Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thinking Spring and Summer!

Friday, March 30, 2012

One Day Left For WHAT Season Deal

April 1 is the deadline for a great deal from the Wellfleet Harbor Actors' Theater. Sign up today and see all five shows for $125. Premium seating when you purchase now. The parking lot was full yesterday, which reminded me preparation for Dan Lombardo's first season as artistic director is under way. Check here for information on auditions, taking place Monday, by appointment.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Margot Livesey Reads At Wellfleet Library

A great reading feels like a great meal. You leave the table totally satisfied. Last night Margot Livesey read two excerpts from the Flight of Gemma Hardy and left me feeling that way, even though I have not yet read her book. After the reading, she graciously answered questions from several dozen eager fans. Her latest novel is set in Scotland, in the 1960s, where she spent her childhood. Margot explained how, as a young person, she had always identified with Jane Eyre, who was only a year older than Gemma. “That novel still speaks to people and feels piercingly relevant,” Margot said. She further explained that Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 love story addresses how a plain girl can make her way in the world, a subject of particular interest to women. What’s more, Gemma is an orphan, and many people have a fear of abandonment or loss. It was definitely courageous of the novelist to “reimagine” Jane Eyre. “Part of my ambition was to create not just a character, but a heroine,” Margot told us. Judging from the reaction of members of the audience, she succeeded. “I could feel what Gemma was feeling,” one woman said. “Her spirit filled me up.” After the Q&A, Margot signed copies of her book to benefit the library. I cannot wait to read mine!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Do You Eat Foods Containing GMOs?

GMOs are bad for you. Try to avoid eating them. Tough, you say? You'd be right. Because, at the present time, it's impossible to know which foods contain GMOs. You can be sure processed foods probably do. One way to avoid GMOs is to eat organic and local, because organic foods are not supposed to contain GMOs.

The good news is the huge number of Americans who signed the Just Label It petition have reason to hope: Just Label It organizers claim a new survey indicates 91% of the voters in American are in favor of labeling food that is genetically modified. The bad news? Read the whole truth on GMOs and weep.

Contribute to the "coming tipping point of consumer rejection." Follow these simple rules when you shop. Say NO to GMOs.

While in Cambridge, I found an organic granola that was new to me. What's more, it's local, made in Massachusetts and tastes yummy. Check out New England Natural Bakers. If your favorite food store does not carry this brand, ask the owner to order some. I'm taking the bag in to Wellfleet Marketplace and will report back what reaction I get.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cape Cod = Tick Habitat

I consider the risk of deer tick bites one of the disadvantages of living on Cape Cod. There are ticks in the underbrush at Uncle Tim's Bridge, and ticks in the woods. There are even ticks in my garden ...

I have written about ticks and other nasty bugs in the past. Regular readers know I was bitten and remained misdiagnosed for two months in 2005. Drained of all energy, I had to struggle to carry the breakfast tray out to the vintage table and, by July, had decided to limit further reservations that season. Fortunately, I received adequate treatment with doxycycline, eight to ten weeks of it, at the recommendation of an infectious-diseases doctor friend. Then I saw a specialist off-Cape who pronounced me cured. Not feeling 100%, I refused to believe him and sought out alternative care. My whole health doctor explained it was impossible to know whether the spirochete had burrowed into my cells, which is what happens to people who get chronic Lyme. The doctor put me on Cat’s Claw, an herb, and something called Transfer Factor Basics. Since that time, I have experienced no periods of fatigue, so hopefully I do not have chronic Lyme.

I have become paranoid about getting tick bites and always wear Organic Bite Blocker in summer. Last summer I managed to stay tick-free. There were fewer ticks around, thanks to a winter with ice on the ground for three whole weeks. Specialists say ticks hibernate, but the fact is the tick population was down.

Everyone knows how warm it has been this year so far, with buds on the trees despite the freeze last night. Imagine my distress when I discovered a tick on my back yesterday afternoon. Since 24 hours had passed since working in the garden, I knew there was risk of infection with borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease). The ticks are active already and specialists are warning about the booming tick population, due to the mild winter.

I had flushed several ticks down the toilet, but this little critter sneaked up on me, although I had sprayed DEET on my shoes and pranced around the garden, never staying in one spot for more than a couple minutes. (Ticks smell a human being and make a beeline towards the smell so movement is one way of confusing them.) I called the alternative care doc, and he has put me back on doxycycline. I’ll have a blood test in five weeks to check on the other diseases ticks can carry.

