Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Do You Think of this T-shirt?

I just turned down a booking for six days in late October because the couple from Switzerland have a toddler, and our only available room has no central heat. Yikes! That was not easy. Now, I have a quick question for you, dear readers. What do you think of the message on the T-shirt above? The caption: "A quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem." Do you find the message offensive or cute? Is it a good way to attract economic development to our town? What would you say to the shopkeeper if you were me? I will pass your comments on in an effort to get him to remove this item from his shelves. I look forward to hearing from you and thanks!...

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I wouldn't wear it or even chuckle when I saw it. There may be a drinking problem in town (I doubt much different from most places on earth), but why advertise it? And yes, the economy is terrible, but why advertise that? I will admit that the slogan is thought-provoking, but in a sad sort of way.

Someone is clearly bitter about life in Wellfleet.
I find it mildly amusing (the shirt, that is, not substance abuse) - but I wouldn't buy or wear it. I doubt it could affect economic development - more of an "in joke" for those that know the stories!
I think Wellfleet deserves better. I wouldn't buy it. There is so much beauty in the town...why not promote that on a shirt? I also would avoid that shop if I saw it in the window.
I don't like it and would find it offensive if it was my small town. It makes you think Wellfleet is a party town full of bars.
happy grouch's avatar

happy grouch · 756 weeks ago

The phrase has been around on bumper stickers for a long time about Chatham and Provincetown. This is certainly the most attractive version of it.
As T-shirt messages go these days this one would qualify for literary brilliance, and is only the slightest bit offensive. What is offensive is the fact that people seem to ignore the fact that T-shirts are underwear and shouldn't be worn in public at all!
Frugal Kiwi's avatar

Frugal Kiwi · 756 weeks ago

A frat boy shirt. Not classy, but I've seen worse.
My recent post Piggie in the Middle
This is a common phrase on t-shirts, steins and shot glasses for many tourist destinations. I wouldn't get too offended over it. I think shop keepers have the right to sell whatever sells as long as it is legal. I think discouraging freedom of speech in any way is going down a slippery slope. There's a lot of jokes and sayings on shirts about my part of the country about "Hillbillies." One, "Paddle faster, I hear banjos," is a reference to the movie, "Deliverance," and there's worse. Our nearest town is also named "Flippin" and you can imagine the sayings that provokes. It's all in jest and speaks to a certain type of customer. I may not wear it, but I don't deny the right for anyone else who so chooses - and this comes from a writer who has lost a brother to alcohol poisoning.
sarah henry's avatar

sarah henry · 755 weeks ago

Silly and not particularly inspired and definitely not my thing -- t-shirts with tourist slogans or brand names don't find their way into my wardrobe.

That said, living large, above, makes some valid points. And my feeling is we can always protest with our pocketbooks (by not opening them to pay for such things).
Freedom of speech indeed.
Wit is not necessarily universal, nor is humor. Still, it takes all kinds... and I'd rather come down on the side of tolerance, than on repression.

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