Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting Riled Up Over Toxic Chemicals

How beautiful the Atlantic Ocean! If only there were no toxic chemicals in it. But plastic bags get into the water and disintegrate. Then fish eat the pieces. We eat the fish ...

I did not get to the ocean today, occupied with preparation of the cottage for guests and the writing of another op-ed on toxic chemicals in the environment. Yesterday evening I attended the second half of Town Meeting. I spoke in favor of the bio-degradable packaging article, proposed by the Recycling Commission. First, I showed off my baskets and Chico-bag.

Here's my little speech:

"Toxic chemicals in the environment are making us sick.

I just read a book called The Polluters. It’s about the strategies, used by the chemical industry over the years, to avoid regulation.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has just taken a stand against toxic chemicals in the environment. Whoa, you say. What does all this have to do with biodegradable packaging? My response is EVERYTHING. We need to change the way we conduct our lives, person by person, day by day, plastic item by plastic item. We add 800 pounds of packaging per person, per year to the waste stream.

Running a green bed & breakfast has shown me that tourists do understand environmental issues. Our guests come back from dinner happier when they eat at local restaurants that have already embraced bio-degradable packaging.

Restaurant owners, think of this as an opportunity. Put your brand on reusable totes and sell them.

If Wellfleet could earn a green reputation, it would be great for all of our businesses. Let’s be the first town to take action.

I salute the Recycling Commission, for all it has accomplished, and urge you to support this article."

Sadly, the warrant article was indefinitely postponed, at the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen, unwilling to burden the town's businessmen and women in time of recession.

I spoke with Recycling Commission chair Lydia Vivante this afternoon and two members, Elspeth Hay and Andrea Pluhar, will join a task force to study a "pay as you throw" option.

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NoPotCooking's avatar

NoPotCooking · 726 weeks ago

I hope the law will be reconsidered and pass. We all need to reduce the amount of plastic -- sometimes I cannot believe how much of it there. Everything seems to be packaged in plastics.
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This was just posted in our local news today--here on LI one town is banning the use of plastic bags. "Southampton has passed a measure prohibiting retailers from using non-biodegradable bags, after the village board voted 5-0 in favor of the ban. Merchants have six months to start using paper or reusable bags.
Violators face a $1,000 fine and up to 14 days in jail."
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What's the rest of the story? How was your speech received? I've heard mixed messages about bio-degradable materials. I remember hearing an interview about how these products ideally have to be disposed of at facilities designed to receive them. Do you know, is that true?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The Recycling Commission chair is adamant that composting of these materials, in one's garden, works. My speech was well received. Several strangers have actually patted me on the shoulder since then in town and expressed appreciation. I hope the article is presented again in the fall. Buoyed by the news, above, from Claudine, that Southhampton has moved ahead with a ban.
So disappointing. But it's good you are fighting the good fight, and you have to keep speaking out. They will listen eventually. My friend's son was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer. These toxins are hurting humans. It's time for everyone--including businesses that benefit from them--to realize that enough is enough!
Spinning it as a way for businesses to advertise was a good idea. Making it something that businesses WANT to do has to help. I'm sorry it didn't pass, but maybe it will next time.
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Thanks for standing up for the environment. I honestly don't understand why businesses are against these bans. Even forgetting about the environment, by customers bringing their own bags, businesses will cut their expenses. Silly.
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A great idea that benefits businesses, economically and in terms of advertising, in addition to the Earth benefits, should make for a very easy sell to individual proprietors to adopt such a policy without a governmental mandate. I'm having a hard time imagining someone being fined $1K and going to jail for a plastic bag... Maybe that's part of why "business" is resistant to such policies: threats. Perhaps *incentives* would be more convincing.
I admire you for your convictions. Don't let the big guys get you down. Your perseverance will pay off, it not now, then hopefully very soon. There are too many people getting sick and too many natural environments being dumped on.It's both sad and frightening.
I'm not sure indefinitely postponing such matters that affect the environment is ultimately effective (translation: it's not). Keep up your voice, Alexandra. I'm rooting for you.
Thank you from all of us for staying strong on the issue of toxic chemicals. I'm still dismayed and frustrated over our local township's practice of spraying chemicals on the fragmites in the bays here. They say it's "natural," but based on what I've heard from my farmer brothers, it isn't. Fortunately, we have some good folks fighting the fight for clean water here.
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