It was quite exciting to stand in the line

at Mayo Beach an hour ago and share thoughts of a clean-er environment with around sixty strangers. Some people happened by while out swimming, some came on purpose for Hands Across the Sand. A large contingent were in Wellfleet to celebrate Ernie Zobel's 75th birthday. The Zobels brought great "No to Offshore Drilling, Yes to Clean Energy" signs and stickers. And protesters all over the world were doing the exact same thing, at the same time. Will legislators notice?
"Have we gotten any better at green living?" is the question Jane Boursaw asks today at her blog
Film Gecko. My response is I sure hope so! Jane read my earlier post this morning and referred her readers here. I'm thrilled the Submission trailer will get this early exposure on a mainstream blog. Thank you, Jane.
What do you think? Have we gotten better at green living?
edpilolla · 769 weeks ago
My recent post Become
marthaandme 42p · 769 weeks ago