Lyme is so prevalent on Cape Cod that I warn all guests to do regular tick checks.

Have you ever had Lyme disease? How do you manage to prevent tick bites? Is Lyme disease judged an epidemic where you live?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dreaming of Summer

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can Anyone Guess What This Is?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Walk at Duck Harbor

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ten Lessons Learned over the Winter

On Tuesday, the Grub Street Blog published “The Magic of Finding Your Book,” a piece I wrote. Check it out. Now that I’m back home, time to reflect on what two and a half months of city living taught me:

1.) Commuting is no fun and more strenuous at almost 65.
2.) Proximity to a hospital is severely lacking on the Outer Cape, so it’s great expansion of Outer Cape Health Services will include urgent care facilities in its new building.
3.) I do more walking in the city.
4.) But walking a Wellfleet beach is more pleasant than walking city streets.
5.) A good small pizza costs twice as much money here.
6.) The city offers (much) more ethnic food.
7.) The silence of Wellfleet clears the mind and rests the soul.
8.) The movie selection leaves much to be desired.
9.) There’s more chance for an innkeeper of missing out on booking requests, left on a phone machine, for instance, while living in two places at once.
10.) I gain weight in the city, unable to resist Toscanini’s new flavor: Goat Cheese Brownie. Yum!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good News For Strawberry Fans

Like most small children, my granddaughter loves eating strawberries. They fit snug between the thumb and index finger, a succulent bite that goes right into the mouth, leaving a handy green stem for easy throwaway and a bit of juice dribbling onto the chin. Ever since I learned how many pesticides are used to keep strawberries disease-free, I have been urging family members and blog readers to shun non-organic fruit. The more people to request organic and buy organic, the more organic fruit places like Wellfleet Marketplace will carry. Yesterday came the stupendous news that pesticide maker Arysta is removing cancer-causing methyl iodide from the market. Gone, just like that. Yes, the company gave in to the many consumer groups who had gathered names on petitions and lobbied the EPA and the FDA. You may remember methyl iodide is a neurotoxin, not really something you want to consume, and especially bad for the developing bodies and brains of small children, as well as for the workers who harvest the strawberries.

I will continue to recommend buying organic and locally grown organic strawberries at that, whenever possible. Why? Because pesticides can cross the thin skin into the fruit. Traces of 54 pesticides were found on non-organic strawberries tested by What’s On My Food. Unacceptable!

Local organic strawberries also taste better. I can remember shopping at the open-air market in France, when strawberry season came around, at the beginning of spring. How luscious those French strawberries were! They also smelled sweeter. Sweden, too, still has a strawberry season. Strawberries that originate on the other side of the country, or the world for that matter, don’t. They are made to travel. Can you remember what real strawberries taste like?

June 17th, the Wellfleet Historical Society will hold its annual strawberry festival. Do you think the organizers should purchase organic strawberries this year?

And, here are a couple questions from David Wright: "As the person who may be buying the strawberries for the Hist. Soc. festival, it would be helpful if you would also ask these two questions of your readers: 1) do you know of a local farm that could supply organic strawberries in the large quantity we need? I'd estimate we serve over 300 people. We could find no local supplier, organic or otherwise, to fill our order last year.
2) Would you be willing to pay twice as much (that would be $10-12.00) for a single serving of organic strawberry shortcake? Unless the answer to both these questions is yes, I'd venture to say that the best we could do would be to offer an organic option for those particular enough."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Wellfleet? Duck Harbor Beach

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Monday, March 19, 2012

OCHS Holds Fundraiser in Wellfleet

Wellfleet cocktail parties have a reputation for being awesome and the party yesterday at Gracie Smith’s beautiful home was no exception. It was exciting to hob-nob with guests, many of whom read this blog and told me so ... Fun!

The occasion was a fundraiser for Outer Cape Health, our community health care center. Medical staff members and doctors attended, as did several artists and playwrights, two former and one present Selectmen, shopkeepers, innkeepers, gallery owners, Senator Dan Wolf’s assistant Seth Rolbein, and a contingent from the Preservation Hall Board. The food was excellent and plentiful; the company, stimulating. I had heard about Gracie’s parties and must concur that she’s one amazing hostess. Gracie circulated, making sure everyone had a good time. Bruce Bierhans, President of the OCHS Board of Directors, worked the crowd in much the same way, as did CEO Sally Deane. The upbeat mood and congenial atmosphere made for a most enjoyable evening.

