Thursday, March 08, 2012

How Innkeepers Connect with Guests Online

The Wellfleet Information Booth, above, is closed in winter. People, who make their way to the Outer Cape in quiet season may find accommodation by consulting the Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce, or Discover Wellfleet. Both sites provide innkeepers with a steady flow of customers in summer, but additional advertising is always desirable. Innkeepers can connect with potential guests through the various Web sites that offer information on accommodation. This fall, we lost our favorite because the owner, in the UK, turned the business over to his son and the son decided to regroup, eliminating listings in the USA for the time being. What a shame!

Chez Sven was listed on Green Hotels seven years ago, but we dropped membership. The site offers mainly hotels, as the name implies, so is not really appropriate for small B&Bs. Someone could easily start a site for green B&Bs. There are more every day.

Some sites require payment but not all.

This winter we joined Organic Holidays in the UK. Now we are signing up for Responsible Travel, also based abroad. Chez Sven is listed under "New England." One of the requirements is that the innkeepers promise their B&B will sustain the environment. Here are the 200 words I'm submitting for admission:

“We recycle and compost. We offer guests recycling bins in each accommodation. We filter well water. Sandy is active in the movement to stop the utility company from spraying herbicides that will enter the sole-source aquifer and pollute drinking water. She discusses the issue of toxic chemicals in the environment with guests whenever they show interest. She writes letters to the editors of local newspapers on this topic.

Sven and Sandy are among community members who remove trash from Wellfleet's beaches.

We use mulch in our garden to avoid over-use of water.

We request that guests lower the heat when they leave their rooms.

We would love to install solar panels, since the building faces south, but have not yet been able to afford them.

During renovation, we made our accommodations as eco-friendly as possible. We installed low-energy ventilation fans, high-efficiency windows and CFL lighting. We used VOC-free paint and improved insulation. We had the carpenters recycle the 12-inch wide pine boards. The house remains similar to the Atwood Higgins House, in the nature park nearby. When new residents are building McMansions, we believe the old buildings in town need to be preserved and do our part with Chez Sven.”

Do you think about sustainable practices in your choice of B&B? If not, why not?

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I think it is great you do all of this and I am sure it brings you many guests who are specifically looking for this!
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Hi: That's a tough question because there are so many factors involved in choosing a B & B and on any given trip the ranking of the factors might be different. Location, price, comfort, food...And then there are the variables that people differ on. Want to be private or convivial? Like entertainment or just peace and quiet? How important are knowledgeable hosts to you? Do you avoid climbing stairs? Do you need to be walking distance to restaurants and attractions? And it goes on and on. I love your environmental efforts and appreciate them in any lodgings, but many times the innkeepers/hosts are making those efforts without advertising them, so you have to specifically ask to find out if it is a "green" establishment. So your questions is not easy to answer!!
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1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Thanks for this thoughtful comment, Vera. It would be so nice if there could be a Web site where travelers could find only green B&Bs and then could make their choice, among the green options, based on the criteria you mention. Today I discovered a B&B in Missouri, Rachel's B&B, which uses all organic and green products. I had never heard of the place before. If I had Internet savvy, I would create such a site. Our numbers are, fortunately, on the rise!!
I think the green element would tip the scales for me, if I was comparing various lodging choices. What I worry about (more with big hotels) is how much is green-washing and how much is real.
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I think the fact that you care so much about the environment says a lot about you as innkeepers, and transfers to the care you take of your guests as well. So, yes, it's a good thing.
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I agree with the commenters above. Green is important, but so are many other considerations. Such as: You and Sven being such charming hosts.
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Yes, I do seem to remember a post similar to this awhile back- and me trying to think why I don't make sustainable issues a reason for why I would go somewhere- I know there are alot of other issues to consider- but they definitely should be ONE of my top issues!!

Sad to hear about the UK company and the elimination of listings in the States.
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Those sound like excellent groups to be affiliated with - it's heartening to see that others make travel choices based on sustainability too!
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Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 680 weeks ago

Being environmentally friendly is important to us at home so I think it would be a factor in choosing a B&B!
I'd agree with others above about wonder how much is smoke and mirrors for many "green" B&Bs. Your blog and your statements above about being active in local issues and writing letters would certainly help make your commitment more solid to green issues in my mind.
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alisa bowman's avatar

alisa bowman · 680 weeks ago

I haven't always, but now that I have a way of vetting places (thanks to your links) I will!
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Excellent write up. I'm wondering do you find international guest are more focused on eco-friendly lodging than Americans. From what I remember of previous posts, it seems like you tend to have many guests from abroad. When I lived in Europe years ago it seemed like folks their paid more attention to eco-living naturally, it was just part of how they lived. Not so much here
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
HI, Kristen. Unfortunately, you remember right. International guests are thrilled to be allowed to share your home, while American guests often seem to think Chez Sven is a hotel. International guests from the UK and Germany are way more concerned with the environment than American guests. It is a way of life in their countries, especially in Germany.
It would definitely be a consideration in my B&B choices. My yoga teacher also runs a B&B, and they're very sustainable and eco-friendly.
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I've stayed at several green b&b's. Two of my favorites are: Valley of the Gods Bed & Breakfast in Utah, which is green out of necessity - no public utilities available and Wainuhea Bed & Breakfast on the Big Island - solar panels, green construction, organic and locally sourced breakfast plus organic, locally sourced toiletries. If I can choose a green b&b that meets my needs, I consider it a plus.
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