Friday, May 28, 2010

Cape Cod Bug Primer

Due to the early warmth and a rainy March, Cape Cod has a large number of creepy crawly creatures around to keep you itching during your spring getaway. Don’t forget to pack the calamine lotion and Deet. Or, be kind to the environment and your skin with a better product that works just as well: Organic Bite Blocker Xtreme Insect Repellent, all Natural, Deet-free. My son gave me a case. No, just kidding. He got some for his daughter, and I inherited the bottle when they left. Okay, here’s a rundown of what’s crawling in the grass and flying through the air this May and June in Wellfleet:

ANTS: Not fire ants, so no sweat. Wellfleet ants guard my peonies. Their smaller cousins come into the cottage if crumbs are left on the counter.

SPIDERS: Not as many spiders as usual, but then perhaps I have at last taken the lead in our ongoing battle?

BEES: Unfortunately, there are fewer honeybees around.

WASPS & HORNETS: We have none here, so I cannot give an update. I asked Therese at the fire station and she said there have been no reports of hornets’ nests since six years ago when one was removed from a path near Long Pond.

MOSQUITOES: Bad year for mosquitoes. They’re everywhere. I have even been bitten while standing in the sun.

FLEAS: No pets here, so no fleas.

TICKS: Yes, there are deer ticks. I would love to provide statistics about the number of new cases of Lyme Disease on Cape Cod in 2009, but the health department does not release such information. We advise guests to be on the lookout after walking in the woods and to always do a tick-check before bed.

BEDBUGS: The Wellfleet health agent sent around a warning again this spring. Bedbugs have made a comeback. They bite three times, the so-called breakfast, lunch and dinner bites. They stow away in suitcases. New York luxury hotels are in the midst of an epidemic. To avoid transporting bedbugs, keep luggage closed and on luggage racks. If you are bitten, tell your host, not Trip Advisor. Bedbugs are the bane of the modern innkeeper. Please do not bring any with you!

Which bugs bother you the most?

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i live in southern califorina, and the fleas live here year-round. they are a force. i volunteer at an animal shelter, and it can get gruesome in the summer. mosquitos i don't like either. i remember the dali lama was asked if he kills mosquitos and he says the shoos them away the first time, even a second time. but the third time, well...maybe not.
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Most creeped out by bedbugs...Edpilolla funny story about dalai lama...

I love the photo of the ants and the peony...I loved that stage, as they were helping it favorite flower (finally see them again now we are in NC)...
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Jennifer Margulis's avatar

Jennifer Margulis · 773 weeks ago

Oy, the creepy crawlies. That's one thing I do NOT miss about the East Coast. It was hard, living in Massachusetts, that when the weather turned warm the noseeums and the ticks and everything came out. Well, we have lyme ticks here in Oregon too. But where I live we have VERY FEW mosquitoes. Which is an amazing concept, and I feel grateful for it every time I go outside.

Have a good Memorial Day weekend Sandy. And if I haven't mentioned it lately, I really appreciate your blog, love reading your writing, and enjoy your amazing photos as well!
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Bedbugs are what scare me most. I cannot go into a hotel without thinking about them! And the mosquitoes are already bad in Connecticut...the other night I sat outside for ten minutes and came in to discover that many huge bites.
mosquitoes! oh my!! I actually don't mind most bugs- but I cannot abide mosquitoes because just their names bring back memories of countless malaria attacks- of course, your mosquitoes don't pass along malaria- but still- just the thought and I shudder!!

p.s. the photo is great!!
So did the more natural bug repellant work as well as some of the traditional varieties you've used in the past? I seem to be a bug magnet, so I always find myself spraying, and spraying...
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1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Kristen, from a fellow bug magnet, yes. To my surprise the non-toxic repellant works as well.
Oh man, bugs are my least favorite of summer. We just got back from Thailand where Deet is a must to avoid malaria - good to see alternatives are acceptable in Cape Cod!
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We have an abandoned swimming pool near us. I don't even want to think about the mosquito potential. Thanks for the list of natural alternatives. That's super helpful!
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Vera Badertscher's avatar

Vera Badertscher · 773 weeks ago

I HATE it when those little ants find their way into my kitchen. And so greatful we don't have wood ticks. That scares me.
Of course in Arizona we have more exotic things like scorpions and Black Widow spiders and tarantulas (actually gentle and lovley) and enormous water bugs and centipedes (UGH! I hate them, too!)
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I have to be honest - reading this list made me itch! It's hard to choose which I "enjoy" least. I think bedbugs would be one of the yuckiest...I understand they burrow in and it can take months (like 18 months) to get rid of them. A rise in international travel and moves has brought them back, as I understand, and Manhattan hotels have gotten hit pretty hard - even the nice ones.
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Toss up between fleas and mozzies (mosquitoes) 'cause I break out in big, itchy welts from both. But Northern Cali not much of a haven for either, thankfully. Sydney on the other hand? Bug central, for sure.
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Bedbugs are the bane of existence on Cape Cod. The very worst you could ever encounter, they will affect every area of your life. Ironically, it was the abandonment of certain pesticides for fear of their toxicity which has allowed this plague to resurface.

A close second are ticks, which seem to dominate the outer Cape all summer. They are insidious for their difficulty in being detected and potential to carry diseaase.

These are the challenges of living in the east where it is wet !!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Yes, DDT almost eliminated them. What people can do now is be aware. Try not to allow them to climb aboard luggage.

I had Lyme Disease, so can only agree about insidiousness. Apparently It's worse on Nantucket than on the Cape. And, Truro has more than Wellfleet ....
The worst nasty we have in NZ IMHO is the black sand fly. Man, they HURT! Luckily we don't get them up in the North Island like they do down on the South Island. Up here, skeeters seem to be the worst.
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Mosquitos (especially those in Texas) have pestered me all my life. I was the kid who would get eaten alive while my friends didn't get a single nibble. Thank you for sharing these natural alternatives!
Mosquitos are the worst for me. It's good to learn about natural alternatives. Thanks.
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