During the short “speeches” interlude, Sally Deane emphasized that OCHS, “makes it safe and possible to live here.” She mentioned the recent pharmacy creation and the OCHS Web site that features new video endorsement from Marge Piercy. Sally explained there’s a constant need for money not only to fund renovation projects, but because our community medical center helps 6000 people per year get on health insurance and serves their needs in the interim. No one in need is turned away. She then introduced Dr. Barbara Prazak, who has been “holding the fort of high-quality health care for 23 years.”

Our medical director said, “I’m proud to be working at OCHS with people I trust. We make every effort to take care of every patient.” Dr. Prazak mentioned the introduction of prenatal services, in partnership with Cape Cod Hospital, and of new specialty care with a cardiologist. She compared the 1961 Wellfleet building on Route 6 to a homemade apple pie, crumbling on the outside but oh so worthwhile inside. The crumbling will end thanks to a renovation project that will soon go before the Conservation Commission. Dr. Prazak also mentioned a new narcotic abuse recovery program and improvement of mental health services. She emphasized that most of the medical staff, herself included, are residents of the Outer Cape. “I live here, too. These are my neighbors. These are my friends,” she concluded to a round of applause.

What she was describing sounds ideal for our small town: community-oriented health care. Wellfleet is fortunate to have OCHS. Here is the crumbling "apple pie," with its nine examination rooms in one very small building. Summer visitors and tourists can also avail themselves of the excellent doctors and nurses who work here. Please remember to support Outer Cape Health Services as your circumstances allow ...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Picnic on the Beach?

Why not? This couple from Beverly enjoyed food purchased at PB Boulangerie while their kids played in the sand. They were staying in Chatham but had driven up here because "Wellfleet beaches are so much more beautiful." Amen to that!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rip It Ups at Prez. Hall & SPAT Awards

There's still time to apply for an educational grant from Wellfleet Shellfish Promotion and Tasting (SPAT). Past awards have ranged from artists' work to informative brochures, and from the restoration of an original Wellfleet oyster shack to the funding of educational programs. The 2012 deadline is March 30th, two weeks from yesterday. Download an application here.

"People have suggested doing video interviews of working shellfishermen for us to use on our website, creating a collection of shellfishing equipment with descriptions and explanations to display publicly for our summer visitors," reports SPAT Board member, Lisa Brown. "We say, 'Sure! Send it in!' And we mean it. Put your heads together with other folks in town and show us what you can do!"

"The sky is the limit as far as content goes," says Mac Hay, Board President. "We are really looking for creative ways people can enhance our town and all it offers. We are committed to reinvesting the proceeds from the OysterFest right back into our community."

For those of you looking to party, don't miss the St. Patrick's Day celebration at Preservation Hall, with the Rip It Ups. Entry is only $5. The fun starts at 8 and continues until 11.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh, To Be In Wellfleet ...

When you have been away from Wellfleet for a while, the silence makes a lot of noise. It takes a day or two for the ears to adjust. No loud voices from the street, no car engines idling, no police sirens. Just peace and quiet in our sleepy little New England town. At first, the eyes are not accustomed to all that beauty. Everywhere you look, spectacular views, like the one above, the landscape behind Newcomb Hollow Beach. Even with mediocre weather, Wellfleet is beautiful, don't you agree? The crocuses are beginning to poke their way out of the mulch, a reminder that spring is on the way. It will be here in no time, what with the crazy climate-changed temperatures of earlier this week. Reservations have begun for April. It feels good to be back ...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

On Point Does Show on Chemicals in the Environment

Excellent discussion Monday on BUR's On Point. The NPR show is entitled, "Household Cancer Hazards." Find an hour to listen to Dr. Julia Brody and Ruthann Rudel from the Silent Spring Institute, as well as Lynn Goldman, Dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University. Toxic chemicals were found to exist even in some products a consumer would judge safe, based on labels. "Are we living in an environment, in which we bring products into our homes, that turn into a menace to our own health?" is just one of the questions Tom Ashbrook asked. Find out which products are safe, and which not so much.

Update: Yesterday there was an article in the New York Times on this subject, mentioning Slow Death by Rubber Duck. Of course, there's a denial-of-potential-harm statement by a member of the American Chemical Council. What will it take to turn this situation around? Have you asked your senator to support the Safe Chemicals Act yet??

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Seeking Gluten-free, Minimal GMO Bed and Breakfast?

