Tuesday, September 14, 2010

“Restrain Your Greed”

A multitude of small clouds stretched across the sky yesterday. Here, in Wellfleet, it already feels like autumn. This morning I fished out my jeans from a box of winter clothes. Sven and I put on sweatshirts for an excursion to LeCount Hollow. We had to take them off for our walk. The brilliant sun warmed the beach where optimists had set up a row of a dozen beach chairs, all facing south. I wasn’t feeling all that optimistic, myself. Melancholy would be a more apt description of my mood. These days I’m thinking a lot about the environment and the power of corporations.

I receive half a dozen emails every morning, urging action on this or that.  The political ones get deleted. Messages from non-profits like NRDC or Sierra Club will be opened with circumspection.

The voices have grown more strident of late. The global warming activists have decided to give up niceties and contemplate other types of action with regard to the climate change bill. The messengers warning about food safety have moved beyond strident to hysterical. Through a comment to the Environmental Working Group Facebook page, I found an article by a British scientist, who came out of retirement to put parents on guard about microwave radiation from cell phones. The Internet cacophony finally got to me. That was when Sven suggested going to the beach. But even there I saw reminders of environmental degradation, like this helium balloon, off a cruise ship.

We passed a woman, named Lisa, picking up plastic bags.  It occurred to me that there's a disconnect between what legislators say and what people do, and especially women, when it comes to the environment. Everyone should spontaneously assume responsibility, as Lisa does, and take measures to save the planet. We do not need to be members of the local Conservation Commission to participate in the removal of plastic bottles, bags, and trash from our beaches. It should become a reflex for us all.

Sven pointed out that that what I am feeling is described in Charles Baxter’s review of Jonathan Frazen’s new novel, Freedom, in the latest New York Review of Books: “What has happened, I think, is that the public sphere is regarded as a total loss, so that the big problems are imagined as unsolvable. The result is a particular kind of despair, the sort that arises from rage with no outlet, the core emotion of a large proportion of educated readers during the George W. Bush administration. Corrupted by ruinous quantities of money, and the cynical application of power, the public world depicted here seems incapable of saving anything of value. At every point, where a citizen tries to enter that world, he encounters active lying and the operations of expedient logic, and in the novel’s view, he becomes a collaborator.”

I will not be a collaborator. Did you know DDT is still used in 17 countries?  I learned this fact from the Safe Planet Web site after watching Professor Maathai, of Kenya. Mosquitoes there breed the stagnant water that collects in the pockets that form in plastic bags, strewn across the countryside. The UN Messenger of Peace and Nobel Prize winner is quite eloquent about the corporate world. She says, “You have to restrain your greed.” Please watch this short video. (Businessmen convinced the Kenyan government to oppose a ban on thin plastic bags, so mosquitoes continue to breed and Africans are obliged to rely on DDT, which is a toxic chemical that accumulates in our bodies.)

What can you do? Get involved. Share what you know. Speak out. And, if you live on Cape Cod, vote in the primary today. Here’s my green ticket: Dan Wolf, Sarah Peake, Rob O’Leary, Deval Patrick ...

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I've felt that same hopelessness. We always try to at least pick up the trash other people leave behind too. There's already more trash on our very country road I need to get out and pick up. This past weekend, while on our boat, we saw a beer can crashing up against the shore. We weren't able to reach it without hitting up against the rocks too. It just makes me so angry people are too lazy to deal with their own trash.
I think Wellfleet needs to do a better job of providing refuse and recycling opportunities for its tourists. The "transfer station" waste management model, popular in rural areas throughout New England, is great for full-time and seasonal residents, isn't a good fit for an area with a large number of transient visitors. Most tourists have no idea about the transfer station. One or two old green barrels at the beach lots won't cut it anymore, either. That's how we get cans and paper on our beach and marshes. We could just hope that those that carry-in will carry-out, but clearly we need to meet the problem "halfway." A few recycle stations and secure refuse containers would end a lot of illegal dumping, by laziness and/or carelessness.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I agree with you, Stan. I will forward your comment to the Wellfleet Recycling Commission. Thanks!
Sandra Larsen's avatar

Sandra Larsen · 758 weeks ago

Thank you for inspiring the mantra I will hold for today and onward about restraining greed. Isn't that really the basis of it all? I, like you, can get bogged down in my daily journey to cultivate awareness about these constant pressing environmental issues and act on them in every way I am able. This blog conversation will stick with me as I am on my way to stand out for my "green ticket" candidates in front of our Town Hall. We need reminders that our words and deeds, however small, really do matter. Let's remember to be kind to ourselves when we get discouraged and reach out to others, like you have Sandy, and hold hands in our efforts. I know it heartens me to know others care so much and it helps me keep soldiering on and manifesting results!
Oliver Cipollini, too. I had a chance to ask him about his opinions on environmental issues, and the guy really knows his stuff! I was very impressed.
My recent post Cake
So often I experience extreme frustration and despair regarding the insensitivity of both corporations and individuals.
And many times that feeling of hopelessness leads me to inaction, unfortunately. We need leaders like you to keep us aware and informed. Thank you!
My recent post Why Your Body Needs to S-T-R-E-T-C-H
I generally feel as melancholy as you do. There is so much plastic, toxic chemicals, and just bad stuff around, I just don't know how we're ever going to clean it all up. Each of us who cares must do his small part and hope that more people become aware. I think you are making a difference by speaking out on this blog.
I know so well how you feel. I've been feeling this too. I agree with Brette (AKA MarthaAndMe) that you are making a difference by educating people on this blog.

Also, we CAN take so many small actions with HUGE results. If everyone STOPPED USING PLASTIC BAGS in our own lives, we'd be halfway there with this.

JUST SAY NO to plastic bags for produce. (put stuff right in your cart!)

JUST SAY NO to plastic bags for carrying things out of a store (bring your own canvas bags!)

JUST SAY NO to paper towels (use cloth napkins and dish rags!)

We can do this. We have to do this.

That said, the whole damn thing makes me sad as hell.
My recent post Bankruptcy lawyers cash in- my new article in Oregon Business Magazine
Sometimes it feels as though, regardless of what is said, our country has become more of a "me" society and less of a "we" society. This especially feels sadly true when it comes to our government.
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The mess we have made is so huge, sometimes it feels as though we'll never fix it. That's not to say that I won't try, though. I'm training my kids to bend down and pick up trash when they see it. I take bags to the store, I don't use chemicals, I cook. Small things, but *something, every day. I think Meredith is right. We need to start thinking of this as a problem WE have and work together.
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It is sad and frustrating, but I think the more awareness we spread the more people will take action.
My recent post 9 Ways I’m a Normal Mom and Wife
Melancholy is right. But reading all of your thoughts and exhortations gives me a little energy to keep working at it, to not get discouraged by the recyclable cans I see in my neighbors' landfill-bound trash each week, etc. We all just need to keep doing our thing and TALKING ABOUT IT.
I still see people tossing trash out of their windows - and I wonder, really, what are they thinking? Are they so blind that you have no idea what's going on in the world? Do they have their fingers in their ears singing LA LA LA LA I can't hear the news about the state of the environment?

It's hard to not be disappointed and frustrated.
My recent post The Herbfarm’s 100-Mile Dinner
By the way, I saw this article and thought of you: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/science/earth/1...
My recent post The Herbfarm’s 100-Mile Dinner

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