Perhaps levity will bring back the sun? ...
My new companion never leaves me.
“Hungry!” it says and opens its mouth. “Give me words! Dress me up in pictures. Show me off.”
I try to ignore the constant WRITE-ME, WRITE-ME,WRITE-ME, WRITE-ME that reverberates through my mind but usually surrender.
Why, no later than this morning,
Sure enough, I had neglected to stimulate discussion among readers by asking a few relevant questions, so back in I went to add some.
We’ve reached a Pax Romana of sorts.
Sven is not too crazy about my blog because it takes up so much of my time. As always, he’s patient about what he calls, “my addiction.”
We take it for walks at the beach. Being an octopus-like creature, it loves the sea. If I paid it any mind, that’s all readers would hear about. The crustaceans washed up on the shore, the schools of fish, followed by a posse of seagulls, the brisk salt-sea air. When we head home, it drags its tentacles in the sand.
My blog hates sleep. “Cyberspace is 24/7,” it quips when I switch off the computer at 10:00 pm. “How about a little nightcap? We could describe all the dips and dives on the Outer Cape, visit them in person…”
I point out that this plan is not practical and “in person” is really not an option. What’s more, May is still the month showing on our calendar, despite the warm weather. Most Cape nightclubs are not yet open. It’s got a sensible streak, so usually my response provides quiet for a while.
But sometimes it does get outlandish ideas.
“No way!” came the shriek in my head. “Not flouncy enough.”
I dismissed the request as out of hand and
“I want that one!” it said and aimed a tentacle at a pink prom dress in the window.
I tsk-tsked what was no more than a caprice
PS. And, don't miss this! Tracy Doerr features my blog this morning, a perfect way for me to celebrate Mother's Day. (Thanks, Tracy!) Read the interview at Tracy Doerr.
Zuleme · 776 weeks ago
Have to check your blog everyday to see what is going on on the Cape.
I think most blog writers go through a "why am I doing this" phase. The ones who have a reason (business or keeping in touch with family) continue. The ones looking to write a book or who are writers in other fields keep up with it. A lot of the others just run out of things to say or just get tired of it.
Donna Hull · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Saturday’s scene: Serenading the Sea
Vera Badertscher · 776 weeks ago
But, sorry, I'm not ready to join Blogger's Anonymous. I have too much to do--three guest posts to write, a prize drawing for my contest, Monday's post to write, advertisements to shift around,friends blogs to visit.......
My recent post Travel Writing News
marthaandme 42p · 776 weeks ago
judy stock · 776 weeks ago
Between Twitter and blogging, its a wonder any of us get anything done. Great blog entry and I love 'dragging tentacles in the sand' as you leave the beach. Conjures up quite a picture! Maybe a children's picture book even.
chezsven 82p · 776 weeks ago
Christine · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Happy May Day
chezsven 82p · 776 weeks ago
Natasha · 776 weeks ago
Jennifer Margulis · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Gold Beach is Rich with a Jet Boat Load of Natural Treasures
Alisa · 776 weeks ago
My recent post It’s Not Him, It’s You
Amanda · 776 weeks ago
My recent post 100 Things
anjuli · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Tolerance?
thinkingtoohard13 4p · 776 weeks ago
ed pilolla · 776 weeks ago
My recent post What I Got (click the dark angel to view the post larger. it's way cooler)
sarah henry · 776 weeks ago
And for perspective: When due to unexpected circumstances I wasn't able to post for 11 days -- 11! -- recently a dear food blogger friend said: "I have news for you my friend: Nobody has even noticed. And if anyone does care, they'll wonder where you are and when you're coming back."
Meanwhile, there's a whole world out there people.
ruth pennebaker · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Killing Me Softly With Exclamation Marks.
Kristen · 776 weeks ago
Claudine · 776 weeks ago
My recent post Mother of Pearl Necklace
jenniferwalker319 9p · 775 weeks ago
My recent post Guest Post: Using Food to Prompt Writing