If you're seeking a gluten-free, minimal GMO breakfast on Cape Cod, that would be Chez Sven. We even joined the Gluten Free Registry, which provides options to those on a gluten-free diet. I believe innkeepers should stay abreast of these things.

Last week France reiterated its choice to refuse GMOs. How I wish the American government were showing the same good sense. Monsanto intends to force-feed us all genetically-modified foods, whether we like it or not. Indeed, this giant corporation is doing its best to prevent the labeling of Franken-foods. What’s more, last month farmers and seed savers lost big when a judge refused protection from lawsuits if GMO seeds stray from one field to the next – organic – as seeds are wont to do. In February, the New York Times published a comprehensive article on the controversy. Last year Dr. Oz did a show on GMOs, during which 80% of audience members said they would avoid if given the choice. We have no choice. Did you know 85% of the products at your supermarket are already genetically-modified and those numbers are rising? As Dr. Oz said, all we can do is “vote” with our pocketbooks.

Are GMOs safe? From what I have read, I have serious doubts. We need to be careful what we put in our bodies. That’s why I serve our guests as much organic food as possible. We also try to buy local and offer gluten-free breakfast on request since more and more guests are gluten-intolerant.

When I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s, the only person I knew on a gluten-free diet was my brother, and that was because he had full-blown celiac. Now many people feel ill when they eat foods containing gluten. This phenomenon has created an industry shift, with cereal makers like General Mills offering GF Rice Chex. What’s going on?

Last fall the New York Times reported the number of people with celiac has dramatically increased. Comparing blood samples from the 1950s to the 1990s, Dr. Joseph Murray of the Mayo Clinic found “young people today are nearly five times as likely to have celiac disease, for reasons he and others researchers cannot explain. And it’s on the rise not only in the U.S. but also in other places where the disease was once considered rare, like Mexico and India.”

Note, gluten-free does not mean GMO-free, but I think it’s fair to draw a parallel of sorts. For some reason, our intestines are protesting vociferously, and GMOs are more prevalent in the American diet than ever before ...

What else has changed? Food has lost nutritional value.

Are there GMOs in foods served in Wellfleet restaurants? You bet!

The least the FDA could do is require labeling so that those of us who care can avoid genetically-modified foods.

Did you know there’s a movement afoot in California to put a proposition on the November ballot to require that food companies that sell in the state put labels on their products if “produced with genetic engineering”? We can only hope this proposition will pass and create a ripple effect across the country.

While in Cambridge, I shop at Harvest Co-op, a store where the managers understand food allergies. Check out the incredible array of gluten-free products available above. Yesterday I spoke with Chris Durkin, Director of Membership and Community Relations. He used to work at Bread and Circus, on Prospect Street, and remembers stricter standards before Bread and Circus became part of the Whole Foods chain. I noticed a 2007 Harvest newsletter explained the GMO issue and asked him about it.

“Ideally GMOs would not be allowed in the environment until they had been tested, but that’s not going to happen,” Chris said. “The only tests were done by Monsanto and other such corporations, and they’ve been very selective in what they reveal.” Chris added that GMOs are not allowed in organic foods, so one way to avoid GMOs, for the time being, is to only eat organic, don’t buy prepared foods. Chris also mentioned that Harvest has joined the Just Label It campaign. (If you have not yet voiced your opinion on labeling GMOs known, please do so today.)

And, as Dr. Oz suggested, vote with your pocketbook.

Before shopping for food, consult the Seeds of Deception Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

Do you eat gluten-free? Does anyone in your family? How do you feel about GMOs? Do you think GMO foods should be labeled?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Support Organic Management of Town Property

These murals, promoting the Precautionary Principle, adorn the side wall of Harvest Co-Op, in Cambridge, MA. I have really enjoyed shopping at this store and will write more tomorrow about the gluten-free and non-GMO products I was able to purchase but, in the meantime, please remember to let our Selectmen know a shift to organic land management for Wellfleet is a great idea. Either attend the meeting at the library this evening, or shoot them an email. Thanks!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Support Organic Management of Town Property

These lovely little blue flowers are coming up in front of Chez Sven. I used the cultivator to help them along right before Saturday's snowstorm, hard to believe with the thermometer hitting 60+ today! Tomorrow evening there's a Selectmen's meeting at the Wellfleet Library. Please seize this opportunity to let your voice be heard. Tell our Selectmen to choose organic land management for town property. Unfortunately, this item is towards the end of the meeting. If you are unable to attend, let the Select Board know what you think via email on bos AT That's what I just did. Here's my letter:

