Sunday, May 09, 2010

Confessions of an Addicted Woman

For today's post, a bit of fun.
Perhaps levity will bring back the sun? ...

My new companion never leaves me. It’s green, of course, and has long slimy tentacles that twist and turn in all directions. The tentacles are covered with polka dots. The underside of each tentacle is bright pink and scaly. The tentacles reach out every day – sometimes twice a day – to reel me in.

“Hungry!” it says and opens its mouth. “Give me words! Dress me up in pictures. Show me off.”

I try to ignore the constant WRITE-ME, WRITE-ME,WRITE-ME, WRITE-ME that reverberates through my mind but usually surrender.

Why, no later than this morning, after clicking Publish Post, came the whisper: “Provide questions, please. You forgot a Take Home.”

Sure enough, I had neglected to stimulate discussion among readers by asking a few relevant questions, so back in I went to add some.

We’ve reached a Pax Romana of sorts.

Sven is not too crazy about my blog because it takes up so much of my time. As always, he’s patient about what he calls, “my addiction.”

We take it for walks at the beach. Being an octopus-like creature, it loves the sea. If I paid it any mind, that’s all readers would hear about. The crustaceans washed up on the shore, the schools of fish, followed by a posse of seagulls, the brisk salt-sea air. When we head home, it drags its tentacles in the sand.

My blog hates sleep. “Cyberspace is 24/7,” it quips when I switch off the computer at 10:00 pm. “How about a little nightcap? We could describe all the dips and dives on the Outer Cape, visit them in person…”

I point out that this plan is not practical and “in person” is really not an option. What’s more, May is still the month showing on our calendar, despite the warm weather. Most Cape nightclubs are not yet open. It’s got a sensible streak, so usually my response provides quiet for a while.

But sometimes it does get outlandish ideas. This afternoon, for instance, while shopping in Orleans, it made such a scene that I entered a clothing store. “I’ve been feeling naked, totally exposed,” it whined. I pointed out that blogs should be naked, but it wasn’t buying my explanation. So I picked out a cute little dress.

“No way!” came the shriek in my head. “Not flouncy enough.”

I dismissed the request as out of hand and visited the pharmacy to pick up meds, and the cleaners to pick up slipcovers and curtains. I went to the bank for more money. Then I hit Friendship Market for more flowers, and filled my basket with fruit at Phoenix. Finally I was ready to go home. I paused in front of the consignment shop, across Cove Road. Writing ideas started floating through my head. The blog was also paying attention.

“I want that one!” it said and aimed a tentacle at a pink prom dress in the window.

I tsk-tsked what was no more than a caprice and took us home, offering instead these words of consolation as I drove along: "My new companion never leaves me. It's green, of course, and has long slimy tentacles covered with polka dots. The underside of each tentacle is bright pink and scaly. The tentacles reach out every day – sometimes twice – to reel me in ..."

PS. And, don't miss this! Tracy Doerr features my blog this morning, a perfect way for me to celebrate Mother's Day. (Thanks, Tracy!) Read the interview at Tracy Doerr.

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same on this end!
Have to check your blog everyday to see what is going on on the Cape.
I think most blog writers go through a "why am I doing this" phase. The ones who have a reason (business or keeping in touch with family) continue. The ones looking to write a book or who are writers in other fields keep up with it. A lot of the others just run out of things to say or just get tired of it.
What a delightful post that certainly hits home with me. Bloging is an addiction and there's so much more to it than simply typing in words on the keyboard. A little tinkering under the bloghood, following the numbers with Google Analyitcs, notifying those who should absolutely know about your latest post via twitter, digg, facebook. And the list grows. I love very minute of it. Should we start a chapter of Bloggers Anonymous?
My recent post Saturday’s scene: Serenading the Sea
Vera Badertscher's avatar

Vera Badertscher · 776 weeks ago

Absolutely agree with both you and Donna. Thank goodness my blog has not demanded a new dress (and you did delightful illustrations for this one), but it has a voracious appetite for books. It's Sunday, and my blog has not let me take the day off, or even sent me a Mother's Day card!
But, sorry, I'm not ready to join Blogger's Anonymous. I have too much to do--three guest posts to write, a prize drawing for my contest, Monday's post to write, advertisements to shift around,friends blogs to visit.......
My recent post Travel Writing News
Blogging can be so addictive. And you're right - you can feel like you should always be on it, even all night! It's hard to draw the line and set boundaries.
judy stock's avatar

judy stock · 776 weeks ago

Agreed, I like the title: "Confessions of an Addicted Blogger" better, as it tells what you are addicted to. More information equals better.

