Saturday, June 19, 2010

Letter to Henry Beston

From The Outermost House by Henry Beston: “A new danger, moveover, now threatens the birds at sea. An irreducible residue of crude oil, called by refiners ‘slop,’ remains in stills after oil distillation, and this is pumped into southbound tankers and emptied far offshore. This wretched pollution floats over large areas, and the birds alight in it and get it on their feathers. They inevitably die. Just how they perish is still something of a question. Some die of cold, for the gluey oil so mats and swabs the thick arctic feathering that creases open through it to the skin above the vitals; others die of hunger as well. Captain George Nickerson of Nauset tells me that he saw an oil-covered eider trying to dive for food off Monomoy, and that the bird was unable to plunge ... To-day oil is more the chance fate of the unfortunate individual. But let us hope that all such pollution will presently end.”

Oh, Mr. Beston! Over eighty years have passed since you wrote these wise words. Were you alive today, how sad you would be that no one has heeded them! Not only are the oceans polluted, but oil is spilling out of a well in the Gulf of Mexico. The companies in charge let greed win over good sense. All plans to stop the gusher have failed. Here on Cape Cod, we don’t have tar balls on our beaches or birds dying from crude oil residue, not yet anyway, but since your time, there have been developments you never could have imagined. Over the past few decades, life has become an ongoing nightmare of destruction by toxic chemicals. They enter our bodies surreptitiously through the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat. Two hundred have even been detected in umbilical cord blood. The chemical industry is so strong that changing the status quo seems almost hopeless sometimes. We need an equally strong president, one who models himself on Teddy Roosevelt. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970. Recently it acquired backbone with President Obama’s appointment of Lisa Jackson, but teeth are still missing. This month Congress is considering a Safe Chemicals Act. Keep your fingers crossed that this legislation passes. The chemical industry will fight hard to prevent the regulation of the synthetic chemicals, which are damaging our bodies and souls. And I didn't even mention genetically modified food! You can be glad you’re not here anymore ….

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We all owe a debt to President Nixon for creating the EPA. While most would consider his legacy to be Watergate, the reality is that all our environment would be a lot worse off if he had not proposed the agency and signed it into law.

I hope we get the strong executive oversight you proposed, but alas, the reality is that until the explosion happened, Obama's Dept of the Interior was poised to give BP a SAFETY AWARD !! Just another example of an administration being too close to big oil (why does BP pay for Rahm Emmanuel's rent, isnt he a grown man with a job and salary? How does this pass the smell test?).

As far as genetically modified foods go, we've been genetically altering our food crops via "traditional genetics" for thousands of years. People sensitive to sythetic chemicals should be aware that selectively bred and GMO food crops need far less fertilizer and pesticides to produce a crop ! Science has reduced human sickness and hunger, we shouldn't pretend the "good old days" of disease, hunger, and pesticides were "better" because they were more "natural." Let's make progress through innovation and science!
2 replies · active 770 weeks ago
Stan, the jury is still out on genetically-modified crops, so beware! Have you seen Food, Inc? That would really upset Henry Beston.

Yes, Sven pointed out to me that we have Nixon to thank for the EPA. Still, they recommended a different dispersant and were totally ignored by BP.
Thanks for the recommendation on Food Inc - its now on my Netflix queue. I'm always seeking more info and new perspectives!
We have not been genetically altering our food crops for thousands of years as Monsanto propaganda would like you to believe. We were not cross breeding species or injecting viruses as is happening with Monsanto seeds to be resistant to the spraying of Glyphosphate aka Roundup. In fact, the new seeds require MORE herbicide and pesticide spraying as the genetically-modified mono-cropping is killing off soil biodiversity as are conventional farming practices. Conventionally grown crops and GMO crops cannot retain carbon or fix nitrogen as do organically grown crop production. They also contribute to global warming while organic farming practices reduce global warming. Additionally, weeds are cross-pollinating with GMO crops and creating Superweeds (google it) which then require stronger combinations of herbicides to kill off the weeds. Monsanto, the Bill Gates Foundation pay billions to US universities to release these bogus statistics. GMO crops have been proven to be not drought-tolerant and yield fewer crops because they are killing off soil biodiversity. Additionally, these crops are grown in less nutrient dense soil so the resulting product is also less nutrient dense. Glyphosphate is known to kill off a key micro-organism in the soil that retains nitrogen. Safety for ingesting GMO foods on humans was non-existent before their release in the food supply and no labeling is required on products containing GMO foods in the United States as is required by the European Union. Worldwide independent scientific testing on lab animals have resulted in shocking findings. Some animals will refuse to eat GMO foods and ultimately die of starvation. Other studies indicate that second and third generation species have smaller litters become infertile, develop cancer and a host of other diseases. The progress through innovation and science will come from returning to supporting the Organic Farmer worldwide and not "for profit" corporations that specialized in Chemical Warfare before buying up seed companies and suing the American farmer for Patent Infringement. Read up on soil biology and how the top six inches of our soil is responsible for filtering water, retaining carbon and releasing nitrogen and is biodiverse to a host of micro-organisms that other species and wildlife depend on. Any "cide" kills off this "bio" life giving diversity. The list goes on and on. Our Planet Earth is the only planet in the solar system covered in a skin we refer to as SOIL. Kill off it's biodiversity and humanity cannot survive.
2 replies · active 770 weeks ago
Welcome, Chris! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I find all this really frightening.
Thanks for your perspective Chris. But on the point of the history of human-altered plant genetics, you are way off, sorry. Wikipedia tells us:

