Wednesday, June 30, 2010
When Innkeeping Feels Right ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
When Innkeeping Feels Right ...
Alexandra Grabbe
art history|innkeeping|Wellfleet|
Comments (4)

art history,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What's Happening at the Library?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:36 AM
What's Happening at the Library?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Monday, June 28, 2010
Community Garden Steals Show on Prez. Hall Tour
Fortunately, I was able to carve out a half hour for reporting duty.
“It’s a blast to come through here,” Sharyn Lindsay told a friend.
“Doesn’t this look delicious, the lettuce?” someone else said.
“I’m picking one for dinner tonight,” declared a man wielding a knife, apparently owner of the plot.
“I share a plot with Iris,” Deb Giza told a friend, her voice ringing with excitement and pride. “I planted beets for her borscht.”
“Even the way people planted their rows: it’s so aesthetic, isn’t it?” one woman remarked, nodding her head in admiration.
I could only agree.
Maura Condrick sold markers to benefit the Community Garden, so I bought five, “Marvelous Markers from Maura,” cut from shingles by John Makely. It was nice to be able to take a bit of the Community Garden home to decorate my own here at Chez Sven. I cannot imagine tending TWO gardens, as Sharyn Lindsay does. Before leaving, I asked Caleb what his favorite garden was.
“My mum’s,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation.
It’s great to be able to participate in such events. They bring a community together. The construction of Preservation Hall isn't yet finished, but it is already fulfilling its purpose. And, community is essential for the welfare of a small town ....
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Community Garden Steals Show on Prez. Hall Tour
Alexandra Grabbe
Community Garden|Preservation Hall|Wellfleet|
Comments (6)

Community Garden,
Preservation Hall,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
PB Boulangeriebistro to Accept Reservations
“Every time I drive past, the line is out the door. Cars parked on both sides of the road. I mean, like, what are they selling in there? The fountain of youth?”
No, just feathery croissants, hearty peasant bread, crunchy baguettes.
Of course Sven’s friend Rick was describing, what else? PB BoulangerieBistro. Its phenomenal success has people all over the East Coast planning future trips to Cape Cod. Meanwhile Wellfleetians have waited patiently for the bistro part of the name to become operational. The wait will soon be over.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
PB Boulangeriebistro to Accept Reservations
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (2)

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bonus Post: Mayo Beach at Noon Today
"Have we gotten any better at green living?" is the question Jane Boursaw asks today at her blog Film Gecko. My response is I sure hope so! Jane read my earlier post this morning and referred her readers here. I'm thrilled the Submission trailer will get this early exposure on a mainstream blog. Thank you, Jane.
What do you think? Have we gotten better at green living?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:50 PM
Bonus Post: Mayo Beach at Noon Today
Alexandra Grabbe
environment|Hands Across the Sand|Mayo Beach|
Comments (2)

