Miss the Eco-Expo? What a shame! There was lots of interesting stuff, as well as The Story of Stuff, to view and think about. Sven and I got to the transfer station early and made our way towards the back where the mulch is stored. There were already quite a few Wellfleetians wandering from table to table, learning about bees and worms and insulation made out of denim.

A stiff breeze was blowing, but the happy crowd didn’t seem to care. Conway Lumber, from Provincetown, had a stand of eco-friendly construction materials. Harriet Korim manned the Cape Cool table where T-shirts were on sale. Sue Phelen was present on behalf of Green Cape. Elspeth Hay hawked The Story of Stuff, shown on a laptop, in a tiny shed. Laura Kelley, of Littlefield Landscapes, sold honey and talked up her beloved bees. Terry Gips advocated on behalf of water. Event-organizer Lydia Vivante moved from stand to stand, chatting with visitors, and wishing them welcome.

There was even a lady who had come all the way from Falmouth to promote local foods. I signed up for her newsletter and took home one of her fridge magnets. It was nice to experience so much positive energy, the power of like-minded people eager to share knowledge, and yet I couldn’t help but feel as if we were part of an exclusive club, those who already understood the urgency of the green lifestyle.
One person really made an impression on me and

that was Michael Maguire. The self-styled “Barnstable County Extension Educator” explained how he had taken it upon himself to stop pollution of the Cape water supply by pharmaceuticals, ie. drugs, that were being dumped down the toilet by well-meaning hospice folk until recently. All you need is a bit of hand-sanitizer, squirted on leftover pills and, presto-chango, they turn to gel, ready to be dropped in the trash, he said. The hospices in Yarmouth have changed their policies thanks to Mr. Maguire.
We left impressed, hopeful that somehow word would get out and fresh recruits would show up over the afternoon, in search of tips on how to save the planet, one eco-friendly step at a time.
Jackie Dishner · 775 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 775 weeks ago
edpilolla · 775 weeks ago
My recent post Oasis
Kerry Dexter · 775 weeks ago
reading this, I was wondering if yuo're familar with carrie Newcomer's song One Woman and a Shovel? about an ecological change a century a go and what a few people did. not sure if I'll be able to insert a link but I'll give it a go
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: One Woman and a Shovel
My recent post Patty Larkin: 25
Kerri · 775 weeks ago
What I learned through research for that post is that crushing the meds and then putting them with coffee grounds would neutralize them from being eaten by animals at the landfills. I suppose putting gel on them would do the same thing.
Amy D. · 522 weeks ago