Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To Commute or Not To Commute ...

When I was in my 30s, I used to commute into Paris every day and thought nothing of the one-hour drive each way. At twice that age, I no longer feel so serene about getting in a car and driving to work. In fact, I’ve decided I really do not enjoy commuting to Cape Cod every weekend. Give me a solid winter month or two in the city, and I’m happy. That’s what Sven and I had last year. We lived in Cambridge for two months while a friend house-sat. For 2012, Sven decided to stay in Wellfleet, which means I must travel back and forth. I hate to think of all the gasoline the Volvo consumes. Wasteful, wasteful. I could take the bus, true. I have friends who swear by the bus. And, I do take it on an occasional basis, but what can I say? I simply prefer to drive. The two elements to consider are 1.) comfort, and 2.) speed. Every weekend, back and forth by bus, at 65, does not compute. Also, I usually stop in Orleans and food-shop along the way.

I have known Wellfleetians who actually worked in Boston and commuted every day. One woman would carpool to the Barnstable lot and take the bus from there, Monday through Friday. I have also encountered a few people who have the means to fly from Provincetown and back. (The fortunate few!) And, I’ve met professors who work in Providence, and come to the Cape on weekends. I don’t think I could do that. Because another problem is what happens once you return to Wellfleet. All it takes is one look at, say, Long Pond for instance, and a person wonders why he/she ever left in the first place.

Two hours, with no traffic, is one long drive. I cannot imagine doing that every day.

One of the conundrums the Economic Development Committee has been examining is how to increase the number of folks who live in Wellfleet and work from home. How does a town attract professionals with young children, interested in living year-round?

What’s your take on commuting? Do you do it? How long is your commute? Would you consider commuting to Boston or Providence for work? What would it take to get you to move your online business to Wellfleet?

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Before I had children I commuted to my job in NYC, about an hour-plus each way from Connecticut. It was no big deal. Now, many years later, when I have to take the train in for a class just once a week, I am so thankful I am no longer a commuter!
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We used to have a 45 minute commute at our last house and after doing it for 8 years, it was just too much. We not only had to drive that far to work, but about 30 min to get to any stores, banking, doctors, etc. It was rough. My parents have a house on a lake and we toyed with the idea of commuting from there in the summer, but it's an hour and a half and by the time you get back at night, it's too late to do anything outside so it was pointless,
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Of course I don't live over on the East Coast- but I do know neither I nor my husband like to commute- we like to be as close to work as possible. In Ghana it was always walking distance- in Japan, a short bus ride away- here in the States, a quick 7 to 10 minute drive depending on traffic lights and traffic. I do know many who commute LONG distances both by bus and car- I think it is a great idea if you can convince people to live in Well fleet all year round with sustainable jobs. It would save themselves so much time- and also save on gas etc.
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alisa bowman's avatar

alisa bowman · 681 weeks ago

I try my hardest to stay out of my car and I made buying decisions based on how close something is to my house. But, of course, there are exceptions. Like when my dentist moved farther away--from w/in walking distance to w/in driving distance, I thought about finding a new, closer dentist. But I really like him. So, right now, I'm driving. But I choose a yoga class mostly because I could ride my bike to it vs one farther away. It just depends on the goals and variables. My parents live 1.5 hr away and I'm not going to NOT visit them in order to stay out of the car. So sometimes the car is a must.
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I love the solitude of getting in a car and driving anywhere by myself. But I wouldn't like it if I HAD to do it every single day for work. Guess I'd listen to a lot of audiobooks or something.
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When I first started working my father gave me a bit of advice about commuting and that was to limit my commute to no more than 30 minutes each way. I have taken that to heart ever since, when going to an office. There was a time I did home health, and part of the job was driving from home to home, and my areas were generally close together. Still, I'm all for the limited commute.
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I commute by walking down the hall to my office. I find that the less I drive, the more I resent it when I have to.
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I completely understand your frustration at the public transit options for Cape Cod. Here in New York/New Jersey, I depend on pubtrans for commuting and have always been lucky enough to be able to afford it - yes, even commuter trains are pretty pricey! But driving an hour each way to/from work would probably send me into a mental tailspin, and that's what many of my friends who don't live in the NYC area deal with every day.
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We could NOT live where we do (rural, mtn location) and commute. Sure, we have neighbors who do, but it would make me mental. It seems to me far too much work and driving to "live" in a place that you never have time to enjoy.
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Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 681 weeks ago

My longest commute was a 40 minute drive when I worked in banking. There were days I hated it, but there were also days when I enjoyed destressing in the car with my music before I got home. This was especially true when we had teenagers and it was often my only time I had to myself all day. Since we moved to the country, it is Dale who has a 30 minute commute into town and he doesn't enjoy it. I walk about 25 yards up the drive to my writer's studio. That's all the commuting I want to do these days!
I recently took a new job that is 100% working from home and I must say I love it. My wife has her own business and works from home in adjoining office, and many days our lunch hour consists of taking the dog out for a run in the woods at the end of the road. Everyone wins! Now as this upcoming Spring will be first one when we have our little cottage in Wellfleet, we are going to try doing some "working from cottage"; I hope that we can as I can't think of nicer place to be.
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing, Paul. I was really delighted to have one comment from someone who is working from home and living in Wellfleet. That's great! Wishing you much success with this new adventure. I agree. Everyone wins!
Thankfully my commute is usually just to my home office too. I can't imagine enduring 2+ hours of traffic a day
My commute is only around 1.5 miles, which is mostly good. Sometimes, though,
I could use a little more down time in between, to shift gears from work mode to family time. But I know I'm very lucky, and a tank of gas lasts a long time.

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