Yesterday Preservation Hall held its second annual Birdhouse Auction. The birdhouses on display in the Main Street garden defied description: there was whimsy, wit, practicality, and, of course, environmentalism since most of the materials used were salvaged and recycled. Half the selection could be purchased through silent auction. All proceeds went to the Hall's building fund: $16,000!

Above, a roof shingled with shells from Duck Harbor Beach. I put a bid on Colorful Condo by Katie Fitzgerald, who stood nearby. From the way she watched over her birdhouse, I could tell heart and soul had gone into its creation.

Tracy Plaut, one of the organizers, made two birdhouses this year.

The first used a hardhat from the construction phase of the renovation and was for sale in the silent auction. The second, jazzed up with doorknobs recovered on site, went on the block during the live auction, which got under way at noon. I asked what criteria had contributed to the live auction selection.
“It was really difficult,” Tracy said. “We set them all out on tables. We wanted equal representation. If an artist did more than one, we put one in the silent auction.”
Some birdhouses were painted by local artists. Below left, for instance. Can you guess the name of the artist?

Here’s a listen to some bits of conversation I overheard while perusing birdhouses:
“Did you have a great winter?”
“It’s just beautiful. They’re all amazing.”
“These are even better than last year!”
“I’ve got racks of birdhouses in my garage,

but these do inspire me to …”
“Bid them up! Bid them up!”
“Hel-lo?!” (Marla on her cell phone.)
“It was a team effort actually.”
“I’m bidding on that one because my granddaughter was involved.”
A birdhouse that drew numerous bids was House for Rent by Bodie Olson, a gourd on which was written, "You decorate. Price is two songs daily." I also really liked the Beachcomber Birdhouse by M. Caroll. Can you tell which one that is below?

Jackie Dishner · 773 weeks ago
My recent post What inspires you now?
chezsven 82p · 773 weeks ago
The artist is Selina Trieff.
Rory · 773 weeks ago
A Simple Blogger · 773 weeks ago
Jennifer Margulis · 773 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 773 weeks ago
Thanks so much,
jenniferwalker319 9p · 773 weeks ago
edpilolla · 773 weeks ago
My recent post Everyone Wants To Be Near You
anjuli · 773 weeks ago
My recent post A Splendid Maze - Part 5
Tracy Plaut · 773 weeks ago