Saturday, May 22, 2010

Driftwood Dreams ....

For me, the log above represented the opportunity for an interesting photo. But, Sven who saw the same log, at the same time, thought of dragging it home for firewood. The log also reminded him of his childhood, when logs would float down Sweden’s Klaralven River to the lumberyard, a memory that invoked a soft summer breeze and the calls of excited children, busy building a raft.

A log is a log is a log, right? Wrong. A log can be different things to different people.

One beachcomber sees this log as a bench, to sit and contemplate the sea. Another wonders where the log originated. Did it float across the ocean? Was it local, or driftwood from some distant shore?

A teenager perceives the log as part of a future beach shack, to be constructed out of driftwood and jetsam, high above the tide line. To a child, this log revives memories of having played in the waves on a similar piece of driftwood the summer before.

Two lovers get out a penknife and carve their initials.

A sculptor imagines turning the log into a piece of art.

A carpenter examines the log to see what type of tree it once was.

A scientist wants to cut it open and read its rings.

Take another look. Do you simply want to know where it came from? What does this log conjure up for you?

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My FIL is from Norrland and fondly remembers working in the woods.
I think the mosquitoes would eat you alive camping there!
As you said, there are so many perspectives when it comes to a log. I love the beauty of them...especially when they have been there for a long time and life encompasses them with weeds or sea weed or coral or whatever the case may be. I try to imagine what were the events which surrounded the log....the people who passed by...those who sat down and stayed awhile...those who were in too much of a hurry to even notice the log...etc etc...ah, yes, a log does have so much more potential than we could ever imagine.
My recent post Hearst Castle, California
the log means life, back to dust we shall return. i like the idea of sitting on it, like the boy in the children's book 'the giving tree.'
My recent post The End of Rivalry
I love the idea that different things mean different things to different people. I think I would just look at it as part of the scenery, enjoying it for its visual appeal.
My recent post My I Don’t Suck List
The log looks like a bench, inviting walkers to sit down and enjoy the view...

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