You have seen the advertising campaign “Got Milk?” and the milk mustaches on celebrities. Actually, these days, rather than “Got Milk?” that campaign should say, “Got Growth Hormones?” People would stop and say, "Eh??" If given a choice, most folks do not want growth hormone in their milk.
The pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly sells both rBGH — also known as rBST, a bovine hormone that may cause breast cancer — and drugs to cure breast cancer. They are playing it both ways.
Breast cancer is no fun. This week, on her blog The Fabulous Geezersisters, my friend Ruth Pennebaker shares an intimate journal, revealing what it’s like to get breast cancer. In this new century, even men get breast cancer. This must stop.
So, please, be you man or woman, visit the Breast Cancer Action Web site and sign the petition to make Eli Lilly as lily-white as their name implies.
Greed, greed, greed. Enough already!
Do you drink regular, raw, or organic milk? What do you think of having bovine growth hormone injected in cows to increase milk production? Have you signed the petition yet?
Zuleme · 759 weeks ago
Living Large · 759 weeks ago
Bev · 759 weeks ago
They move this rGBH around, and slide it into product when we are not looking. The hormonal disruption it engenders in our young, is playing itself out before our eyes. The excruciating pain cows suffer, and shortened life span, of those who are injected, should be shown before all the educators in our schools. I have signed so many petitions on this subject, and now I wonder what does it take to stop the exploitation, short of the death of multitudes?
Stan · 759 weeks ago
Consider that the largest purveyors of organic milk in the USA are very large, industrialized corporations, not local family farms. We must remain vigilant that our desire to be vigilant about our nutrition isn't manipulated and exploited while we're sold "sales puffery." Please check out this link if you buy organic milk !!
chezsven 82p · 759 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 759 weeks ago
Stan · 759 weeks ago
"Antibiotics are never added to milk. ALL milk is tested to ensure that antibiotics used to treat cows are not present in milk. Antibiotic-free and no-Antibiotic claims are not allowed in animal agriculture. Read the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety Information Service guidelines at
Bev · 758 weeks ago
Sounds like there is no oversight, independent of personal profit.
Grant · 758 weeks ago
Stan · 759 weeks ago
I also agree we must do everything we can to protect ourselves from toxins. I'm concered with making effective choices based on the best available information. I cannot simply take Dean Foods' labeling claims at face value. I hope that you continue to encourage readers to educate themselves from multiple sources, not just corporate milk and organic industry lobbying and marketing groups - and yes, unfortunately, they too sometimes employ tactics of salesmanship that defy a "moral compass." Dean Foods is just as concerned with its corporate profit as is Eli Lilly or Monsanto.
Here's some info about the labeling problems on the carton of milk Sven is holding in the picture above:
Thanks again for bringing up this topic, it's important and the "truth" is obfuscated by vested interests on many sides of the issue.
chezsven 82p · 759 weeks ago
ruth pennebaker · 759 weeks ago
My recent post Breast Cancer Journals- Part 5
Jennifer Margulis · 759 weeks ago
Frugal Kiwi · 758 weeks ago
My recent post Friday Freebies- South Island Flowers