"I run a green B&B and was in charge of last year’s Green Sub-Committee of the Econ. Dev. Commission. Since I am not in Wellfleet tomorrow, I’m writing to urge you to adopt the Organic Land Management Policy for town property. This choice would help encourage townspeople to go organic and limit their use of herbicides, which pollute our sole-source aquifer. Every day new studies appear showing toxic chemicals in the environment may be responsible for the multitude of chronic illnesses people came to accept as normal during the last decades of the 20th century. For instance, the weed killer glyphosate is now believed to cause endocrine disruption in the developing fetus. Endocrine disruption may also be responsible for the dramatic increase in diabetes and the reproductive problems faced by young people of child-bearing age. Organophosphates may increase the risk of ADHD in children. Your choice to go organic will help protect Wellfleetians and raise their awareness on this very important issue. Thank you."

After-School Activity in Wellfleet?

The beach at Newcomb Hollow was deserted late Friday afternoon except for a group of boys, tossing around a Frisbee. It occurred to me how fortunate those kids were to have such an amazing beach nearby with this year's configuration of wide sandy shores and sand bars. I grew up in a city, Washington, DC, and played kickball on a side street. In France, our suburban street was full of neighborhood kids riding bikes or kicking a soccer ball. How cool is it to live close enough to the beach that it becomes your playground!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunset Over Wellfleet Harbor

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ready for Sale

The renovation team, working on this house on Ocean View Drive, have almost finished. If you are interested, contact Cindy Blum at 404 405 4303. The house is a bit too close to the road for my taste, but what a tremendous view!

Friday, March 09, 2012

Why Meeting Guests Can Be Complicated

Less than two weeks until spring! Then comes summer. Hurray! Above, Sven picks cherry tomatoes for a young guest several summers ago. Some guests are happy to get gifts of garden vegetables at arrival. Other guests, not so much.

Sven: "Being an innkeeper is kind of weird. Some people want me to sit down with them for a glass of wine. Others just want to be left alone. You have to accommodate very fast. It's really tricky."

Thursday, March 08, 2012

How Innkeepers Connect with Guests Online

The Wellfleet Information Booth, above, is closed in winter. People, who make their way to the Outer Cape in quiet season may find accommodation by consulting the Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce, or Discover Wellfleet. Both sites provide innkeepers with a steady flow of customers in summer, but additional advertising is always desirable. Innkeepers can connect with potential guests through the various Web sites that offer information on accommodation. This fall, we lost our favorite because the owner, in the UK, turned the business over to his son and the son decided to regroup, eliminating listings in the USA for the time being. What a shame!

Chez Sven was listed on Green Hotels seven years ago, but we dropped membership. The site offers mainly hotels, as the name implies, so is not really appropriate for small B&Bs. Someone could easily start a site for green B&Bs. There are more every day.

Some sites require payment but not all.

This winter we joined Organic Holidays in the UK. Now we are signing up for Responsible Travel, also based abroad. Chez Sven is listed under "New England." One of the requirements is that the innkeepers promise their B&B will sustain the environment. Here are the 200 words I'm submitting for admission:

“We recycle and compost. We offer guests recycling bins in each accommodation. We filter well water. Sandy is active in the movement to stop the utility company from spraying herbicides that will enter the sole-source aquifer and pollute drinking water. She discusses the issue of toxic chemicals in the environment with guests whenever they show interest. She writes letters to the editors of local newspapers on this topic.

Sven and Sandy are among community members who remove trash from Wellfleet's beaches.

We use mulch in our garden to avoid over-use of water.

We request that guests lower the heat when they leave their rooms.

We would love to install solar panels, since the building faces south, but have not yet been able to afford them.

During renovation, we made our accommodations as eco-friendly as possible. We installed low-energy ventilation fans, high-efficiency windows and CFL lighting. We used VOC-free paint and improved insulation. We had the carpenters recycle the 12-inch wide pine boards. The house remains similar to the Atwood Higgins House, in the nature park nearby. When new residents are building McMansions, we believe the old buildings in town need to be preserved and do our part with Chez Sven.”

Do you think about sustainable practices in your choice of B&B? If not, why not?

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Kettler and Lindsay Profiled in Cape Cod Magazine

Two very special Cape Cod women are profiled in this month's Cape Cod Magazine, Kim Kettler of Truro and Sharyn Lindsay of Wellfleet. Get yourself a copy, or simply visit the Web site to read their stories. (This link leads to Sharyn's profile.)

