Not a whole lot of guests arrive at Chez Sven by bike, and even fewer come by tandem. We had our first tandem guests this weekend. Tim and Marilyn are riding from Provincetown to Plymouth. Their impressive vehicle measures thirteen feet, including the tractor-trailer for luggage. The couple took the shore road to Truro, then Route 6 to Wellfleet, and must have been quite a sight, for any drivers, sharing the road! Unfortunately, rain arrived with them and has not stopped since. With spunk and good will, Marilyn follows her adventurer-husband, a reporter for
Eastern Slopes. Since she has a skin condition, a dermatologist recommended total cover, which explains the elaborate head gear. Marilyn told me she’s a nutritionist. Over breakfast, we commiserated about the state of food in the USA today. Tim suggested CSA, which I plan to look into for 2011, and I told them about Slow Death by Rubber Duck. From Wellfleet, the couple took the Cape Cod Rail Trail to Dennis for another rest stop. The next lap will land them to Sandwich. Then, it’s across the Sagamore Bridge and on onward to Plymouth.
Living Large · 771 weeks ago
edpilolla · 771 weeks ago