Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gulf Coast Petition Off To a Quick Start

Above, peaceful Long Pond yesterday evening. If you have not yet read my short post about fracking, please do so. I'm posting this morning to let you know there's now a petition to help the Gulf Coast. 20,000 people signed overnight, and I hope you will sign it, too. Let's hope our legislators get the message.

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Petitions are cathartic, but we need to realize that legislators and regulators are virtually owned by their contributors and operate for their benefit. As such, we need to stop supporting ruling class elites that serve corporate interests ahead of the citizens/the environments interests. To that end, we should all be cognizant that the largest recipient of BP cash is Mr. Obama. They even pay Mr. Emmanuel's rent on his DC residence.

The "Libyan oil for Lockerbie bomber release" quid pro quo should be all the evidence anyone needs of the corruption of the highest reaches of power in favor of the negligent polluters. Let's un-elect the incumbent corporate agents of BP, only then can we get the real change we seek.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I see this petition as a means of telling corporations complacency is over, telling legislators the urgency of changing sides. I know you commented already about R. Emmanuel's rent, which seems so amazing to me, something that would happen in France, but not in the USA. I have been very disappointed in President Obama, as have many others who voted for change. We did not get change we can believe in. We got more of the same old, same old. Enough is enough!
I'm going to sign, but I thought it was interesting that some of the folks in the video are actually FOR off shore drilling. Like James Carville is in there and he's been trying to get the moratorium lifted. Yes, let's clean this spill up. But more important, let's prevent something like this from happening again.
My recent post What to do when a spouse lets himself go
I'm all for signing this petition. It goes beyond this to overhauling America's conventional and genetically-modified farming practices which created "dead zones" in the Gulf from pesticide run-off before the BP oil disaster. Both the Republican and Democratic parties over the past 2 decades have used taxpayer dollars support Corporate Farmiing by subsidizing crops instead of the American farmer, thus resulting in fracturing the fabric of our heartland environmentally and economically. The citizens must unite to demand laws that support our independent farmers as well as organic farming practices to restore our nation and provide food security, heal our environment and reduce global warming.
Jennifer Margulis's avatar

Jennifer Margulis · 766 weeks ago

Just signed it! Thank you for posting about it here.
My recent post Shakespeare- and Good Eats in Ashland- Oregon
I'm off to sign the petition. It is so very important that something of this magnitude never happen again. The repercussions are way too frightening and dangerous.
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Thanks for keeping the spotlight on this overwhelming environmental catastrophe. Sometimes it feels so daunting, it's hard to know what to do.
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