"Plant breeding is the art and science of changing the genetics of plants for the benefit of humankind[1]. Plant breeding can be accomplished through many different techniques ranging from simply selecting plants with desirable characteristics for propagation, to more complex molecular techniques (see cultigen and cultivar).
Plant breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the beginning of human civilization. It is now practiced worldwide by individuals such as gardeners and farmers, or by professional plant breeders employed by organizations such as government institutions, universities, crop-specific industry associations or research centers."

The reality is that nearly every fruit or vegetable you eat has been modified by humans and does not resemble what existed in nature before our intervention. That is not to excuse malevolent tinkering that affects humans negatively, but let's not throw out the baby with the bath water. Without the modified foods you and I both eat every day, millions of people outside the USA would likely starve !! Just as with vaccines, some few may react badly but the benefit to society of eradicating preventable diseases far outweighs that cost. Feed the world. Cheers, Stan
very interesting conversation and points here. great topic.
My recent post Stars in the Dust Bunnies
Christine VanHooft's avatar

Christine VanHooft · 770 weeks ago
by: Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association
An excerpt:
“The technology of genetic engineering (GE), wielded by transnational "life
science" corporations such as Monsanto and Novartis, is the practice of
altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints of living organisms-plants,
animals, humans, microorganisms-patenting them, and then selling the
resulting gene-foods, seeds, or other products for profit. Life science
corporations proclaim, with great fanfare, that their new products will
make agriculture sustainable, eliminate world hunger, cure disease, and
vastly improve public health. In reality, through their business practices
and political lobbying, the gene engineers have made it clear that they
intend to use GE to dominate and monopolize the global market for seeds,
foods, fiber, and medical products.

GE is a revolutionary new technology still in its early experimental stages
of development. This technology has the power to break down fundamental
genetic barriers-not only between species-but between humans, animals, and
plants. By randomly inserting together the genes of non-related species-
utilizing viruses, antibiotic-resistant genes, and bacteria as vectors,
markers, and promoters-and permanently altering their genetic codes,
gene-altered organisms are created that pass these genetic changes onto
their offspring through heredity. Gene engineers all over the world are now
snipping, inserting, recombining, rearranging, editing, and programming
genetic material. Animal genes and even human genes are randomly inserted
into the chromosomes of plants, fish, and animals, creating heretofore
unimaginable transgenic life forms. For the first time in history,
transnational biotechnology corporations are becoming the architects and
"owners" of life.”

Other Scientific Reports of the Hazards of GM Foods referenced in this article are:
- Toxins & Poisons
- Increased Cancer Risks
- Food Allergies
- Damage to Food Quality & Nutrition
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Increased Pesticide Residue
- Genetic Pollution
- Damage to Beneficial Insects and Soil Fertility
- Creation of GE "Superweeds" and "Superpests"
- Creation of New Viruses and Pathogens
- Genetic "Bio-Invasion"
- Socioeconomic Hazards
- Ethical Hazards
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks for posting, your link is an interesting editorial. It is worth noting that the "Organic Consumers Association, " is sponsored by some of the big name corporate retailers of organic labeled products and has political goals larger than food policy alone.
Christine Van Hooft's avatar