Hands Across the Sand,
Mayo Beach
Toxic Headaches & One Bright New Light
Day 69 of the toxic oil spill in the Gulf ...
If I didn't have a B&B to run, I think I would spend all my time trying to alert the general public to the danger posed by toxic chemicals. I see myself in a rowboat with my grandchildren, desperately rowing, unable to reach the shore with the storm-of-the-century on the way: that is how I feel at each revelation of yet another threat to our environment. The wind picks up, the seas become choppy; the boat shivers and begins to slide backwards. We must turn that current around …
Yesterday Mandy Robinson, at Prudential Cape Shores, forwarded an email from a well-meaning man who hopes to spray Cape Cod properties for ticks. I read about the insecticide, approved 4/19/2010 by the EPA, and learned it’s toxic to bees and should not be used near bodies of water. Hey! We need to use a little sense here. Mandy emailed that she agrees: “I deleted the email and have no intention of sending it to our homeowners. I too have had Lyme Disease but am firmly against spraying. As you say it is another onslaught on the environment.”
Without exploring how insanely stupid it is to use a product that kills bees, let’s just concentrate on the issue of what is appropriate for Cape Cod, with its sandy soil. What we spray on trees, grass, bushes, rosebushes, etc. filters down into the water that we share through a system of private wells. I, for one, do not want toxic chemicals in my drinking water. As Congressman Delahunt stated in his March 30, 2010 letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Cape Cod is a unique environment. Communities with a single source aquifer need “special consideration.”
So, if indeed this product was registered with the EPA, the place to start is writing the EPA. Can Astro Insecticide (Permethrin) be looked at more closely? Remember colony collapse? We need our bees. They are our pollinators.
Then I open a tweet from the Environmental Working Group and learn toxins have been found in whale bones, so many toxins – and heavy metals in particular – that the scientists are stunned. To quote, "These contaminants, I think, are threatening the human food supply. They certainly are threatening the whales and the other animals that live in the ocean," said biologist Roger Payne, founder and president of Ocean Alliance. Threatening our human food supply. Whoa! Strong words.
And, of course, there’s my pet peeve, all the toxic chemicals in our bodies. On this front, I’m happy to report the release of Stefan Jarl's documentary Submission, which was shown at the United Nations two months ago to high praise. Remember the title and tell your friends.
I am doing my best to find out what has been done to get this Swedish movie distributed in the United States. According to Professor Ake Bergman, “it has been a hit so far, even though the film is describing the dark side of chemicals. The film will be shown in Geneva for UNEP employees a week from now.” And, the director himself responded, “Yes, the United Nations is taking it around the world, screening it at seminars for scientists, researchers and so on, but of course I want the film to ‘speak’ directly to an audience. I know that a documentary like this very seldom reaches theaters - but it ought to, since the UN describes it as ‘the best film of the century.’”
Read more of Stefan Jarl’s description of Submission at The Canary Report. And, please watch the trailer.
(Readers, anyone have suggestions on how to help Mr. Jarl get his film shown in the USA? He is sending me the DVD, and guests this summer will be able to watch it here at Chez Sven.)
Thursday night my grandson was born in Los Angeles. Welcome to the world, darling baby! From now on, let’s all work together. We must create meaningful laws that stop this mindless pollution. It is no longer the business of someone else. Get involved. We all need to transform ourselves into a citizens’ army. You with me?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Toxic Headaches & One Bright New Light
Alexandra Grabbe
environmental hazards|Submission|
Comments (26)

environmental hazards,
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hands (and Feet) Across the Sand
Clean energy is a hot topic. Let's hope it remains so. Tomorrow, Saturday, all around the world people like you and me are going to step onto a beach at noon, join hands, and send a message: "This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry," declare the organizers. Here in Wellfleet, join fellow citizens who care about the environment for Hands Across the Sand at Mayo Beach, 12, noon. Say no to offshore drilling. Say yes to clean energy. It's time to draw a line in the sand. Let our representatives in Congress know there will be no more pussy-footing around ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Hands (and Feet) Across the Sand
Alexandra Grabbe
Mayo Beach|
Comments (5)

Mayo Beach
Thursday, June 24, 2010
What's On My Food?
People across America are realizing the benefit of local food, grown in community gardens. Perhaps the urge to eat organic is why a community garden was started last year here in Wellfleet, located beside the Senior Center?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What's On My Food?
Alexandra Grabbe
gardens|pesticides|Preservation Hall|
Comments (6)

