For instance, a friend stopped by just this morning. He needs a home year-round, after a divorce. Not a fancy place, with hydrangea blossoms cascading over a picket fence. A studio will do. A bed, a bathroom, a microwave.
“Just putting the word out,” R. said. “No wonder people move to North Carolina. You can get a beautiful house for $150,000.”
“You should look in the Banner,” I suggested.
“I was looking at the ads yesterday,” he said. “There was this place. They wanted $450,000. It looked familiar, so I opened the front door. Sure enough. There was a For Sale sign down the street. And, that house is nothing special. $450,000!”
The problem? The Outer Cape is pricey, and Wellfleet has become too trendy for its own good. Wellfleetians are willing to move out for extra income in the summer, let strangers live in their home. Not everyone rents, but practically. Or, they rent the cottage behind their house, and that cottage becomes no longer available as a year-round rental.
Affordable housing has almost ceased to exist, so I was extremely pleased to hear from the Wellfleet Local Housing Partnership that help is on the way for one person, at least:
“Up to $125,000 for a Moderate-Income Qualified First Time Wellfleet Home Buyer. The Wellfleet Local Housing Partnership and the Wellfleet Housing Authority are sponsoring a Buy Down Program for 1st Time Home Buyers in Wellfleet. The Buy-Down Program will make a grant of up to $125,000 to a selected, qualified moderate-income applicant to help them reduce the purchase price of a home, bridging the gap between what is available in the open market and what is affordable to a moderate-income Cape household. The goal of the Program is to increase the availability of affordable home ownership opportunities in Wellfleet using funds provided by the local Community Preservation Committee and approved by the voters of Wellfleet.”
If you are interested, attend one of the information sessions (April 6 at 7 pm, or April 30 at 10 am at the library), or contact Gary Sorkin,
VM Badertscher · 729 weeks ago
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stanley · 729 weeks ago
More importantly, I think there are unintended consequences whenever the government interferes with the function of the market. For instance, in this example, if the seller is sitting on his house awaiting a buyer, and said buyer can't meet the asking price, public money plugs the hole - so there's NO incentive for a seller to LOWER the price and compromise. That means Wellfleet real estate prices are thus artificially inflated. This tends to work against everyone else that wishes to buy a ~$325K house - particularly locals and the non-wealthy first-time buyers.
The most desirable real estate being out of reach of lower income, local folk may be characterized as a "problem" in nearly every US state. Dumping large amounts of public dollars into the market only makes it worse - but enriches landowners and protects municipalities' sacred cash cow: property appraisals and thus property tax revenue.
I think a far better solution might be along the lines of a decade long property tax exemption for local first time buyers. Seems like that would make mortgage payments a lot easier without distorting market prices in favor of the taxing entity.
Help working BUYERS instead of subsidizing unrealistic, speculative SELLERS !!
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