The weather was actually warm in Wellfleet yesterday for an hour or two in the early part of the afternoon.

Sven installed himself in the hammock to read, while I journeyed down Route 6 for a follow-up appointment with the oral surgeon. We went to the beach on Friday and saw bikers out for the first time in 2011. We have guests here this weekend. Potential guests have spring fever, too. They are emailing like mad. Reservations for summer are going fast. Seagull Cottage is booked from June 5 through August 26. Rooms in the main house are filling up, too. Strangely enough, foreigners have taken the lead, for whatever reason. Perhaps they plan vacations further in advance? Down at the marina, boats have begun to arrive from cold storage or wherever they spend the winter. I saw a five-year-old out with a skateboard at the marina and wondered where his mother was. Our garden has greened up nicely. Daffodils are up, and the forsythia is about to bloom. There is so much to do that sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Between the garden, the house, the B&B, fighting NStar, Sven's doctors, my doctors, this blog, my book ... well, there's no time left for the Green Task Force. Something has to give, and I'm realizing organizing workshops, etc. requires a chunk of time I simply do not have. Those are my thoughts on this pretty spring morning ...