Preservation Hall
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Guest Blog: Why My Sister's a Keeper
“Hello! I’m here at Chez Sven for two days, with my wife Betsy, enjoying some beautiful June weather and connecting with Sandy and Sven. I could write about the changes in the sand at Newcomb Hollow beach, the fresh smell of the ocean that permeates this part of the world, the gorgeous flowers outside the door here, or the magnificent session I had today with Tracy Plaut, massage therapist extraordinaire. But what I really want to write about is my older sister.
First, I’m so impressed with the transformations she has made in the Wellfleet house our parents lived in for so many years, and how she and Sven have built up a successful B&B. I’m really not surprised that my sister turns out to be an excellent businesswoman. And she has developed a passion for ridding the world of unnecessary chemicals that get approved for use before they’ve been proven safe.
Second, I appreciate the work she has done on this blog and her previous one about home-caring our elderly mother.
You see, I’ve been working for various newspapers for 40 years, the last 10 of them as a writer and reporter. For much of this time, Sandy identified with being a writer and strived for the goal of ‘getting published,’ achieving some successes but also enduring a lot of disappointments. Meanwhile, ‘getting published’ was something I did every day.
Now the publishing world is being turned upside down by computer technology, and I am struggling, along with many other mainstream journalists, to adapt to the new reality of blogs, tweets and videos, while my sister finds herself in the blogger vanguard and even attracts an audience. She has been able to connect environmentalism and Wellfleet, quite an achievement! And, she’s far more knowledgeable about computers than I am. So this is my tribute to you, Sandy, and to your blog, and to Wellfleet, too!”
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Guest Blog: Why My Sister's a Keeper
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (7)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Learning Herbs & Spices from Marge Piercy
Marge Piercy is leading a poetry workshop in Wellfleet this week. (If you didn’t sign up, never fear: a wait-list seems to be forming for 2011.) Then, on Thursday, she will hold a poetry reading "with her students" at the Wellfleet Public Library. Marge Piercy is a marvelous poet. Before starting Chez Sven, I worked for Marge as a personal assistant. One of my favorite assignments was sorting herbs. Twice a year, Marge orders herbs and spices from a mail-order company ...
A box of plastic packets has arrived UPS. Between us, on the library table, await empty glass jars of all shapes and sizes, like an army ready to receive booty.
I reach for the top packet and say out loud, “Powdered Turkish Bay Leaves,” as if ushering in royalty.
Marge puts a check next to that item on her list. Meanwhile I’m busy making a funnel out of a piece of paper. My boss chooses a jar of appropriate size and hands it across the table. Carefully I pour in the contents while she scribbles a label with a black felt pen. The air sparkles with the scent of bay, transporting me to far-off lands.
I choose a spice from the top of the pile. “Extra Fancy Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon,” I call out, already in Cinnamon Heaven.
Marge scribbles and hands me another packet. From apple pie for dessert, backwards we go to the main course.
“Broken Leaf French Tarragon,” I announce.
Tarragon is a personal favorite, one used often with fish in France.
Then I receive cumin and cilantro, all at once. They remind me of the chili that seasoned my workplace the week before. It smelled so good!
Most of Marge’s recipes contain herbs. Many of the herbs grow in her garden: parsley, several different kinds of basil, dill, cilantro, thyme, and savory. She seems to use them all. During winter, dried herbs must stand in for the real thing.
I pour “Herbes de Provence” into a jar. In my mind, I grill ka-bobs in France, beside a field of lavender. As I open “Fines Herbes,” I find a seat in a café and order an omelette. But Marge interrupts this reverie with “Whole Spanish Rosemary Leaves,” the size and shape of Christmas tree needles. I revel in the scent of roasted lamb with garlic, taste the mint jelly on my tongue …
The first time I helped with an herb shipment, I was only allowed to observe. The second time, I participated and even placed an order myself. I went home that day with my spice packets, ready to cook up a storm. There’s nothing like fresh herbs and spices. Yes, I’ve become a convert. Thank you, Marge!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Learning Herbs & Spices from Marge Piercy
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Monday, June 21, 2010
What's New On the Bookshelf?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What's New On the Bookshelf?
Alexandra Grabbe
The Imperfectionists|
Comments (5)

