Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Say No to Plastic Waste Today!

On Saturday, Sven and I finally were able to get away to spend an hour on the beach, a first in a number of days. We walked up to Marconi, at low tide. The waves crested further out than usual and were still powerful, a reminder that Earl had moved out to sea. They charged way up the beach, sucking at our ankles. It was the type of day that makes you draw in breath and think, how lucky I am to be alive! Suddenly an object, fluttering just beyond our range of vision, caught my eye. A man at the foot of the dune had noticed it, too. He pointed up, towards the remnants of the Marconi Station. “What’s that?” the man shouted.

I turned to look.

“A plastic bag,” I replied. “It shouldn’t be there.”

“Plastic bags do not belong in the environment,” the man said, shaking his head.

The three of us stood there together, for a couple minutes, watching to see if the bag would break free. It had become stuck on something and flapped in the breeze. The location was too far up the dune for retrieval. I was reminded of the brilliant video created by Heal the Bay for the recent ban-the-bag campaign in California. The text is read by Jeremy Irons. Sven and I returned yesterday but the bag was gone. It probably broke loose and ended up being washed out to sea ...

Plastic bags choke our oceans, killing wildlife. Plastic bags disintegrate and get swallowed by fish and birds. We consume the fish, therefore, we eat plastic. Plastic is made of petro-chemicals. Human beings, fish, and birds are not meant to ingest petro-chemicals. This seems evident and yet nothing is being done to prevent gyres in our oceans, no anti-litter campaign has yet been initiated world-wide. Individuals like myself, and Beth Terry at Fake Plastic Fish, do their best to spread the word, but then something happens which sets us back. Environmental progress gets stymied, as it did last week in California where the bill to ban single-use plastic bags was defeated through lobbying efforts by the American Chemical Council, which spent $242,000 in support of plastic bags and BPA in products for infants. How distressing to have self-serving interests intervene this way! Watch this video and realize the scope of the problem. I recently was heartened to learn the United Nations Environmental Officer, Michael Stanley-Jones, plans to raise awareness of the hazards of plastic in our oceans. We all need to become stewards of the environment. When a clerk hands you a plastic bag, refuse it. I regularly thank clerks for asking whether I'm going bag-less or not. What are you doing to decrease the plastic waste in your life?

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Excellent reminder. We tend to be big on plastic water bottles in this household, so I'm always working to reduce our use there, and use the refillable bottles instead. It's mainly a matter of getting into the habit of doing it. What's it take - 21 days to establish a habit?
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Why did California vote down the ban? (I think I know the answer. It's just so sad.) I think we, as consumers, have to make our own bans, since lobbying efforts by big companies get in the way of health and safety. Good for you for spreading the word. I cringe when I see plastic bags still offered in stores.
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Sheryl, It was big money by the powerful plastics industry that got the deal voted down, on the guise that it would cost too many jobs. My mother and I went with cloth bags over 20 years ago and have never looked back. While there are days I don't have my bags with me, I try not to use plastic. BTW, Alexandra, I saw Wellfleet's Oyster Fest in a small write up in Country Living Magazine this month. It was great, as I feel like I know Wellfleet through your blog!
I am distressed at how much plastic we use and how much just floats around. I'm glad you're calling attention to this really important issue and I hope that the UN is able to do something about it.
It always makes me so, so sad when I see garbage floating out in the sea. Here in SF it's pretty common - our coast is littered with beer cans, chip bags, water bottles, you name it. It says a lot about a society when people trash their environment.
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Almost Slowfood's avatar

Almost Slowfood · 759 weeks ago

I couldn't be more on your wavelength with the use of plastic bags and bottles. As much as I can I carry my own bags or choose paper and I now buy milk in glass bottles and drink tap water.

I told my mother about the plastic continent out in the Pacific ocean. She isn't big on recycling, but now she's much more mindful after finding out what our extreme plastic waste is doing. It's just so very shocking what we as a global culture has done to this world in very little time.
Frugal Kiwi's avatar

Frugal Kiwi · 759 weeks ago

I take my own bags to the store and buy my dry goods in bulk to keep our plastic use at a minimum. Thanks for helping us keep our eye on the ball.
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What's distressing to me isn't that self-serving interests intervened with dollars (which strikes me as entirely normal and predictable), what IS distressing is that the California representatives let themselves be purchased by the highest bidder. Vote them out, vote them out, at every level and from sea to sea. Time for new faces with new ideas, not the same old cheap spare "change" we've been sold for far too long.
It's so awful how plastic has invaded our lives and how we are not THINKING about the kind of damage we are doing to our own endocrine systems and to the ecosystem. I am trying to cut down on plastic. I do not ever put produce in plastic bags (even string beans, I just put them in the cart), I refuse bags all the time, and I try to find other ways to stop using plastic. We don't drink bottled water. We don't buy bread wrapped in plastic (we buy it from the bakery and ask to be handed the loaf) and we buy in bulk. BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH. PLASTIC NEEDS TO BE OUTLAWED. Bags and all.
I try to BYO bag as much as possible (even though it annoys the bf), and I recycle any bags that accumulate in our apartment. Loved the mockumentary about the lifecycle of the plastic bag!
I remember when I first heard about that big trash pile in the ocean. It's just astounding to me that we -- as supposedly smart people -- cannot make the connection between out daily conveniences and this dangerous trash.

That bag flapping in the wind is more than just a bag flapping in the wind ... it's a sign. And, not a good one.
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That video is mind-boggling - how can anyone NOT be affected by the sight of a decomposed seabird with plastic still intact inside its skeleton?

At my retail job, I routinely ask customers if they would like a bag - even though I'm forced to give them to those who say yes, I can only hope that the question "do you NEED a bag for this today?" is food for thought.
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Emailed: Great post! Your energy is inspiring.

Beth Terry
Live life with less plastic. http://fakeplasticfish.com
In Ireland, it's been my experience that grocers and other food vendors charge for plastic bags. a small charge, but most people do seem to bring their own bags along.
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I'm an avid hater of unnecessary plastic, but I disagree with Jennifer about an all-out ban on plastic. Plastic does have value in certain instances (think: kids' bike helmets) but I think it's sorely overused. We do need to stop the use of plastic bottles (I use refillable bpa bottles), plastic bags, and the infuriating plastic packaging. Oh, there's more, I'm sure. I have reusable grocery bags and on my list of projects is to sew up some reusable produce bags. Maybe I will send some to Jennifer so her green beans don't have to go into the cart loose!
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