Between Twitter and blogging, its a wonder any of us get anything done. Great blog entry and I love 'dragging tentacles in the sand' as you leave the beach. Conjures up quite a picture! Maybe a children's picture book even.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks, Judy. I thought of that, but Sven was the one who came up with the "addicted woman" and "confessions" so I feel it should remain. Also, it draws more attention, I would think.
Yes, it can be addictive. I remember feeling that way last year when I first started, and found so much inspiration, so much I wanted to share. Now having a new baby makes it more challenging to keep up but I hope to be readdicted soon. By the way, what kind of camera do you use? I love photography but I have a fairly large camera so I always feel a bit shy about taking as many photos as I'd like to.
My recent post Happy May Day
1 reply · active 776 weeks ago
My kids gave me the camera for Christmas. It's a Pentax K2000 Dal 18-55. I need to take a class to be able to use if fully. A bit clunky for long walks, but the photos are pretty amazing.
I love the way you portray writing as its own living thing. I don't know much about Cape Cod, but now I want to read your blog so I can feel more informed. Great post.
Jennifer Margulis's avatar

Jennifer Margulis · 776 weeks ago

Sven has blog jealousy or blog envy! Interesting concept. Hey, I think you need to write a Modern Love piece about that! (for the NYT)
My recent post Gold Beach is Rich with a Jet Boat Load of Natural Treasures
I get the same feeling when I turn off my computer at night. It's not just the writing. Blogging ties us into this online social community. It's very tempting to never leave the computer. But I know I need downtime in order to regenerate my creativity.
My recent post It’s Not Him, It’s You
I feel like you're describing the artist waking up inside you - as much as, or more than, you're describing your blog. In other words: the artist in you is happy, it's getting to come out and play, it wants a pretty dress, you want to spend more and more time with your artistic self.... I think being addicted to expressing yourself is a fine addiction, as these things go ;) (Tell Sven the blog is just the vehicle!)
My recent post 100 Things
hah- Read this post and then read the interview- had to smile with how you ended the interview. Yes, blogging can be very addictive. You've certainly done this post in a creative, tongue in cheek way- you had me smiling and nodding my head. Certainly a post I can relate to.
My recent post Tolerance?
It is an addiction, and this is artfully written. I can no longer leave the house without a paper and pen. Seems my best ideas come when I'm driving - or in the grocery store LOL.
my blog hates to sleep. the personification is really well done. most people would compare an addiction to drugs or food, but presenting it as a person was seamless. nice. i'll be back!
My recent post What I Got (click the dark angel to view the post larger. it's way cooler)
"Hello, my name is Sarah, and I'm a blog addict too." I'd be curious to know which of your titles for this post would generate more traffic!

And for perspective: When due to unexpected circumstances I wasn't able to post for 11 days -- 11! -- recently a dear food blogger friend said: "I have news for you my friend: Nobody has even noticed. And if anyone does care, they'll wonder where you are and when you're coming back."

Meanwhile, there's a whole world out there people.
How brilliant, Alexandra. Now, thanks to your innovative insights, I plan to blame my blog for my shopping habit. I feel so blame-free.
My recent post Killing Me Softly With Exclamation Marks.
It is an addiction--I can't leave home without my iPhone so that I can constantly check emails, blog responses, it never ends!
I smiled through all of this and wished I could walk with my basket filling it with this or that. It seemed like an absolutely perfect day to me. But, I'm a fellow addict, so maybe we shouldn't console each other? Is that enabling? Oh screw it--it's fun. Keep it up. ;)
My recent post Mother of Pearl Necklace
This was a fun post to read! I love the description of your blog with its polka dots and bright pink, scaly tentacles. I was picturing a fashionable Little Shop of Horrors (which I guess doesn't have tentacles, but still...). And I agree with you and all the commenters who have said blogging can be addictive. I feel like it takes over my life sometimes. I have a food blog, so I have a hard time letting anyone cook anything in front of me without taking pictures and notes of the process. I definitely need to be reeled in now and then!
My recent post Guest Post: Using Food to Prompt Writing

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