The Imperfectionists
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Got Strawberries?
You may have already signed a petition against a new pesticide, methyl iodide, which some strawberry farmers in California hope to use. Scientists are against: “This is without question one of the most toxic chemicals on earth," said John Froines, professor of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles. Please read the full New York Times article that explains the implications for the rest of the country. The chemical is known to be a neurotoxin, as well as developmentally toxic, and an endocrine disruptor. Oh, and it causes breast cancer. The deadline to tell California State regulators to reject methyl iodide and urge the EPA to ban it is June 29. Sign the petition here.
Speaking of berries, the Historical Society is holding its annual Strawberry Festival this afternoon, from 2 to 4, at the Methodist Church. Strawberries that are organic? Non-organic? Hmmm ....
If you miss the Strawberry Festival, get yourself some strawberries without pesticides and try MarthaandMe's recipe for yummy strawberry shortcake ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:29 AM
Got Strawberries?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (7)

Two for the Road (2)
Remember the folks who pedaled here in the rain last week? Turns out Tim Jones is a reporter and wrote about his Cape adventure for the Concord Monitor, mentioning Chez Sven. (Thank you, Tim!)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Two for the Road (2)
Alexandra Grabbe
Cape Cod|cyclists|
Comments (3)

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Letter to Henry Beston
Oh, Mr. Beston! Over eighty years have passed since you wrote these wise words. Were you alive today, how sad you would be that no one has heeded them! Not only are the oceans polluted, but oil is spilling out of a well in the Gulf of Mexico. The companies in charge let greed win over good sense. All plans to stop the gusher have failed. Here on Cape Cod, we don’t have tar balls on our beaches or birds dying from crude oil residue, not yet anyway, but since your time, there have been developments you never could have imagined. Over the past few decades, life has become an ongoing nightmare of destruction by toxic chemicals. They enter our bodies surreptitiously through the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat. Two hundred have even been detected in umbilical cord blood. The chemical industry is so strong that changing the status quo seems almost hopeless sometimes. We need an equally strong president, one who models himself on Teddy Roosevelt. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970. Recently it acquired backbone with President Obama’s appointment of Lisa Jackson, but teeth are still missing. This month Congress is considering a Safe Chemicals Act. Keep your fingers crossed that this legislation passes. The chemical industry will fight hard to prevent the regulation of the synthetic chemicals, which are damaging our bodies and souls. And I didn't even mention genetically modified food! You can be glad you’re not here anymore ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Letter to Henry Beston
Alexandra Grabbe
Cape Cod|Outermost House|pollution|
Comments (13)

Cape Cod,
Outermost House,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hurray for San Francisco!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Hurray for San Francisco!
Alexandra Grabbe
cell phones|
Comments (19)

cell phones
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Just Another Day in Wellfleet
I had journeyed down for fish at Mac’s Seafood
“What’s going on?” I asked a twenty-something Asian-American.
“We’re shooting an advertisement for Gant,” he responded.
I looked at what the man on the van was busy photographing and saw four more teenagers sprawled on the pier below. I have never seen anyone choose to lie on the Wellfleet pier.
“Pernilla! We need Pernilla!” someone shouted all of a sudden.
An undernourished girl with blond hair left the bullpen and walked purposely over to pinch-hit. Nearby stood a woman who looked like a salesperson, since she held half a dozen shirts on hangars in one hand. A male model came over to remove an argyle sweater and don a fancy striped shirt.
I watched a while longer but, to be honest, nothing much was happening, so I proceeded
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Is that what they were doing!? They spent $400 bucks on lunch We thought they were a Swedish rock band.”
Just another day in Wellfleet ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Just Another Day in Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Thoughts on Disability in a Beach Community…
The couple traveled with a wheelchair but did not get it out of the car. They had booked in February. There had been no mention of handicap or question of whether or not the cottage had ease of access.
“These people are not different from us,” he said later. “It could happen to you. It could happen to me. It could happen to anyone.”
Yesterday I read a moving post by a writer whose daughter has cerebral palsy.
At registration, I usually describe local restaurants as part of my spiel. With the cottage guests I ran through options in my mind first, trying to figure out which of them would work for someone with disability. I advised the couple as best I could and made a mental note to improve my knowledge on this aspect of our town in case future guests present similar needs.
I lobbied for the dune benches, and beach access stairs, when I home-cared my elderly mom, but handicapped access to restaurants is not something I had ever thought about before because we never took her out to eat. It is impossible to put oneself in the shoes of a handicapped person, but some of us are more aware than others, due to experience with family members who require special attention.
In a private moment,
“I respect your courage,” my husband said as the man left.
“You can break barriers, social or otherwise, if you can see the human being and disregard how they look, the class they belong to, or their disability,” Sven told me once I had returned from my errand.
Have any of you experienced disability? Do you ever think about what the world is like for handicapped people? What would make Wellfleet more attractive to visitors with disability?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Thoughts on Disability in a Beach Community…
Alexandra Grabbe
disability|handicapped access|
Comments (15)

