The decaf had begun to brew.
“It felt like the innkeepers were playing at it,” Liz explained.
“It was clear they had not slept in the room themselves,” Ian added.
Here was a topic that interested me, guests from Britain finding fault with American innkeepers. I’ve noticed Americans do not make such good B&B guests either. They often arrive with expectations of maid service and act way superior to their hosts. When guests behave this way, they are really missing the point. If you choose a B&B, you choose to stay in someone’s home, as a guest, very different from an overnight stay in a motel, and being welcomed into someone's home merits some respect.
“I don’t think the other guests are here anymore,” I told Liz and Ian, placing their gluten-free toast on the antique garden table.
“What?” Liz said, furrowing her brow. “Yesterday they did tell us they were going to Martha’s Vineyard.”
So, I went upstairs,
“How frustrating!” I exclaimed. “Remember our discussion about Americans and B&Bs yesterday? These folks left without telling me. Incredible!”
“I think it’s a bit rude as well,” Liz added.
Not intentionally rude, but yes, gauche for sure. I was up at 7. Ian told me he had heard the other car pull out at 8. It would have been easy to duck one’s head into the kitchen and say thank you: goodbye. No breakfast today, thanks.
Last year I wrote a post called B&B Etiquette: On Noise. I’m realizing there are a lot of do and don’ts that no one has explained to Americans when it comes to staying at a bed & breakfast.
Here’s another lesson: If you must leave before breakfast, tell the innkeeper the night before!
Frugal Kiwi · 756 weeks ago
My recent post Rubbish Bin Tater Update and Spring Garden Tour
V Schoenwald · 756 weeks ago
Be glad though, that they are out of your B&B, you do not need this type of business.
Where I live, we have this all over town, and I knew someone who had a B&B here out in the country, where we do not have too many trees, and is pretty much "cowboy country" and and she told me a long time ago that she was going to close down from the being treated as the hired help instead of a hostess/host, and after the season, she closed.
She was on a historic site of the Oregon Trail, and some of the other trails that pioneers and immigrants used to get to the West.
I think people in general are becoming more rude and self-centered than ever before, and I don't have a answer for it, but I think that I would be choosy with guests coming.
Have a great weekend
My recent post Poverty and my rant
sarah henry · 756 weeks ago
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Living Large · 756 weeks ago