A few more days and summer will officially be here. I can almost smell the salt sea air – that must be what so many of you are thinking as your Wellfleet vacation draws closer and closer. Vacation is not the topic of the day, but I sure did get your attention, didn’t I?

This post is about CELL PHONES. The City of San Francisco has decided to make cell phone manufacturers put a warning on their phones indicating that the radiation emitted may be dangerous to health. In fact, according to
ABC News using a cell phone can increase your risk of developing a brain tumor, which will not become obvious until a decade has passed, when it may be too late. I hope the rest of the country will follow suit. I have been harping on
the danger cell phones present for years and rigorously refuse to acquire one. My ex used to work for the cell phone industry in France and early on advised his kids not to hold their favorite gadget close to the head …. Do you limit cell phone to emergencies or have you given up your land line?
Living Large · 770 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 770 weeks ago
Thanks, Shelly
Donna Hull · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Celebrating a Boomer Birthday at Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain
chezsven 82p · 770 weeks ago
sarah henry · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Berkeley Farmers’ Market Man, Ben Feldman
chezsven 82p · 770 weeks ago
Jennifer Margulis · 770 weeks ago
My recent post The Mastodon Theory of Writing
edpilolla · 770 weeks ago
get the sense i'm irritated still?:)
funny, i was thinking last night about blogging about this.
My recent post Master This
Frugal Kiwi · 770 weeks ago
Kris · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Baking Portuguese Sweet Bread in the Traditional Way
Christine · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Back home
stan s · 770 weeks ago
I don't like talking on the phone, but I love my internet connected pocket device. How better to check in with the chez sven blog?
Kristen · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Supertasters Need for Salt
Susan · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Guest Post: Why Writers Need to Emerge From the Cocoon
Sheryl · 770 weeks ago
Stephanie, Wasabimon · 770 weeks ago
My recent post Simple Birthday Joys
chezsven 82p · 770 weeks ago
stan · 770 weeks ago
"Jeffrey B. Margulies. Proposition 65’s Effect on Small Businesses. In the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Small Business. October 28, 1999. "Implications for consumers. While the intent of Prop 65 was to “inform” consumers, the impact of warnings under the Act has been a proliferation of meaningless warnings. Virtually every business has some sort of Prop 65 warning sign posted, and innumerable products are labeled with the warning. From gas stations to hotels, from grocery stores to hardware stores, consumers are deluged with warnings that they are being exposed to unnamed carcinogens and reproductive toxins. They are not told either the degree of exposure or the likelihood that they may actually be impacted by it. Moreover, because the risks to business of not providing a warning, many provide a warning even though they don’t actually know whether an exposure is occurring, or even if the exposure is trivial, further diluting the meaning of warnings to consumers."
It sounds good and "feels good," but if the danger is real, more action is required.
Meredith · 769 weeks ago
My recent post The 5-Question [Author/Journalist] Interview: Marcia Layton Turner