handicapped access
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What's Happening on the Outer Cape?
Speaking of the Film Festival, there are so many new films that festival-goers are often stumped on which ones to choose. I can highly recommend "BirthMarkings" by my friend, Academy Award Winning filmmaker, Margaret Lazarus, who recently relocated to Eastham. Her new film is going to be shown Wednesday June 16 at 9:45 PM, Friday June 18 at 2PM and Sunday June 20 at 11:30. She will be at the Wednesday and Sunday screenings. The idea for the film began when Margaret read that the post-birth tummy tuck was one of the fastest growing plastic surgeries. It started her on a meditation about what it means that, in our culture, we feel pressure to erase the signs of creation and dynamism. The film emerged from that. I am looking forward to seeing it. (Read about Margaret’s earlier work here.)
Of course, this week we also have great plays at WHAT. The critics have praised both Daughter of Venus, at the Julie Harris Stage, and Colorado, at the smaller harbor venue.
June 17th Moby Dick’s Restaurant is partnering with the Sampson Fund to raise money for veterinary care, 11:30 to 8:30.
Finally, check out my garden, which is what all our guests have been exclaiming over this week. The rain has been beneficial. With the sun out today, everything will pop even more ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What's Happening on the Outer Cape?
Alexandra Grabbe
Magaret Lazarus|Provincetown Film Festival|RaRa|Wellfleet|
Comments (6)

Magaret Lazarus,
Provincetown Film Festival,
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bonus Post: LeCount Hollow, Today
ME: How can we allow corporations like BP to pollute our oceans? My environmentalist writer friend Kerri, over at Living Large in our Little House, is feeling overwhelmed, and so am I. Will humanity learn anything from the Gulf oil spill?
SVEN: The sea can be so beautiful, but it is also menacing. For many tourists, the Atlantic represents the beach and having a good time. For a lot of people, the sea was menacing. Thousands of ships went down off Cape Cod. It's easy to enjoy the sea when you are not out there in a boat, fishing, under tough circumstances...
What's your take on this photo of the ocean?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:40 PM
Bonus Post: LeCount Hollow, Today
Alexandra Grabbe
Atlantic Ocean|
Comments (8)

Atlantic Ocean
Two for the Road (1)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Two for the Road (1)
Alexandra Grabbe
Cape Cod|tandem biking|
Comments (2)

Cape Cod,
tandem biking
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Bonus Post: Fog? What Fog?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:06 PM
Bonus Post: Fog? What Fog?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

The Juice Never Fails to Please …
Friday night Sven and I went, for dinner, to The Juice, which had opened the evening before. I sat there snapping my fingers in time to a Motown tune. Sven and I were reminiscing about past Juice dinners: awesome pizzas and smoothies, a particularly memorable broiled bass special, oysters Rockefeller.
“Maybe we come here because the food is good?” said Sven, answering a question I had not yet asked, the way partners who have lived together for years are wont to do.
I could only agree, as Mare served my tofu entrée, which was yummy.
The casual atmosphere of a local restaurant, run by 20-somethings, also has something to do with the charm of the place, no doubt. Check out Sven’s fish tacos. We had a great meal, at a reasonable price. What more could one ask?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
The Juice Never Fails to Please …
Alexandra Grabbe
The Juice|Wellfleet restaurants|
Comments (4)

The Juice,
Wellfleet restaurants
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