Christine Van Hooft · 770 weeks ago

An excerpt:
Please give me an overview of your research
RK: We started in 1997 wanting to see if this new system, Roundup Ready, would change the production of nematodes in soybean. We started looking at organisms in soybean roots and saw microorganisms colonizing the roots. We suspected that glyphosate was having an impact. There was a root fungi problem that seemed to be encouraging sudden death syndrome (SDS).
We saw the increase of these fungi in the Roundup Ready (genetically modified) system, both soybeans and corn.
What types of things are you seeing in the Roundup Ready system?
RK: This system is altering the whole soil biology. We are seeing differences in bacteria in plant roots and changes in nutrient availability. Glyphosate is very systemic in the plant and is being released through the roots into the soil. Many studies show that glyphosate can have toxic effects on microorganisms and can stimulate them to germinate spores and colonize root systems. Other researchers are showing that glyphosate can immobilize manganese, an essential plant micronutrient.
What are glyphosate’s impacts on beneficial soil bacteria?
RK: The most obvious impact is on rhizobia, a bacterium that fixes nitrogen. It has been shown that glyphosate can be toxic to rhizobia. (Nitrogen fixing bacteria are important to soils because nitrogen is the most commonly deficient nutrient in many soils.)
What about research showing increased incidence of Fusarium in Roundup Ready GM crops?
RK: We’ve taken field surveys and seen an increase in Fusarium with the use of glyphosate. Some Roundup Ready varieties even without using glyphosate tend to be more susceptible to being impacted by Fusarium. It could be an unintended consequence of genetic manipulation that could make it more susceptible.
Your paper also mentioned the potential of glyphosate to contaminate groundwater.
RK: Yes, under certain circumstances. The big assumption for claims that glyphosate is benign is that it isn’t immediately absorbed by the soil. But research is showing that isn’t necessarily true; that it is still available in the soil.
If soil is full of phosphorous, glyphosate could leach into ground water. For example, farmers may use manure from confined animal feeding operations as a fertilizer. The soil will then contain high amounts of phosphorus, which overwhelms the soil. Any glyphosate that hits the soil will be a potential contaminant. It can stay in the soil or it might run off into streams or waterways.
What about glyphosate resistant weeds?
RK: We have eight different species of glyphosate resistant weeds in Missouri. Some species of Johnson Grass are found in fields where Roundup is used year after year. It is a very aggressive weed.
To solve the problem of weed resistance, genetic engineers are developing soybeans that tolerate Roundup and Dicamba, another herbicide. They are incorporating another gene resistant to another herbicide. When resistance happens again, will they then develop a plant resistant to five or six herbicides? It’s an illogical circle.

“Feed a man a fish, feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.”
Christine Van Hooft's avatar

Christine Van Hooft · 770 weeks ago

And sadly,

The suicides of 1500 Farmers in India who switched to Genetically-Modified Seeds for their crops:
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I read the article, very sad, but I'm not so sure its quite honest to claim that modern methods of interbreeding crops was the proximate cause of, or the only factor leading to, these poor folks' suicides.
Christine Van Hooft's avatar

Christine Van Hooft · 770 weeks ago

Respectfully, I will agree to disagree and let folks decide for themselves. An an organic gardener, a member of the Northeast Organic Farming Association and the Cape Cod Organic Garden Club, I have my own perspective as I "grow soil" via composting, cover cropping, companion planting,etc. I use no genetically-modified seeds, herbicides, pesticides or fungicides and have healthy ornamental plants and crops, birds, bees, wildlife frolicking in my little Cape Cod lot by the Sea. I continue to study soil biology for nutrient density as it relates to the immune system of plants, etc. It is a scientific fact, not a political issue, that conventional farming practices and genetically modified farming practices are non-sustainable, destroy soil biodiversity, are harmful to the environment and contribute to global warming.

As far as OCA, that is your opinion. Certainly, the same can be said for GMO's. Monsanto, et. al are "for profit" entities and I, personally, choose to utilize organic farming methods as practiced for thousands of years and supported by the Rodale Instittute, Mother Earth News, and various other eco-friendly and sustainable farming practices that save seeds, nourish and replenish soil biodiversity, farm 365 days organicially from the East Cost to the West Coast in the USA not only in this country but in progressive European countries as well as third world countries where Corporate America has not been able to reach those yet, whom they view the populations as "a number with a dollar sign on their backs". Yes, even in Maine there are farmers that grow food organically in small spaces in the snow 365 days a year. The right crop for the right season with healthy soil biodiversity and utilizing organic farming practices as it pertains to the season are keys to doing this.

World hunger by many "other" organizations is identified as a distribution issue via corrupt and oppressive government regimes and a host of other issues. We are Americans. We have the right to free speech. I choose to "VOTE" with my dollar and my lifestyle. You have the same right and I respect your right to voice your viewpoint. My God Bless America and the Environment, especially in light of BP oil disaster!

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