I don’t know about you but I am feeling summer-deprived right now, so no more photos of rainy Wellfleet will you see for a bit. Instead of snow, we have had constant drizzle and sleet over the past week. Overnight tiny flakes started falling. This photo, taken at Duck Harbor a few years ago, overwhelmed me with its beauty yesterday, which produced the impulse to share. May the beige beach and blue sky be a reminder that good weather is on the way.
As for our battle to stop NStar from spraying toxic chemicals on Cape Cod, starting next month, you will find a Cape Cod Times account of the meeting held yesterday in Boston on this issue here. As a green innkeeper, I object to the utility company's plan to apply five herbicides under power lines along 150 miles of Cape Cod, with its sandy soil, since alternative methods of brush control are available and the toxic chemicals will filter down into the water we drink. (Any environmental lawyers out there who can help?)
The latest storms have wreaked havoc on local beaches. Check out these recent photos taken by Patrick Burns (Hat tip to Janet!). When the sunshine returns, Sven and I will journey out to bring you an erosion update.
Finally, go read my guest blog today at Living Large in Our Little House.
Since it’s Friday, a few local updates:
PB Boulangerie opens this Saturday at 7 a.m. Du vrai bon pain!
Also, Saturday, at WHAT, enjoy the 3rd Annual Cape Cod Filmmaker Takeover.
And, set aside March 20, at 1:32 in the afternoon, for the groundbreaking at Preservation Hall, to welcome spring in style. There will be a photo taken on the steps, and then the crowd will proceed up the street to The Lighthouse for a celebration of Wellfleet’s incredible community spirit.