I turned to look.
“A plastic bag,” I replied. “It shouldn’t be there.”
“Plastic bags do not belong in the environment,” the man said, shaking his head.
The three of us stood there together, for a couple minutes, watching to see if the bag would break free. It had become stuck on something and flapped in the breeze. The location was too far up the dune for retrieval. I was reminded of the brilliant video created by Heal the Bay for the recent ban-the-bag campaign in California. The text is read by Jeremy Irons. Sven and I returned yesterday but the bag was gone. It probably broke loose and ended up being washed out to sea ...
Plastic bags choke our oceans, killing wildlife. Plastic bags disintegrate and get swallowed by fish and birds. We consume the fish, therefore, we eat plastic. Plastic is made of petro-chemicals. Human beings, fish, and birds are not meant to ingest petro-chemicals. This seems evident and yet nothing is being done to prevent gyres in our oceans, no anti-litter campaign has yet been initiated world-wide. Individuals like myself, and Beth Terry at Fake Plastic Fish, do their best to spread the word, but then something happens which sets us back. Environmental progress gets stymied, as it did last week in California where the bill to ban single-use plastic bags was defeated through lobbying efforts by the American Chemical Council, which spent $242,000 in support of plastic bags and BPA in products for infants. How distressing to have self-serving interests intervene this way! Watch this video and realize the scope of the problem. I recently was heartened to learn the United Nations Environmental Officer, Michael Stanley-Jones, plans to raise awareness of the hazards of plastic in our oceans. We all need to become stewards of the environment. When a clerk hands you a plastic bag, refuse it. I regularly thank clerks for asking whether I'm going bag-less or not. What are you doing to decrease the plastic waste in your life?
Jane Boursaw · 759 weeks ago
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Living Large · 759 weeks ago
marthaandme 42p · 759 weeks ago
sstiavetti 34p · 759 weeks ago
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Almost Slowfood · 759 weeks ago
I told my mother about the plastic continent out in the Pacific ocean. She isn't big on recycling, but now she's much more mindful after finding out what our extreme plastic waste is doing. It's just so very shocking what we as a global culture has done to this world in very little time.
Frugal Kiwi · 759 weeks ago
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Stan · 759 weeks ago
Jennifer Margulis · 759 weeks ago
Susan · 759 weeks ago
Champion of My Heart · 759 weeks ago
That bag flapping in the wind is more than just a bag flapping in the wind ... it's a sign. And, not a good one.
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Casey · 759 weeks ago
At my retail job, I routinely ask customers if they would like a bag - even though I'm forced to give them to those who say yes, I can only hope that the question "do you NEED a bag for this today?" is food for thought.
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chezsven 82p · 759 weeks ago
Beth Terry
Live life with less plastic. http://fakeplasticfish.com
Kerry Dexter · 759 weeks ago
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Kris · 759 weeks ago
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