“Start at the village of Wellfleet on Route 6. After traveling about a mile, take the Bound Brook Island road on the left for South Truro and a scenic drive from the bay side to the ocean. This is a winding country road passing woods, rolling hills, and salt meadows, leading to delightful Cape Cod Bay … and a view of the Provincetown Monument in the distance.
Follow along through typical Cape Cod scenery – low hills, pines, wild cranberry vines and beach plum bushes … and a fine view of the Hill of Churches.
Then continue to Route 6 and at the sign pointing the way to Pamet Road, bear left, then right, under the overpass to Pamet Road South and the Ocean. As you drive along, note the bleak sand dunes on the right and the Atlantic just beyond. This road winds around the head of the Pamet River. You will pass cranberry bogs, pines and low hills dotted with blueberry and bayberry bushes and windswept oaks.”
david wright · 681 weeks ago
Living Large · 681 weeks ago
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