I hated to tell Sven, but a Swede came up with this horrific invention: From Wikipedia, “The lightweight shopping bag as we know it today is the invention of Swedish engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin. He developed the idea for forming a simple one-piece bag by folding, welding and die-cutting a flat tube of plastic in the early 1960s for packaging company Celloplast of Norrkoping.” (Pronounce the K like this “sh.”) "His idea produced a simple, strong bag with a high load carrying capacity and was patented worldwide by Celloplast in 1965.”
So, before 1965, no plastic bags. When I was a child grocery stores provided bags made of paper. Then we started worrying about trees. What a shame so few people thought of totes back then. It's great to save trees, but plastic has invaded our lives, so it's time to reject plastic, too. It disintegrates and pollutes our waterways, our oceans, our fish. Would you care for some plastic with your fish today? This is aberration.
“In 2009 the United States International Trade Commission did report that the number of bags used in the United States was 102 Billion.”
If you absolutely must accept a plastic bag, once in a while, while shopping, collect them and recycle at Stop & Shop (extreme left of entrance).
Some ignorant storekeepers still give customers plastic bags, even for the purchase of one item, like at CVS, where it's a rule!!! Get gutsy. Suggest to the store clerk that plastic bags are bad for the environment, that you do not need one, and pull out your tote. Write his/her boss and explain why this rule should be lifted.
I am never without a tote ever since Ronni Bennett gave me a marvelous Chico bag, which I carry in my purse at all times and use on a regular basis. How do you avoid plastic bags?
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Champion of My Heart · 729 weeks ago
My new quest is for little mesh bags or something I can bring for produce. Any ideas? Maybe I could knit or crochet some.
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Jennifer Margulis · 729 weeks ago
What is almost impossible, though, is AVOIDING plastic bags on things like pre-packaged bread, etc. I know I do not want my food wrapped in plastic, so I try to make my own bread. But lately I've been in a baking slump. Or I make another stop at the bakers and have them SIMPLY HAND ME THE LOAF (like is often done with baguettes in France.)
But that also means an extra stop.
And it's not just bread -- meat, yogurt, anything not in bulk or not produce. I FEEL LIKE WE ARE DROWNING IN PLASTIC.
Okay, can you tell this topic hit a nerve??
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