This is a blog about living on Cape Cod and running a Wellfleet bed & breakfast, open year long. I'm a Russian-American who spent 25 years in France. My husband Sven is from Sweden. Sweden’s colors are blue & yellow. Mix them, and you get green, a concept we embrace. No toxic chemicals, please, and organic food whenever possible . . .
What’s wrong with this picture? Do we have a show of hands??? In unison now, “Rubber ducks do not belong in our homes because rubber ducks contain phthalates!”
From a recent issue of Time Magazine: “Chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates — key ingredients in modern plastics — may disrupt the delicate endocrine system, leading to developmental problems. A host of modern ills that have been rising unchecked for a generation — obesity, diabetes, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder — could have chemical connections.” Obesity is an issue my friend Jennifer Margulis tackled yesterday at Mothering Outside the Lines. If enough of us go outside the lines, those in power may notice. Look at the way my daughter-in-law holds her sun hat, providing shade for Juliette, instead of herself. It’s the maternal instinct in moms that make them seek to protect their kids, against all odds. That’s why moms are rising up across the land, expressing outrage at the toxic chemicals, which pollute modern life. Toxic chemicals are not good for any of us, but they are far worse for young children whose “immature bodies lack certain detoxification mechanisms and are more prone to the damaging effects of substances like phthalates,” page 39, Slow Death by Rubber Duck.
Fighting the chemical industry will not be an easy battle but grab your keyboard and get at it, all you blogging moms of cyberspace. This month Congress considers legislation to overhaul the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. Watch this video, support the Safe Chemicals Act, and join the coalition of moms today!
I'm right there with you about this Sandy. We are trying as hard as we can to get rid of all the plastic in our house but it's the SYSTEM that needs to be changed. We absolutely have to take on the plastics industry and the chemical industry. WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE THINKING? If humans pollute themselves out of existence, there will be no one to sell products to. My recent post In Praise of Good Editing
I can't think of anyone better to get the word out than you, Alexandra. Reading your blog has really heightened my awareness about environmental dangers. My recent post What I’m Going to Miss
Welcome, Kristen! The TCSA was drawn up in 1976 but does not regulate most of the chemicals in use today. For a detailed look at the act, you will find one on the EPA site:
I'm slowly getting rid of plastics in my house. It is definitely a process, unless you have heaps of money to replace every plastic thing in your kitchen at a go. Sadly, NZ is lagging behind in BPA legislation as well.
This is a very important issue....I remember when I wrote about environmental contaminants, phthalates were just getting attention as potentially problematic chemicals. Which means that there are yet many other dangerous chemicals out there that we simply don't yet know about.
thanks for brining this to my attention and sticking with it. today's news cycle is designed for stories to fade away. the corporate media reports stories, sure, but then it all disappears into the business of our lives. we need voices, alternative media too, to continue to beat the drums about this issue and others. My recent post Reporters May Not Have Souls
Daughter-in-law, yes, and that is my grandchild, Juliette. Yes, do read up on this issue and watch the video. We all need to know these things and figure out ways to influence policy.
Also, like most people above, I'm working hard to eliminate the plastic in the house. As it turns out, my youngest has a great love of rubber ducks. I mean, she LOVES them. All sorts of ducks. She has the ones which are dressed up in different colors, outfits, etc. She lines them up on the floor and has them talk to each other. Taking them from her.. ugh.. I need another duck option!! My recent post Her Blankie
Over the years, Alexandra has been a stay-at-home mom and housewife, a full-time volunteer at an international school near Paris, a lyricist, a radio personality, and a freelance writer. She is working on several writing projects and has recently become an activist on the regulation of synthetic chemicals in our environment.
Alexandra Grabbe is also the author of French Graffiti, a paperback collection of essays about living in France. Copies are available through this Web site for $17.50, including shipping and handling.
marthaandme 42p · 771 weeks ago
Jennifer Margulis · 771 weeks ago
My recent post In Praise of Good Editing
ruth pennebaker · 771 weeks ago
My recent post What I’m Going to Miss
Kristen · 771 weeks ago
My recent post Look for my latest article in KIWI Magazine: Service Birthdays
chezsven 82p · 771 weeks ago
Find out why the TCSA is seriously flawed and does not protect us at all from many toxic chemicals :
Kris · 771 weeks ago
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Jenn · 771 weeks ago
sheryl · 771 weeks ago
Frugal Kiwi · 771 weeks ago
Christine · 771 weeks ago
edpilolla · 771 weeks ago
My recent post Reporters May Not Have Souls
Susan · 771 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 771 weeks ago
Claudine · 771 weeks ago
My recent post Her Blankie
sstiavetti 34p · 770 weeks ago