C’est y est. La fabrication du pain au PB Boulangerie Bistro a demarré ce matin á 7 heures.
“Think of me as part of the plumbing,” said plumbing inspector Steve Pechonis, when I nodded at him
Steve’s wife was biting into her pain aux raisins.
“Who is our next guest?” asked the young lady behind the counter.
Definitely the right thing to say. A twitter arose from the line.
“Guest! Did you hear that? We’re guests here, not customers!”
“Other bakeries are going to have a hard time topping this act,” said Sven as we exited the shop, baguette in hand.
The bread was still warm by the time we got home.
In a few weeks the bistro will start serving meals prepared by French chef Philippe Rispoli. How exciting is that!!!