Stand Up For What You Believe

Campbell’s soups made my day. Not because I use mushroom soup for tuna casserole or particularly enjoy a cup of hot chicken noodle, but rather for a reason that should put some oumph into everyone’s step. Campbell’s has agreed to phase out BPA in can linings. Supposedly this effort has already started. The article by Amy Westervelt in Forbes explains that the FDA will establish new “acceptable” levels by March 31. France voted to uphold a ban on BPA last month, which hopefully will influence greedy food manufacturers in the USA, hoping to sell products in Europe. Westervelt explains that pressure from consumer groups also played a role in this turnaround, magnificent news for future children raised in America. Less risk of the chemical in their body burden!

For three years Cape Codders have urged NStar to refrain from spraying herbicides under the power lines because the toxic chemicals will filter into our sole-source aquifer. Who wants to drink water that contains traces of endocrine disruptors? Not I. Perhaps the recent decision to leave the 15 Cape towns off the YOP is evidence the executives at the utility company have been influenced by the outcry?

If you feel encouraged by these two unexpected developments and would like to add your voice to the outcry regarding another issue of critical importance to Cape Cod, join the nuclear safety rally on Sunday, March 11, anniversary of the disaster in Japan. The march starts at 1 pm at Lobster Pound, 252 Manomet Point Road in Plymouth. Should you be unable to come demonstrate but desire to protect Cape Cod from an accident similar to Fukushima all the same, take the time to write your senators after reading the Natural Resources Defense Council press release. Wellfleet is directly opposite Plymouth, and the woman in the above photo could be looking out, thinking of the nuclear reactor on the other side of Cape Cod Bay. The prevailing winds blow from the west. The owners will not close down this forty-year old plant by choice. We must make them, so please sign the NRDC letter. Thanks to movement at Campbell’s soups and possible movement at NStar, I like to think closing down Pilgrim is possible.

Protest of this type is new to me, although I was a member of the generation that stopped the war in Vietnam. Is protest a part of your regular agenda? Do you stand up for what you believe? What's your take on the petitions that are circulated? Do they make a difference?

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Mass Audubon To Hold Natural History Conference

These folks are watching birds from the Newcomb Hollow parking lot. Bird watchers will want to attend the 17th Annual Cape Cod Natural History Conference, being held at the Cape Cod Community College on Saturday, March 10. The first topics of interest to bird watchers are "The State of the Birds of Massachusetts and Cape Cod," a talk by Joan Walsh of Mass Audubon, and the Dr. Peter Paton's "Assessing Buffer Zones for Shorebirds Using a Stopover Site on Cape Cod" that follows. Registration fee is $20.

Monday, March 05, 2012

What's New at Wellfleet's PB Boulangerie Bistro?

How fortunate Wellfleetians are to have the quiet-season option of shopping for bread and pastry at PB! The foyer wall, behind the counter space in the bakery, is now adorned with photos of food.

As for the restaurant, Chef Philippe Rispoli has created a new menu for winter/spring 2012 and it has my mouth watering. Ever tried his risotto? This season the flavor comes from Jerusalem artichokes. I think someone must have told Philippe that the Outer Cape has been singularly lacking in vegetarian options, because he now has three on the menu. Vegan Charlotte of Endives with Mushrooms, Basmati Rice, Citrus Soy Milk also sounds yummy. Vegetarians will want to try the Mont-d'Or Vacherin Cheese Fondue for 2, surely a first on the Outer Cape.

Have you eaten at Wellfleet's new French restaurant? If so, what did you enjoy the most?

Sunday, March 04, 2012

On The Road Again

After a wet weekend in Wellfleet, I'm back in the city, preparing for class tonight. Definitely not crazy about all this travel. Commuting is not for me. I have three stories to share:

1.) There have been fewer dolphin strandings over the past two weeks. Three dolphins were rescued in Brewster. That's it!

2.) Break-ins are on the rise. Chatham has been particularly targeted by thieves. One desperate thief stole all the copper pipes out of a rental cottage in Truro.

3.) The National Seashore intends to demolish the beach cottages, called "camps," on North Beach Island in Chatham. Legislators have been asked to intervene. The person who told me about the controversy was irate because there has been no request for public comment prior to the decision. Chatham Selectman Sean Summers decries Superintendent Price's tendency to act without taking into consideration the opinions of members of the local community, reports the Provincetown Banner. Other examples, mentioned in the article, include the future of the dune shacks in Provincetown and the decision to kill crows, which outraged many Wellfleetians two years ago.