I wish the answer were False, but probably all our restaurants serve up a majority of genetically-engineered foods because,
What about farm fresh veggies? Depends on the seeds. I learned from Food Inc. how Monsanto has bought up many American seed companies. Whether we like it or not, most seeds are GMO. There are still some companies out there, taking the Safe Seed Pledge, like Johnny's. For information on how to recognize GMOs at the grocery store, go here. For now, buying organic still works but will it for long?
Yesterday I noticed news on Facebook that the European Union had voted 548 to 84, with 31 abstentions, that member countries should have the right to ban genetically-modified crops for environmental reasons. There was an immediate protest by EuropaBio, a lobbying group representing the likes of Monsanto, Bayer, Novartis, Monsanto Europe, Nestlé, Novo Nordisk, Rhône-Poulenc, and Unilever. These corporations do not approve of such bans because they affect the bottom line. I’m very proud of Europe for having resisted. (You can read more in this BBC report.)
In a cable released by Wikileaks, the world learned how the American ambassador to France attempted to force GMOs on France, threatening “retaliation” if the will of Monsanto was thwarted. Are you proud of shenanigans like this? Me neither.
What’s wrong with GMOs you may ask? Aren’t they the answer to feeding the world? The issue is that adequate testing has not been done. In the laboratory, serious problems have arisen after several generations. Animals fed GMOs develop sterility.
Pediatricians worry about the recent increase in food allergies in kids here and whether this increase may be due to stealth GMOs in the diet of children. Such news is enough to make me want to move back to France, knowing Monsanto has the USA in a death grip and does not intend to let go.
Recently there was a report that GMO crops
Thanks to activists, a push for GE salmon was recently defeated, but you can bet the Frankenfish will swim back into Congress next year.
Regulators from 100 countries had reason to celebrate last week when the USA finally agreed to support the labeling of GMOs. Perhaps this is because organic foods in our country are already compromised? From what I understand, a field of organic whatever will be invaded by alien seeds, floating on the wind. Hear it from the mouths of farmers in GM Crops Farmer to Farmer.
GMOs will take over no matter how many petitions we write. This fills me with regret. Great is Monsanto’s folly. But don't take my word for it. Read what Christopher Cook, author of "Diet for a Dead Planet: Big Business and the Coming Food Crisis," has to say on the subject.
If these corporate folks want to eat GMO food, that’s their business, but they should allow the rest of us to grow organic, don’t you think?
(How is this story related to toxic chemicals? GMO crops require more herbicides, including Glyphosate, not less as previously claimed by Monsanto.)
Remember to buy fresh, buy local. Lots of organic foods still
for sale at Hatch's, Wellfleet Marketplace, and our local farmers’ market, open today behind Preservation Hall from 8 to noon. Don’t miss out on meeting the growers who choose non-GMO seeds and the ladies who give their chickens non-GMO feed. We need to patronize this Preservation Hall-endorsed activity if we want it to continue, because there's already controversy in town, and it's not over GMOs. Not yet anyway.
Do you worry about GMOs, or am I alone in this?
Kris · 712 weeks ago
My recent post Five Reasons to Replace Your Lawn with Vegetables
Jennifer Margulis · 712 weeks ago
Chris V · 712 weeks ago
"Last night I received a disturbing email. It was from a contact telling me one big PR firm dedicates over 50 staff fulltime to the Monsanto account. On top of this, Monsanto themselves already have 75 staff working solely to investigate and prosecute farmers. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Using our power in numbers is the only way we can take on Monsanto, and the rest of big ag. That’s why we need all 250,000 of us to each chip in a little bit today to help us keep the lights on. The other side won't rest. They have billions of dollars to stop every reform we want - and they work day and night with stadiums full of lobbyists to spread their propaganda to the American public and elected officials. Each time they try, we need to be there to stop them. To trump corporate influence with people power, to expose their lies and propaganda for what it is, and show politicians that we will hold them accountable - as we've already done together on GMOs, corporate monopolies, child nutrition, food safety and more in the past. Big Ag has never faced this before - people power at its finest, with thousands of everyday citizens chipping in a small amount to make a sum total far greater than its parts, motivated not by greed but by moral duty. But to be out there effectively at a moment's notice - on the streets, in the press, on the web, in the Capitol - this time we need you to vote with your wallet. "
Law students in Asia strive to be lawyers for Monsanto as that is considered the "Power Position" for their future.
Additionally, it has been scientifically proven that Genetically Engineered foods destroy your natural microflora and are capable of altering the genetics of bacteria in your gut and colon and can cause deadly Infections and many blood borne diseases.
For more information go to Jeffrey's Smith's Website: The Institute for Responsible Technology, the Organic Consumers Association as well as Food Democracy.Org. We are in a civil war: MONSANTO VS. AMERICA!!!
We are replacing ancient organic farming practices with green GMO deserts in America with the blessing of the Obama Administration as well as former Republican Administrations, the Clinton Administration and The Bill Gates Foundation. GMO's are in your pharmaceuticals as well. The USDA and FDA that claim GMO's and Organic Farms need to co-exist. It is an oxymoron and impossibility. Our waterways nationwide are being contaminated with GMO's in Big Ag areas and spreading. Food Sovereignty is a basic human right and being destroyed not only in America; but world wide. STOP USING and eating ROUND-UP aka Glyphosate:
Overcome Evil with Good!!! for the sake of our children, humanity, Mother Nature and the planet. Grow something ~ Anything ~ Organic. Restore Soil Biodiversity. Support your local organic farmers!
Champion of My Heart · 712 weeks ago
My recent post Trouble Round the Bend: Off-Leash Dogs
Melanie · 712 weeks ago
My recent post The Mincepocalypse
Chris V · 712 weeks ago
Contrast all of this with the Father of Medicines Hippocrates that is quoted "First Do No Harm" and the second part of that is "Let Medicine Be Thy Food and Food Be Thy Medicine". It is a process to understand, wrap our brain around and take action in our American culture, but we are on the brink of extinction of Democracy as we knew it before GMO's came on the scene in our lifetimes.
We must vote with our dollar not only in the supermarket, but in the election of our political figures. I no longer accept the "lesser of two evils" philosophy. Evil is Evil and two wrongs never make anything right. United the USA the citizens of USA must stand. Knowledge is Power. Divided we fall. We can prevail and must keep Hope alive!
judy Stock · 711 weeks ago
The citizens of this country are not being given a choice. Of course it is the right thing to do to have labels on our food specifying which foods are GMOs. I would almost think we lived in Cuba, whose citizen's rights are violated every day, as they can't leave their island. What's the difference. We are being made to swallow something we don't want--GMO's!!!
Living Large · 711 weeks ago
My recent post Lessons our Dogs Teach us and a Book Giveaway
anjuli · 711 weeks ago
Thank you for this great post!!!
My recent post Are you missing?