“Turn right at the stop sign. Note the white church on the hill where the clock in the tower strikes on ship’s time. A short distance from the church, on the same side of the street, is the Wellfleet Historical Society building. Open late June to mid-Sept., Tues. thru Sat. form 2-5 pm. (Admission 50 cents over 12 years.)
Wellfleet maintains much of its original charm and is well worth a leisurely visit in spite of the fact that the new State highway has bypassed the center of the village. Take a sharp left turn at the end of the shopping district for Chequessett Neck, then the first right turn and follow Chequessett Neck Road to Sunset Hill. Here there is a parking area overlooking the surrounding countryside and the bay with Provincetown looming up in the distance. If you are fortunate enough to be at this spot at the close of the day, you may be treated to a glorious sunset.
Leaving this lovely spot. Bear right for Mayo’s Town Beach, Wellfleet Harbor, and the landing. This was a scene of much activity when Wellfleet was a thriving whaling port.
Return to Main Street and turn right on Route 6 in the direction of Eastham. After a short distance, you will find on the right, the Episcopal Church in the round, a unique example of modern construction. After passing the Marconi Station Area on the left, take the second right, West Road for a pleasant drive through fields, low hills and glimpses of Cape Cod Bay …”
amywellfleet · 681 weeks ago
LynnL · 681 weeks ago
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