Innkeeper Wendy Putterman is just as crazy-busy as I am these days, with high season fast approaching, but we both took a couple minutes this weekend to connect because we share a certain philosophy and green lifestyle.

It’s unusual for Wellfleet innkeepers to be able to recommend local accommodations since we don’t generally get a chance to visit other B&Bs, so I was delighted when Wendy contacted me. She opened her beautiful home in Great Woods to guests for the first time in 2009 following a divorce, a second life event that we have in common since I’ve been divorced, too. Her B&B
Home Sweet Om offers two rooms, to a total of four people. Like me, Wendy serves organic, wholesome food whenever possible. She teaches
yoga and allows guests to use the yoga studio in the basement for meditation. There’s a feeling of spaciousness in the living room, with its massive stone fireplace and numerous windows.

The B&B accommodations are on the first floor. Guests can eat breakfast on the mahogany deck in summer. I admired the water element in the kitchen garden, where sparrows paused to drink, and the huge paving stones. Of course, the house smells of incense and has more than one contemplative Buddha, but what really knocked me out were the colors. Wendy mixes Provencal accents with bright blue, yellow, and pink. The walls upstairs are pale green. Home Sweet Om is booked in August but has availability for the two middle weeks of July.
(This is the second in my series on local accommodations. If you own a B&B and would like to be featured on Chezsven Blog, let me know.)
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