1.) A Made-in-Wellfleet day.
2.) Multi-media film organized by Dee Portnoy.
3.) Wellfleet-moments movie.
4.) The Wellfleet Historical Society is working on an oral history project.
5.) Walking tours, clambake.
6.) Sports events.
7.) The Chequessett Yacht Club will organize a golf tournament and a regatta.
8.) A giant potluck for town residents in off-season.
Here are more suggestions from the audience:
1.) The Adams Lodge will organize a Halloween party.
2.) Beth Chapman spoke of her involvement in Truro's 300th and suggested walking tours based on the watercolor paintings Edward Hopper created in our town.
3.) Elaine Lipton said the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival will dedicate one of its summer concerts to Wellfleet, with a program composed around Mary Oliver's poetry.
4.) Neighborhood block parties.
5.) Deb Giza suggested a horse and buggy tour of Paine Hollow.
6.) Marcia Seeler mentioned the Conservation Trust annual walk in September.
7.) An International Talk-Like-a-Pirate day celebration.
8.) Mark Hough of WHAT said playwrights will be encouraged to seek inspiration that fits the 250th theme.
9.) A scholarship for a student born and educated in Wellfleet could be created.
10.) A photo contest.
11.) Bob Prescott of MA Audubon volunteered to host a birthday party.
12.) The National Seashore will organize the Marconi Story and more.
13.) The Methodist Church may hold a tour of its stain glass windows, which illustrate the town and church's history.
14.) Someone spoke about the organization of a huge family photo on the town pier.
15.) Jean Schaefer, of the Wellfleet Non-Resident Taxpayers Association, suggested the creation of a booklet.
16.) David Wright and Becky Rosenberg may work together to organize a field day for children at Baker's field, an event they both remembered from the 200th anniversary.
17.) Becky may also organize a history of sports in Wellfleet.
18.) A triathalon.
19.) A kayak race.
20.) The Parkington Sisters will hold a concert at the bandstand on the pier.
21.) Kathleen Bacon volunteered to approach local sculptor Penelope Jenks with regard to the creation of a bronze commemorative statue of some kind.
Phew! Not sure I captured everything. The ideas were flowing fast and furious.
Do you have any suggestions you would like to share?
connie · 685 weeks ago
I especially liked the oral history project- in researching family and history- I do think we need to preserve more of it in oral and paper form- preserve it before those who know things are gone.
My recent post Wild Wednesday- Murky Soup- Part II
Indian Neck · 685 weeks ago
Few ideas that build on what you have mentioned.
Anything that builds on Wellfleet's history as both a working town and present day summer destination with amazing natural resources...... Native Americans, early European visitors, Whaling, Marconi, pirate ship wrecks and the railroad from history. Beautiful ocean and bay beaches, fresh water ponds and biking and hiking from the present.
I also think scholarships for local students is a great idea that nonresidents could contribute to. I know that Massachusetts law allows for a local checkoff contribution to town scholarships that any property owners can contribute to.
Of course restaurants, inns, WHAT, galleries and all of the various commercial enterprises that make the town so much fun need recognition too.
chezsven 82p · 684 weeks ago
Dick Nicholson · 684 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 684 weeks ago