book Promotion
sarahhenry44 17p · 767 weeks ago
And, um, will you serve me a dish of those divine looking organic berries when I come to visit?
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jesakalong 8p · 767 weeks ago
Christine VanHooft · 767 weeks ago
Elisa · 767 weeks ago
we are lucky we get most of our stuff from grandma's garden including, olive oil and eggs. other things like beef and cheese and yogurt I have no idea since we don't really have the option to purchase 'ORganic" it's not labeled that way here at the grocery stores! hmmmm