1.) Seamen's Bank would like to rebuild a larger two-story structure on the Route 6 lot and must go before the Board of Appeals to get a special permit.
2.) Do you think bonfires should be allowed on Wellfleet's beaches?
3.) Here is an update from Tracy Plaut on the IFAW event at Preservation Hall last Saturday: "We had 98 people attend who asked fantastic questions and really seemed to enjoy the presentation. We got a good group of people who were interested in volunteering which is invaluable! The Americorps house of Wellfleet and a group of my friends baked delicious sweets that were beautifully packed, and we had a ton of donations. All in all, we raised $2,150 which thrilled me no end, but the most important thing is that people had a forum to get all of their questions and concerns met surrounding the most recent event. Katie Moore, our director of the IFAW Marine Mammal Rescue and Research Department, gave the same presentation she had given to Congress two weeks before, and we had three additional staff to help answer questions as well. I could not have been more pleased."
3.) Have you marked your calendar yet for Blossoms? April 13, 14, 15. The organizers are very exited and with reason. "From zero to sixty miles an hour in two months," is how Judith Stiles described the progress to the Economic Development Committee yesterday. There will be free workshops, including How to Become a Non-Starving Artist, tile-painting, paper crane creation, and working with pastels. Approximately thirty emerging artists will show their work at Preservation Hall. (The deadline for submission has been extended to March 5.) The opening will begin at 3:30 with a wine/cheese cash bar and a fiddler for ambiance. Provincetown playwright Meryl Cohen will do a reading of her new play at WHAT. A poetry workshop will be held at the library. This is only a partial list of everything that is planned. Do check out Blossoms's web site and come to Wellfleet for this amazing new festival.