Second, check out these comments from the Cape Cod Facebook page:
Steve: “Come on, Earl, slam the Cape and give us some work. We need it!”
Ernie: “Go home, Earl. We don’t want you to visit us.”
Nathan: “That’s sad when you ask for a storm to give you what is a God-given right, the right to work so you can live.”
S. Michael: “Hurricanes and Yankees don’t mix well.”
Carolyn: “Get lost, Earl!”
Leo: “I’ve been through these Cape Cod ‘brushes with death’ in the past. More sensationalism than destruction.”
Trisha: “Dear Earl, please throw a tree on my car. I need a new one.”
Kip: “As a kid, I remember one hurricane in particular, and it left fishing trawlers in the middle of Ocean Street in Hyannis, and a lot of beach front cottages motels went away down by my grandfather’s …”
Philip: “Blah, blah, blah. It’ll be about as windy as last Tuesday.”
Patricia: “Hey, I’m coming up tomorrow. Go the Hell the other way!”
Chris: “P-lease. Hurricanes never make it up the coast. The water is too cold.”
Michael: “Uh, Chris. Ever hear of Hurricane Bob?”
Mimi: “Hurricane Bob?! I was there renting a house with my cousins, and we didn't have electricity the whole week and there were all these angry, displaced bees on the beach.”
Marianne: “My Gram lost all the trees in her yard with Bob.”
Paula: “Will be on Cape in 3 weeks. Never been in a hurricane. Will miss all this.”
Philip: "I leave for Orleans Friday morning, so I’ll be chasing Earl the whole way up.”
Trisha: “Water temp is 77, warmer than usual FYI.”
William: “Nauset Beach in Orleans is already closed from now til Saturday.”
Patricia: “No! I’m supposed to be flying in Friday. Stay away, Earl!”
Zeek: “Everybody, do the Hurricane Dance immediately, and Earl will veer out to sea!”
Mark: “I hope my windows are shut!”
Lisa: "Keep in mind lawn ornaments can become missiles so bring them in. Think ahead, have cash on hand. Credit/debit will not work without power. Neither will gas pumps, fill your vehicle..."
Oh, this hurricane was a non-event. What I liked about Earl? It gave me a day or two off. For once, I got to sleep late!
Stan · 759 weeks ago