Here ye, all those with deep pockets and anyone interested in learning more about dolphins on Cape Cod: This coming Saturday, at Wellfleet Preservation Hall, you will be given the opportunity to learn lots of fun stuff about dolphins. Tracy Plaut is organizing. Why are they stranding themselves on the Outer Cape? Do you know what to do if you encounter a stranded dolphin on the beach? If the answer to this question is no, make sure to attend from 1 to 3 for a bit of enlightenment.
Tracy is also putting together a silent auction and bake sale to raise money for IFAW. The non-profit organization really needs monetary assistance this year ...
Did you know the tags volunteers use cost from $2200 to $3000 a piece? Tags are placed on the dorsal fin and transmit information on where the animal has gone after release in Provincetown.

Check out some of the voyages on this cool map. IFAW accomplishes blood work and health assessment of dolphins before release. Earlier on, single stranded dolphins were euthanized, Tracy told me, because rescuers believed single animals could not survive on their own. Since then, it has been proved that they do hook up with other groups of animals. IFAW has had confirmation from boats and planes. Of the 71 found live in Wellfleet over the past five weeks, eleven died, four had to be euthanized due to injuries, and 56 were released.
If you have not already watched the fascinating CNN video of the IFAW volunteers in Wellfleet, check it out
Why do we all find dolphins so fascinating? Have you ever gotten up close and personal with one? Do you think people should be allowed to "swim with dolphins"?
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