This winter has been so mild that ticks will be a definite menace in 2012. Last summer I noted fewer ticks, perhaps due to the three inches of ice that coated the countryside in January. Ticks are not supposed to be affected by winter weather, but the fact remains that I did see a difference.
Yesterday NPR reported on tick habitat across the USA. The Outer Cape has lots of ticks. Not as many as Nantucket, or the Vineyard. Still, best to be wary.
There’s a bill, filed by Rep. Jennifer Benson, to establish a Lyme Disease research center at the UMASS Medical School at Worcester. (To support Bill H.0349, write to the Joint Committee on Higher Education. Rep. Tom Sannicandro and Senator Michael O. Moore are Co-Chairs. Please shoot them short emails on this important matter.)
Yesterday legislative aide Jocelyn Cary, in Rep. Peake’s office, gave me an update. The bill is still in committee. Jocelyn reported the possibility that it might not go anywhere, due to progress on the Commission on Lyme Disease proposed by Governor Patrick. Members are still being approved. Seven remain to be appointed.
Personally, I do not understand why we cannot have both.
Having had Lyme Disease in the past, I am especially careful and warn guests to do regular tick checks. I have covered organic bug sprays in earlier posts. What also works as protection is to move around outside, rather than staying in one spot. So far, this technique has kept ticks off me ...
Do you worry about deer ticks? Have you had Lyme Disease? Do you consider the word "epidemic" to be appropriate?
connie · 685 weeks ago
I had a friend who had lyme disease - he suffered for quite some time before the doctors figured it out- they really were going with all sorts of ideas in left field- when they finally discovered it- he had really been through a lot- would be interesting to hear if you were able to get it diagnosed quickly or if it also took awhile.
My recent post Wild Wednesday- Murky Soup- Part II
chezsven 82p · 685 weeks ago
Living Large · 685 weeks ago
Casey · 685 weeks ago